

Well-Known Member
It used to be the case that it was updated every public build (since it's the public-facing version of the code), but for the last several months at least, it's usually been updated later or not at all. That said, I can understand not updating every public build now, since all builds this month are going to be public ones and it'd be too much of a hassle.

There was also one time when the 'public' branch was updated to a more recent version than the default 'master' branch, though that's not the case right now.


Well-Known Member
Oh i don't have an expectation of when it ought to be updated by, it's all free on my end so i make no demands whatsoever, i was just trying to suss out the rough time frame it gets updated in, i was expecting an answer like "it's due for update and it probably will be by the end of the week" or "it only gets updated every 3 months, so a while yet" you know? Just gauging it to insert the data into my head.
Yeah, it's been quite inconsistent lately. If it gets too long since the last update, people like SeriousBlueJewel generally start complaining.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 5, 2018
Sorry logic type spectrum members can't use magic


Active Member
Dec 17, 2019
How do you expect me to work the wiki without the source code?

It might be a little cumbersome, but if you have the processing power to do so, you could use this tool for decompilation.

For reference, a 4-thread system decompiled the entire thing in about 12 mins, and will take up about 100MB of space for the decompiled files.

The big difference is that there will be a whole load of 'this' throughout the code, and that the main game code will all be in one long 75+ MB file.

If you want to browse through the main game code, you're gonna need a good text editor. Notepad++ runs poorly when I tried it. Sublime Text works fine for the most part.

For items, they're mostly preserved as their own files, under "scripts/classes/Items".
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