The Last Demonhunter


Well-Known Member
Sep 19, 2015
Link to the game: Up to date on this blog.:

Game engine: RPG Maker VX Ace

Setting: Dark Fantasy

Nutshell synposis: You are a young wannabe demonhunter heading into the world to find your missing sister, obstructed by a lot of monstergirls and tentaclecock, trying to avoid being turned into a monstergirl yourself, or a sex slave of one of them.

Adult themes: F/F, F/M, F/S, Corruption, transformation, mind control, Female and Shemale dominant, Female submissive, monstergirls, Slimes, tentacles, and other delicious goodness.

Design progress and scope: It is an erotic game, of course, but I want you to also be able to sink a few hours into enjoying an actual story, once its done. I expect this game to take quite a while until completion, and intend to make it twice as big as the original(Feel free to check it out, but beware of spoilers and.. its crappy by comparison.)





A Little promotional comic!:


Oh and, yes, we do have a patreon, Click here to make a donation. but unless you want to you wont have to give a dime, for the full game content, and that wont change. I'm happy enough if you enjoy the game, maybe drop a positive comment, etc.

Latest version of the game: 0.89

If you have any questions or suggestions, feel free to post below, I check on all comments semi-regularly.

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Reactions: Drakel Void


Well-Known Member
Sep 19, 2015
Updated with slightly halloween delayed, but spookey theatre additions, and a new companion. See the blog for details.
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Nov 24, 2015
I've started playing the game a few days ago and I can only say: Credit where credit's due. I love it. I love the hero, the story, the NPC's (so far) and the gameplay. Good work.

But I also have a few questions:

- Will there be a Wiki/Forum?

- How do you find the secret mountain pass? I kept reading about this in the updates on the blog, but couldn't find out where it is. Nevermind, found it.

- Are there any sex scenes yet (apart from the loss scenes/bad ends)? I read in one update that it's possible to trigger sex scenes with NPC's if you undress the hero fully, but so far I couldn't find any?

- I also found a bug (reportet it already on the blog under the last release, but you can send me a message here if you need/want more information).
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Well-Known Member
Oct 2, 2015
ive ran into something thats causes the game to crash after the lesser succubus wins near the start after the part where she says give me a kiss and the screen goes black this comes up script change graphic line 43: no method error occurred undefined method reset check for game actor: 0x7a5e1bc not sure if anyone else is having this problem or if its just me


Well-Known Member
Sep 19, 2015
I've started playing the game a few days ago and I can only say: Credit where credit's due. I love it. I love the hero, the story, the NPC's (so far) and the gameplay. Good work.

But I also have a few questions:

- Will there be a Wiki/Forum?

- Are there any sex scenes yet (apart from the loss scenes/bad ends)? I read in one update that it's possible to trigger sex scenes with NPC's if you undress the hero fully, but so far I couldn't find any?

- I also found a bug (reportet it already on the blog under the last release, but you can send me a message here if you need/want more information).

1. Thanks, praise always makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. If you like the npcs, then moar and moar is coming. ^^

2. You can comment on the blog, but there is no official forum, this is the first time I hear interest in one. If anyone -wants- to make a wiki they'd be more then welcomed too.

3. Yes there is one, but only for the evil town not saved path for now, I plan more, but longer sex scenes will actually be rewards, aka you will have to get good relationshp scores with a companion to sex them up properly. I am aware that outright naughties would be more.. accessible but I want to tell a story too.

4. If you reported on the blog and it is fixed, all good, if it is not, and it is something you deem important, not a 1 in a 1000 occurance, feel free to email me. I do check these forums, but more weekly then daily. ^^

ive ran into something thats causes the game to crash after the lesser succubus wins near the start after the part where she says give me a kiss and the screen goes black this comes up script change graphic line 43: no method error occurred undefined method reset check for game actor: 0x7a5e1bc not sure if anyone else is having this problem or if its just me

This should be fixed in next weeks release.
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New Member
Dec 6, 2015

Nice game you've made and I'm interested in seeing your progress. A lot of my post has spoilers so I'll wrap the rest in the appropriate tag.

I ran into the same bug as tjmac and also another one shortly after fight at the top of the Demonhunter tower.

If I could make a suggestion, don't have extra monsters appearing at the start of fights. I found myself restarting quite often when I'd encounter 2 Infectors and then a Lamia would also join them. At that point I'm losing most of my HP (so a heal is needed during the fight) and I'm often getting poisoned and infected in the same fight which saps your HP extremely quickly.

Also having battle text repeat multiple times gets pretty annoying. Its fine to tell the player that this monster is trying to insert worms in your ears the first time, but after fighting that monster 20 times its not much fun having to spam enter to skip through the text as fast as possible.

In the fight with the corrupted Demonhunter he comments that your style of fighting must mean you're Ashara's sister. But Ayla tells the guy that she's her sister before the fight starts which made the comment kinda weird. Is he just meant to be confirming what you said for himself?

While there's plenty that can be improved I do want to see more of this game as I'm a sucker for RPG Maker games.

p.s. Can you beat the corrupted Demonhunter in the first instance before Miay joins you?


Dec 6, 2015
The issue tjmac noted also pccurs several other times that I've found (either the same, or near identical).

It happens during the point you pick up the broken sword (after defeating the corrupted demonhunter and picking it up), and during the slimegirl bad end (consecutive defeats) when you're standing in the circle.

Hopefully that helps somewhat in trying to fix it.
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Nov 24, 2015
p.s. Can you beat the corrupted Demonhunter in the first instance before Miay joins you
Yes you can, but it's quite difficult and you have to be lucky as well. I had to defeat every monster I could find to reach level 10 before the fight, and I was quite lucky concerning critical hits during the fight. But I defeatet her without the catgirl.


Well-Known Member
Sep 19, 2015

First of all thanks for the feedback. I like the Lamia based design however, you are not -ment- to simply brute force yourself through the entire game.. not all fights should always be fought.

It always confuses me when people post suggestions and things like 'you could improve this a lot' when there is nothing to improve, for example, an item to turn off in combat messages already exists, see the key item tab. Also,  the corrupted demonhunter is not a he.

Anyway, yes, there is a way to overcome the demonhunter on your own, and infact, a small bonus if you do so, I see it as something for people that like a challenge.
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Dec 6, 2015
Since the latest update Miay's Fireclaws seems to be unavailable. The skill is shown, but can't be used (as though you didn't have enough mana, even though it's full).

Your levels also seem to reset after beating the corrupted demonhunter (and meet the emmisary) on the succubus route (you're set to lvl 1, losing all your extra skills, and don't relearn them as you level up). Not sure if that's intended or not.


New Member
Dec 6, 2015
First of all thanks for the feedback. I like the Lamia based design however, you are not -ment- to simply brute force yourself through the entire game.. not all fights should always be fought.

It always confuses me when people post suggestions and things like 'you could improve this a lot' when there is nothing to improve, for example, an item to turn off in combat messages already exists, see the key item tab. Also,  the corrupted demonhunter is not a he.

Anyway, yes, there is a way to overcome the demonhunter on your own, and infact, a small bonus if you do so, I see it as something for people that like a challenge.

Ok I see your point about not fighting everything you come across, but if your character is going to have to overcome boss enemies the best way to do that is to beat up as many groups of weaker enemies as possible beforehand or you're severely handicapping yourself. Not to mention that fighting gives you the money to buy potions etc. If your point is more to do with "you should run away when extra monsters spawn" then that's fine and its something the player can adapt to as they learn to play the game.

Hmm I saw that option to turn off combat messages in another game you posted here but not in this one, my apologies. I guess I'd like the option to only show new combat messages and not turn them off entirely if that was possible.

Magic Ted

Forum God
Aug 26, 2015
I gave it a run through. I frowned.

A few things. Your menu UI is rather noisy, both in color and actual substance. This probably could be changed simply by not making the background a gradient blue so everything contrasts a little better, but that'd have to be experimented on.

Right at the start the game starts to make me frown. Text scrolls out of the chatbox; you need to get a better script such as Yanfly's. Make it scroll to fit automatically, whatev. There were a few grammar errors here and there, but that was a lot less noticeable then early on in the damn game when you're show casing everything having text fall off the screen. Then it's just a sign of poor quality control.

The demon invasion of the town was poorly choreographed; it felt like you had to go around and grind out killing all the slimes one by one. I would suggest instead making some heavy handed quip of "I should look around and find the ring leader" or something like that for both this and similar events in the future.


Dec 6, 2015
Another quick bug

The scene with Miay after clearing the tower doesn't work if you trigger it yourself (by going into the camp)

It puts your entry point as the normal entrance (rather than the tent) and thus the automatic walking makes you leave the area immediately

I think the succubus path scene works though (as it's automatically triggered)


Well-Known Member
Sep 19, 2015
Since the latest update Miay's Fireclaws seems to be unavailable. The skill is shown, but can't be used (as though you didn't have enough mana, even though it's full).

Your levels also seem to reset after beating the corrupted demonhunter (and meet the emmisary) on the succubus route (you're set to lvl 1, losing all your extra skills, and don't relearn them as you level up). Not sure if that's intended or not.

Fixed in new release and intended.

Ok I see your point about not fighting everything you come across, but if your character is going to have to overcome boss enemies the best way to do that is to beat up as many groups of weaker enemies as possible beforehand or you're severely handicapping yourself. Not to mention that fighting gives you the money to buy potions etc. If your point is more to do with "you should run away when extra monsters spawn" then that's fine and its something the player can adapt to as they learn to play the game.

Hmm I saw that option to turn off combat messages in another game you posted here but not in this one, my apologies. I guess I'd like the option to only show new combat messages and not turn them off entirely if that was possible.

I don't want a game thats an easy breeze through, I don't want it unfair, but I want to give people a challenge. Perhaps fighting EVERY spawn is -not- always the smartest idea. Yeah, no, that option while possible would take way too much time for something that I've heard requested for the first or second time.

Another quick bug

The scene with Miay after clearing the tower doesn't work if you trigger it yourself (by going into the camp)

It puts your entry point as the normal entrance (rather than the tent) and thus the automatic walking makes you leave the area immediately

I think the succubus path scene works though (as it's automatically triggered)

Fixed in new release.

I gave it a run through. I frowned.

A few things. Your menu UI is rather noisy, both in color and actual substance. This probably could be changed simply by not making the background a gradient blue so everything contrasts a little better, but that'd have to be experimented on.

Right at the start the game starts to make me frown. Text scrolls out of the chatbox; you need to get a better script such as Yanfly's. Make it scroll to fit automatically, whatev. There were a few grammar errors here and there, but that was a lot less noticeable then early on in the damn game when you're show casing everything having text fall off the screen. Then it's just a sign of poor quality control.

The demon invasion of the town was poorly choreographed; it felt like you had to go around and grind out killing all the slimes one by one. I would suggest instead making some heavy handed quip of "I should look around and find the ring leader" or something like that for both this and similar events in the future.

Well, then I have to frown upon your feedback. You nitpick three things, two of wich are mostly personal opinion, and present them in a way that while attempting to be constructive, is so condescending I don't feel inclined to give them further consideration.You make one quite valid point, but don't provide any examples allowing me to improve or fix what you point out.

Anyway, folks, that all responded to, New version of the game is out, New years released, lots of bugfixes, four new bad endings, get it on the blog, here:
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Well-Known Member
Sep 19, 2015
The issue tjmac noted also pccurs several other times that I've found (either the same, or near identical).

It happens during the point you pick up the broken sword (after defeating the corrupted demonhunter and picking it up), and during the slimegirl bad end (consecutive defeats) when you're standing in the circle.

Hopefully that helps somewhat in trying to fix it.

Actually, now it is fixed, there still was a minor issue. Programming code be weird, yo, apologies. ^^


Dec 6, 2015
The bug I found (with the scene at the campsite after the demonhunter tower) seems to still be happening.

After beating the tower on succubus mode, it runs the scene with the other succubi coming along, and then your instantly transported to the campsite for that scene.

On a non-succubi run though it doesn't isntantly transport you there, so the scene doesn't occur. And then if you choose to enter the campsite from the outside, it tries to start the scene then. However since you're not at the location it thinks you should be (the tent), the automatic movements cause you to walk one step left and then instantly exit the area. Upon going back in the exact same thing happens.

bug (character is behind textbox at the bottom).png


Sep 14, 2015
The bug I found (with the scene at the campsite after the demonhunter tower) seems to still be happening.

After beating the tower on succubus mode, it runs the scene with the other succubi coming along, and then your instantly transported to the campsite for that scene.

On a non-succubi run though it doesn't isntantly transport you there, so the scene doesn't occur. And then if you choose to enter the campsite from the outside, it tries to start the scene then. However since you're not at the location it thinks you should be (the tent), the automatic movements cause you to walk one step left and then instantly exit the area. Upon going back in the exact same thing happens.

View attachment 2613

The same thing happened to me as well. Did the non-succubus run and when i got to the camp site i was stuck at the bottom of the screen before my character walked out of the scene. I could still play the rest of the game though.


Sep 14, 2015
Sorry Deva, found a new bug.

If you defeat the Corrupted Deamonhunter before Miay joins she wont enter your party. Also, you can't go back down the stairs to the previous floor, your stuck on the top floor outside the building.


Well-Known Member
Sep 19, 2015
Sorry Deva, found a new bug.

If you defeat the Corrupted Deamonhunter before Miay joins she wont enter your party. Also, you can't go back down the stairs to the previous floor, your stuck on the top floor outside the building.

Both fixed in the newest version, here:

As well as picture updates, a new H-scene, etc.

I hope they are fixed anyway. Bugs are evil and persistent things. Like Cockroaches. .. wait..


Sep 14, 2015
Found a new one :p

I entered the city and witnessed the Dryad's execution. Then back tracked to pick up Rose and re-entered the city. The Execution scene plays out again but when it finishes and fades to black the screen stays black. The music is still playing and I can still access the menu and all it's options but I can't interact outside of that, tried moving the party back out the city but nothing happens. If it helps, I am using a save from a previous version of the game. 

Lol, but the new art you commissioned is fantastic BTW :)  I love that your putting so much passion and effort behind the game!


Well-Known Member
Sep 19, 2015
Found a new one :p

I entered the city and witnessed the Dryad's execution. Then back tracked to pick up Rose and re-entered the city. The Execution scene plays out again but when it finishes and fades to black the screen stays black. The music is still playing and I can still access the menu and all it's options but I can't interact outside of that, tried moving the party back out the city but nothing happens. If it helps, I am using a save from a previous version of the game. 

Lol, but the new art you commissioned is fantastic BTW :)  I love that your putting so much passion and effort behind the game!

That should be fixed on this saturdays release, I had a thingie set up almost right.. programs don't do almost.

And thank you, the art should be in in two weeks time, The Patreon does help a -lot- in realizing my vision, as for me..well. I just decided that having my idea come to live was more important to me than going on holidays once.. and its reactions like these that prove me right. ^^


Dec 6, 2015
In the latest update, Kitty vanishes during the leadup to the battle against the corrupted demonhunter (just after she throws you the potion).

Thus when the story progression requires she does something (other than talk) the game stalls.


Well-Known Member
Sep 19, 2015
In the latest update, Kitty vanishes during the leadup to the battle against the corrupted demonhunter (just after she throws you the potion).

Thus when the story progression requires she does something (other than talk) the game stalls.

The sprite poofs, yes, but that shouldn't break the game. what exactly happens? Edit: The sprite issue I've fixed for the next release, that was a small misprogramming, but the stalling no one else has mentioned..
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Sep 8, 2015
The sprite poofs, yes, but that shouldn't break the game. what exactly happens? Edit: The sprite issue I've fixed for the next release, that was a small misprogramming, but the stalling no one else has mentioned..

Reporting in to say I got the softlock as well. Perhaps it's something related to being a cat-girl, but I honestly do not know. Alternatively, it might just be that Kitty can't reach her destination and the game is paused until she does. Either way, that's just a shot in the dark.

Side note, Poison/Infection does a ton of damage. Perhaps infection is okay, but with Lamias I've been poison/wrap/sleep stunlocked and went from full health to 1HP before I could act again. Hooray for cheap healing spell!


Sep 14, 2015
Found a new bug.

When Rose is in the party and you go to the equipment menu and highlight her, an error message pops up and says "Unable to find file: Graphics/Pictures/Rose"


Well-Known Member
Oct 27, 2015
Really enjoying this so far. Found some bugs, although one might be by design.

  1. I went back to the top of the tower after the camp scene to try to get into the mage room without luck. Tried to go back down again, and it sent me back to the camp. Except this time no scene played and I was stuck in the tent entrance.
  2. One of the plant things stripped off the armor bra and I can't find a way to put it back on. Rested in the inn a couple times and unequipped+requipped armor.
  3. Game is not recording game overs, encounters, etc. All still count at 0. Game is on Normal.
  4. Game crashes if I try to view the status of Rose. "Unable to find file: Graphics/Picture/Rose"
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