The Four Lands


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
It was a quite day in the Wet Bitch, the drinks are cold, the food is filling and a cheerful din fills the room. At one table were three people and they were rather famous! They were the ones that defeated Lethice after all! There isn't a person that doesn't know their names for stopping the demon hoard in its tracks and felling its leader.

One of these heroes is a 6 foot tall human man with pink hair named Diavolo. A fearsome paladin called "The Crimson King" by demons due to his ruthless style of fighting, at least against demons and their followers. On his right is a spunky little kobold named Tarykym, with her purple scales and emerald teeth this bard knows how to get peoples attention. The last member of this trio is a genasi monk. The three of you are relaxing around your table, the remains of your meals lay on your plates and your drinks half full when you all spot the foxy guard captain walking towards your table. Since she in on duty Urta is wearing her stud-reinforced leather jerkin, complete with armored leather skirt, and her tail is wrapped around her right leg keeping her 'canon' in check. Once in front of you she places a hand on the table and leans forward. A pose that normally would show of her large chest but right now she is in a rare all business mode.

"May I talk with you three?" She politely asks.


Well-Known Member
Jul 6, 2017
Diavolo was reclined in his chair, his helmet off for the first time in quite a while, relaxing after finishing his meal. He was content, the group had managed to defeat Lethice after all. He truly believed that the world could begin to heal from the corruption that she brought, even if it took a while. His job wasn't done yet, that much he knew. Demons were still in the world and there were undoubtably cultists that wished to put some other demon on a mantle or somehow bring their previous leader back, but that could wait a little while. For now, he wanted to rest with his friends for a little while.

Diavolo looked up as Urta came over to their table and asked if she could speak to them. "Of course Urta," Diavolo said with a smile. "What is it that you need to talk about?" Diavolo then got a serious look in his eye, and then said,"Or is this something we need to discuss in private?"


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
She thinks about it "Hmm private might be better. Met me out back." She makes her way through the crowded tavern. Some of the regulars call out to her to come drink with them. She politely declines since she is on the clock right now....buuut really one drink isn't that bad. So she grabs one mug on her way out before sliding through the back door.


Well-Known Member
Jul 3, 2019
Already out in the alley, near the dumpsters was standing Ansil, the human (?) warlock. He claims to be human, but his ashen skin and his weird completely black eyes. He stood tall and lean with messy black hair. In other words, he was creepy and unsettling to most. That is until, you talk to him. He had a friendly personality and a sweet voice... albeit he still had some weird mannerisms but all and all he was a nice guy.

He was just standing by the dumpsters staring at the back door when Urta came out. He gave a polite wave. "Hello there Urta~ What a pleasant surprise to see you back here... I was just looking for... not sure what I was looking for actually... huh... Anyway, hello Urta!" His voice was very sweet and friendly.


Well-Known Member
Jul 6, 2017
"Alright," Diavolo said, picking up his greatsword and helmet. He took a second to place the helmet on his head and began to walk outside. He went through the backdoor and into the alleyway, only to see a strange looking man. Diavolo looked him up and down, and didn't sense anything particularly wrong with him, save for his odd appearance. Hearing his voice, Diavolo realized that the man was very likely not a threat to him or Urta. Diavolo stepped out from behind Urta. "Hello there kind sir. I'm sorry to be a bother, but Urta, myself, and my friends have some business to discuss." Diavolo's voice was friendly, but a touch more serious than Ansil's.

Chaotic Neutral Taco

Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2018
Grumbling as she was disturbed from her drinking time, Tarykym would slowly get up and follow the officer out the back, lifting her hood as they stepped out into the open. Looking between Urta and the two men in the alley, she would take a spot leaning against a wall, regarding the fox with curiosity.


Well-Known Member
Jul 3, 2019
Ansil looked at him and smiled softly "Oh hello there, I am sorry to interrupt-... Wait a minute..." He then squint at the people near Urta. He then took out a dark, tattered book, with a silver crescent moon on the cover of it. He then riffled through the pages and kept muttering to himself. He then held up the book, as if comparing the contents to the people here. He then closed the book. "Yes! I remember you!... You kill stole the credit for taking down Lethice!" He puffed out his cheek a little "I went through all that to rid the outside of the lair from all the imps roaming around! Then I took a nap, then I woke up to find that the lair had been clear and Lethice defeated!" He groaned and got on his knees "And no credit was given to me for getting rid of all the demons on the way to the front door!... Damn invisibility nap!... Wait was I invisible?" He then went back to his book and scanned again "Ah ha! Yes! I USE to turn invisible but then I asked to never sleep again because it was the invisible nap that didn't allow me to see my glory!" He then stood up and closed his book.

He smiled and then waved "Oh, also, hi, my name is Ansil. It's so very nice to meet you all!" He smiled as if he didn't just have a mental breakdown.


Well-Known Member
Sep 27, 2016
"Oh please...are you still arguing about who killed her? We all did it together..." Slowly a woman entered the alleyway, and as she moved in closer you could hear the small footsteps of her heels. Not long after a Owl flew from the top of the tavern back onto her shoulder. Her voice was very soft spoken and naturally alluring. She had long pink hair that matched with her very revealing short pink dress that went down to her thighs. It revealed a garter belt that hooked on to her long black stockings. Her head was adorned by a big dingy black hat that almost made her look like a witch, masking a face that was very feminine and soft. Her eyes were a alluring light blue that shone in the moonlight. You all know her as Sindiana the wizzard.
"Lemmy here told me everyone was meeting up here and well my curiosity couldn't resist." She gently pet the owl with one finger.
Last edited:


Well-Known Member
Jul 3, 2019
Ansil turned around and smiled "Oh, hello Sindiana! How are you this fine day!... And of course I'm still arguing about it!" He feel on to his hands and knees "Everyone else is recognize as heroes... but even you guys have forgotten about Ansil..." Ansil laid down on his side and curled up into a ball "Ansil is forever doomed to not even be a footnote in the history of how Lethice was defeated... Forever lost to the annals of time..." He whimpered and rolled on the ground for a couple of moments before stopping before Sindiana and looked up at her. He smiled lightly "You look very lovely from this angle... quite beautiful."


Well-Known Member
Sep 27, 2016
She gave a light smile and tilted her head to look at him. “I know..” Then she walked over him and started to head towards the others before turning her head to look at Ansil. “ do know that as a scholar I’m the one who's writing those history books. The people now might not know but the future is still unknown.” Then she turned to everyone else. “So whats this party all about?”


Well-Known Member
Jul 16, 2016
Ashar, striding into the alley with a slight frown and a raised brow, nodded as she leaned heavily on her quarterstaff. Her normally utterly pale face containing the hints of a faintly blue blooded blush. The drinks and meal of the night having been something she indulged heavily in on a frequent basis. Giving a wink to Urta as she set the staff against ground and her shoulder, propping herself up just in case, she looked to the group. She simply nodded to most of them at present, but did give a smile to the whole of the assortment. "I'd be pretty interested in hearing what this little meeting is about myself. And sorry I took so long, just had to finish off my drink." Those who'd been inside the tavern at the time would have noticed that the monk had gotten a refill just before Urta's arrival.


Well-Known Member
Jul 3, 2019
Ansil kicked up off the ground, now in a full standing position. He dusted himself off a little bit "Well... I was looking for a thing... I don't remember the thing but it was a thing... Also, I like black too Sindiana... And then Urta came out here, I said 'Hello there Urta'..." He then proceeded to explain exactly what has happened, play by play even though everyone was here for it. "... So then I started to recount what has happened by saying... wait... I'm going in a circle..." He looked over at Urta "Yes why did you ask all of them to come here... except me... did you forget me too?"


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Urta sighs and drinks her whole mug is less than a minute. Once done she wipes her mouth. "Okay first off, I was going to get you Ansil its just that most of your group was here. Now that you're all here I don't have to repeat my self" She looks longingly at her mug before sighing. "Right so since there are a lot less demons around people have begun to rebuild other towns and such. You know the ruins by the lake? Amily is leading the effort to rebuild it. However they've been having problems. People that are helping build are caught knocking stuff down again, ruining food and other such things. All the people claim to have no idea why they started doing this. I'd like you to look into it." She shrugs "It might not be anything but I'd rather deal with this quickly."


Well-Known Member
Jul 16, 2016
"Makes sense, would rather not have some demon or something fucking around with the rebuilding process there. Especially since I doubt the folks down there would be able to resist long if whatever is messing with them decided to ramp up their tricks." She scowled lightly as the wind shifted around her, hair that looked akin to solid mist laying thick upon her shoulders. "I'm more than willing to assist with something like this, if it is a demon, then it simply is a part of our job not yet completed." Ashar dislodged the staff from its position at her shoulder and set it against the wall, moving closer to the others. "What say the rest of ya? Something capable of messing with the minds of that many must have something decent on'em."


Well-Known Member
Jul 3, 2019
Ansil's mouth stretched into an uncomfortable smile "Oh, I'm always in when demons are involved." He mutter to himself "They must be purged for the Great Old One..." He then blinked and looked around. "Who said that?..." He then steepled his hands together, tapping his fingers against one another over and over again. "Anyways, I would love to join in, plus it's been a while since we've seen the mouse folk... I just want to know how they're doing."


Well-Known Member
Jul 6, 2017
Diavolo blinked as the man explained who he was, that he cleared out a large group of imps at Lethices lair while the rest of them killed Lethice, and then began to roll on the ground again. Somewhere in that blur of insanity, he managed to say his name was Ansil. Diavolo looked him up and down one more time before making a not to keep an eye on him. "My name is Diavolo. It's good to meet you Ansil." Diavolo's voice turned from friendly yet serious to just serious. Looking down for a second, Diavolo spotted his Kobold companion Tarykym. "The purple one that's fun-sized is Terykym, as well." Then, as if from out of nowhere, another figure approached, this time a woman in pink who, like him, had pink hair. He wondered for a moment if it were natural like his or dyed. "Oh, hello Sindiana. It's nice to see you well." Diavolo's voice returned to its friendlier tone. Then, finally, Ashar made it out to join the rest of them. "Its all fine. We were just sitting around watching this man flail and mutter to himself."

Then, Urta finally got the chance to ask them to check out the rebuilding of the lake's ruins. "I can't say for sure if it is demons or not. However, if it is, then they must be purged and the area purified. And even if there aren't, I've been wanting to take a look around the land to see all the damage that still needs to be undone." Diavolo then heard Ansil say something about purging demons as well. "Exactly. Even if Lethice is no more, there are still fiends we must rid the world of."


Well-Known Member
Sep 27, 2016
“Hi Diavolo its nice to see you too.” She greeted him and waited to hear Urtas explanation. After Urta finished and told them of the job she had, Sindiana stood there and thought for a moment. “Well to be fair it doesn't take a demon to manipulate someones mind. I can do it easily for example. That said it is worth checking out because who knows what it could be.” She shrugged. “But hey at least the old gang is coming back together. Thats at least gonna cure my boredom for a while. Researching magic and writing books gets a bit stale after a while.” She then turned slowly to Ansil. “Oh and if you really want to stare at my panties that much remember. You can watch but don't dare try to touch.” she smiled lightly, but you could feel a threatening aura come from her. “Oh...and clean up a little, you are covered in dirt and mud.” She then cast a spell that removed all the filth from Ansil.

Chaotic Neutral Taco

Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2018
Having watched the whole meeting with a curious eye and tight lips, the Kobold finally spoke up, a mild hiss in her voice.

“The old gang? Fuck, we’re already the old gang... If you keep the gold coming, I’ll keep up the help. And don’t include me in any ‘old gang’ talk again.”

Stepping off the wall, she’d slap the paladin’s leg, before hissing up to him.

“Call me fun sized again, I’ll show you how fun I am. And you’ll be all the poorer.”


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Urta rubs at her eyes "If you could deal with this before it goes out of control that would be great." The grey fox sighs and rubs at her face and mutters to her self "Please don't be another Lethice" She heads back into the Wet Bitch, no doubt to declare herself 'off the clock'. She leaves the group to their own devices .


Well-Known Member
Jul 3, 2019
Ansil grinned widely at Diavolo "Yessss~... to cleanse the fabric of this world from demon corruption... that is what we must do! After all... that's what everyone wants." He kept tapping his steepled fingers together. He then looked over at Tarykym and said "Well... Technically I was forgotten out of the old gang... want to form our own gang?... We could have blackjack and hookers!" Anyone who remembers playing card games with Ansil will remember that he usually wins. No one has yet proven that he cheats other than with mathematical statistics if they were willing to calculate it. He then smiled brightly at her "But you are a fun size!... And so id Diavolo, and Sindinia, and Ashar, and Urta, and even I am a fun size!... We're also a lot of fun shapes too!"

Ansil then rolled his eyes as he looked over Sindinia as he laced his steepled fingers together except his index fingers, he kept those tapping against one another. He then pointed them at Sindinia and said "I... might have need to look at these magic research notes... not right now, but maybe perhaps sometime in the future." He then rolled his eyes at her "Yes, yes, I know... You've already gave me this speech when I could turn invisible... And I promise I won't touch in your sleep either now that I no longer sleep myself." He then snorted "Oh dear Sindinia... this is more than dirt and mud this is..." He then stopped mid-sentence as he felt the magic being casted over him. The dust, dirt, mud, and stains magically vanished off his clothes, revealing that they were quite well made and looked very fine. Now that he was cleaned he looked less like a creepy hobo and more like a creepy rich guy. Ansil's face was one of despair "H-How... How could you..." He fell to his hands and knees "... All that filth... it was meticulously and purposefully placed at certain areas to assure that I could portray a certain image of myself to others to ensure that they thought of me what I want to think... now the truth is exposed... I feel so naked..."

He then got up happily and waved to Urta "Ok! Bye Urta! It really nice to see you again! Don't drink too much while we're gone ok?" He smiled brightly as he looked to the rest of the group "So... need to go shopping or are we heading out?"


Well-Known Member
Sep 27, 2016
“My notes? No..I do my research for myself not for someone else. So unless you have something worth my time to trade well... Lets just say they will remain personal. Now!” She clapped her hands together. “I’m very lets go check out the ruins.”


Well-Known Member
Jul 16, 2016
"Would make sense to leave as soon as possible I suppose. The ruins are a bit far away, but they are very much in trouble, and this issue'll probably grow in tendency if we wait too long to be going... Not to say we leave right this second, I still need to grab the rest of my stuff from inside." She nodded once and meandered inside to gather up the rest of her kit and such, returning quickly due to the usual speed Ashar exhibits.


Well-Known Member
Jul 3, 2019
Ansil grumbled "Hmmm... Oh! I could offer you my soul... no wait, that's already been claimed... Oh! My mind... no that was claimed as well... hmm... My magic?... no it's loaner... The only thing I can think of that's still technically mine is my body." He looked over at Sindiana "Would you have use for that?... I could also throw in a look at my Book of Shadows but... I doubt that it would be as useful as yours, considering you haven't seen the truth yet."

He looked over at Ashar, tilting his head "You don't carry everything you own with you?" He shakes his backpack to emphasize his point "Pfft... amateur... Stick with me and I'll show you the proper way to live the drifter lifestyle" As he was talking, Ansil started to seem more lucid "Yup... Playing cards, wowing inns, feeling the warm air on your face as you walk..." His features seem to soften a little... then he shook his head and his weird smile returned to his face "Any way... Ruins!"

Chaotic Neutral Taco

Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2018
Looking over at Ansil with an odd glare, she’d shake her head slightly, a soft sigh escaping her.

“You can just not call me it altogether... Actually, scratch that Paladin, you neither.”

Pushing an empty barrel over, it would reveal a small backpack hidden beneath it, which the kobold would then pull on.

“Well, I’m ready to go. Let’s try to get there before day time, alright?”


Well-Known Member
Jul 6, 2017
Diavolo did chuckle a little bit as Tarykym punched his leg, he enjoyed joking about her height every now and again, even if it did come in handy on multiple occasions. He watched as Ansil, after calming down long enough to listen to Urta, went back to flailing and murmuring. He may have wanted to get rid of demons, but he was certainly untrustworthy. He was going to have to keep an eye on him, and set up a guard rotation at night just in case. After all, this guy says he doesn't sleep.

Diavolo walked into the tavern to get his stuff and walked out as fast as he could. "Alright, I'm ready to march if you all are."


Well-Known Member
Sep 27, 2016
" have nothing to offer." She grinned looking at Ansil and then averted her gaze from him. "Now if we are heading out." She turned to the owl. "Lemmy be a dear and get my things." The owl flew off and came back with a small bag not long after, handing it to Sindiana as it perched back on her shoulder. "Now then if we are all set. Lets go."


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Due to the unique way of travel in Mareth you get to the lake quickly without encountering anyone for finding anything.

As you approach the ruins by the lake you hear a woman's voice. "Excuse me~?" As you turn you see a woman, a naga to be precise or t least what you think is a naga since instead of the darker colors of most nagas she is a bright lime green. She smiles as you look at her. (If you make eye contact make me a Charisma saving throw)


Well-Known Member
Sep 27, 2016
"Yes?" Sindiana turned to look at the woman, she studied the shapely figure of the woman that surprised them all from behind. Starting from the bottom she examined the nude figure of this naga slowly coming up to her face. She then looked into her eyes.
(Rolled a 13 on charisma save.)


Well-Known Member
Jul 3, 2019
Ansil bit his thumbnail as he tried to think of ways to convince Sindiana to eventually let him see her book. Because of this, the entire party gets a reprieve from his incessant mutterings and mumblings. Eventually he was pulled out of his thoughts when he heard a different voice politely call out to them. His first instinct was to hide but considering that he got rid of all his sneaky snuff because of the whole Lethice thing also he boldly turned around on his heels. He smiled brightly as he saw the person, his eyes quickly did a pass all over her body "Why hello there~ Might I say you have some quite lovely scales."
(13 CHA save and damn... Diavolo doesn't get the aura bonus until level 6)

Chaotic Neutral Taco

Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2018
Turning to face the voice, Tarykrym would immediately avert her eyes at the sight of scales, her small stature giving her an extra moment to react before looking up, stepping back and placing her hands on her weapons.

“Don’t look, you amateurs!”

Lifting her horn to her lips, she’d blow hard into into, casting prestidigitation to enhance the sound, the call booming out across the lake.