The Bess-13 android


New Member
Jun 1, 2016
Okay this is my first post so here I go.

The android if any of you dont know is an event on tarkus where you find her/him and can do a variety of thing with them. After a long time of having them on the ship (spoilers if you dont know the end) you can end up dating her after a little while you run out of events with her. Her story is over, but you can still interact with her, and do everything you could before. There is an option to break up with her though... If you choose this option she runs away crying and the game saying you may never see her again. I have an idea for that, you (the player) should be able to find her on the planet you broke up with her on. Probably in some kind of beaten up way from the locals (unless on tavros). This is just an idea i thought would be cool to share. Also if you can find her again probably have the ability to take her back on the ship with you, but not being able to have an actual relationship again.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
The writer also left. As well, saying Bess/Ben is complicated is an understatement. More than most 'cool', never before thought of ideas that are shared here, this one will never happen.

On the non-technical side: you're saying you want to be able to break her heart, then find her physically abused and broken, and have the option to take her with you out of pity. I don't say this often (not even on the rival murder circle jerk thread), but that's fucked up.

Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
inb4 netorare

Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
I want my PC to be able to do Dane in front of Jill. I know it won't make her jealous or anything, but it will make her uncomfortable.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Ugh...that idea....I would say that still remembering how JimT handled his stuff it wouldn't be thing he would ever agree on to happen and even then for now it would be hard to get anything added to bess. So since I could quess you won't be able to write it on your own just let this idea die peacefully. But you can still think about new ideas as long they aren't too weird like MES said.