The aftermath of Hand So and then some. *SPOILERS AHEAD*

Dec 13, 2015
So, guys. I've played through most of TiTS' available content (0.6.21) and I've made several playthrough of completing everything before progressing towards the next planet. One of the things that have managed to capture my interests is about Colenso's quest: Hand So to be much more specific. And what I've found interesting so far is that you are able to keep Hand So (the data bead), even more interesting that if you KEEP Hand So, you will eventually be allowed to install her on your ship. Before finally making a decision for that quest, I went through all the options and the *bad end* in that quest doesn't seem so bad after all.

Here's an idea: if Steele keeps Hand So and installs her on the ship - the outcome of that would be that Hand So becomes rewritten to serve ONLY for Steele and sex scenes available from her will be based from the bad end. An idea I have in mind is that Steele becomes a morphable sex puppet for an in-game day then will be sent back to the real world after. Even better, Hand So in her current form in the figure of a human female to please Steele for many hours.

Aside from the ideas with more hands-on experience with Hand So, I'd like to ask a question. Is it final that you're only given one unique weapon by Emmy after giving her gems or are you guys open on exploring more ideas on Emmy handing out her unique weapons to players such as myself with a weird obsession of collecting every single unique weapon as to sate the OCD factors?


Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2015
If you're suggesting Hand So get a human female body, you're kinda late there since that's already planned. In fact I'd suggest you look up Hand So's expansion pack to see what her writer has planned for her. It shouldn't be too hard to find somewhere on the forum, just look for Nonesuch, in his signature is the list of all his projects and that should contain stuff about Hand So not already in the game.


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2015
You can only acquire one weapon from Emmy, 99.9% sure on that. You can look at the requirements on the wiki for getting each weapon.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Hand So... Totally can live without her kinks. But would really like to keep her as all-purpose companion AI without sub/dom relations and over the top sexual focus. Something like Saendra's Valeria.


Aug 27, 2015
More like best end amirite

In her ship-side form, regardless of what you what attitude you want her to take towards you, she always gets a sexbot body with whom you can do all sorts of stuff. At the extreme end of her dominant path, I'm playing with the idea of an opt-in scenario where she changes your form weekly to something new and delightfully needy in a different way from the last. However, I quite like the idea of a standard, non-consequential scene where she simply fucks around with your form for a few hours and then changes you back. I've noted that down.

Hand So... Totally can live without her kinks. But would really like to keep her as all-purpose companion AI without sub/dom relations and over the top sexual focus. Something like Saendra's Valeria.

This is kind of the point of her consensual form. She won't be particularly happy if you outright refuse to have sex with her, though.

So she'll just watch you with your other companions instead.

Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
My little AI can't possibly not have a voyeur fetish.
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Dec 13, 2015
More like best end amirite

In her ship-side form, regardless of what you what attitude you want her to take towards you, she always gets a sexbot body with whom you can do all sorts of stuff. At the extreme end of her dominant path, I'm playing with the idea of an opt-in scenario where she changes your form weekly to something new and delightfully needy in a different way from the last. However, I quite like the idea of a standard, non-consequential scene where she simply fucks around with your form for a few hours and then changes you back. I've noted that down.

This is kind of the point of her consensual form. She won't be particularly happy if you outright refuse to have sex with her, though.

So she'll just watch you with your other companions instead.

Well, what I meant by 'morph' is that Steele will be somehow absorbed into a computer, then somehow turned into a figure made out of Matrix-esque green code for Hand So to have sex with.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2015
Porn game or not, Hand So is so much more than something you download into a chassis for sexy times. Digital storage doesn't even seem to be an issue since Hand So can be stored on something as small as a bead. Her only limitations would be available compute resources and thus, if she is installed onto Steel's ship Hand So is limited by the available hardware on the ship. But given how the technologies presented in TiTs are hyper-converged, there is so much you can do with Hand So given the resources made available to her.

Like for instance, buying multiple sex bot chassis and having sex with multiple Hand So's instead of just one. Hell, she can run your ship, be your harem and replace the OS on your codex all at the same time.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Porn game or not, Hand So is so much more than something you download into a chassis for sexy times. Digital storage doesn't even seem to be an issue since Hand So can be stored on something as small as a bead. Her only limitations would be available compute resources and thus, if she is installed onto Steel's ship Hand So is limited by the available hardware on the ship. But given how the technologies presented in TiTs are hyper-converged, there is so much you can do with Hand So given the resources made available to her.

Like for instance, buying multiple sex bot chassis and having sex with multiple Hand So's instead of just one. Hell, she can run your ship, be your harem and replace the OS on your codex all at the same time.

Lols, if they ever take things to the point of having ship against ship engagements that would be hilarious. I could see Hand So hacking into another vessel and taking over .  That would actually be a pretty  cool option. If you had the means to use a special attack using her to hack robots and drain them of their hp or shields. Of course it would use energy like any other special move.  Maybe even the option to convert them into sex bot mode....


Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2015
 Maybe even the option to convert them into sex bot mode....

I would seriously question why a mech manufacturer decided it was a good idea to add reproductive organs to an assault mech, the implications would be horrifying.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Lols, if they ever take things to the point of having ship against ship engagements that would be hilarious. I could see Hand So hacking into another vessel and taking over .  That would actually be a pretty  cool option. If you had the means to use a special attack using her to hack robots and drain them of their hp or shields. Of course it would use energy like any other special move.  Maybe even the option to convert them into sex bot mode....

"Look at you, hacker: a pathetic creature of meat and bone, panting and sweating as you run through my corridors. How can you challenge a perfect, immortal machine?"

Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
Hand So has more potential implementations than any other character, but we'd be lucky to get even 1% of them.