That rogue Bastard !!

Any1 else wants to find that dam Raphael and make him wish he was never born ?

  • Yes

    Votes: 13 38.2%
  • yes yes

    Votes: 12 35.3%
  • yes yes yes

    Votes: 12 35.3%
  • yes yes yes yes

    Votes: 18 52.9%
  • Nuke him

    Votes: 28 82.4%

  • Total voters

Rear Admiral Chimera

Well-Known Member
Jan 12, 2017
Many players do want the opportunity to have their champion(s) wring the foxy menace's neck (and then some). That's too bad for them though; he is Kinu's nemesis. You will have to settle with her getting retribution herself.


Well-Known Member
Aug 1, 2021
Well from what Tobs has said the only time the player might get to do anything like that is at the end of KinuQuest, which Ironcially ends where it all began.


Active Member
Jan 18, 2022
i dont know - i just want to "see" him - let Kinu have her way with him - temporarily stop her from murdering him in to oblivion - and then with the coldes way possible explain to him 1) how and why kitsune are not deamons 2) have him realise who he is talking to and 3) tell him that the Den he almost burned to a crisp - was filled with your children - and then proceed to make sashimi off his ass along side Kinu only to have Kero's reincarnate him as a Kitsune and then send him to the after life again through head pats using gauntlets of giant strength !

The Observer

FoE Mod
Aug 27, 2015
Just turn him into a woman and that behaviour instantly becomes attractive, so I'm reliably informed.


Active Member
Jan 18, 2022
Just turn him into a woman and that behaviour instantly becomes attractive, so I'm reliably informed.
if you mean the while he speaks and behaves during a conversation ? "maybe" put the actions in to the mix ? and in one case is Murder Nuke with vengeance . and on the other is Murder Nuke with Equality Vengeance !! - IM AN EQUAL OPORTUNITY NUKER. atempted Murder of children is one thing - but atempting to Murder children and at the same time being smug about it ? - that calls for a big ole Tsar-Bomba Nuke to the face - ONTOP of the previously mentioned Murder fest


Well-Known Member
Jul 11, 2019
Turn him into a women and make him more palatable to the audience and then majority of people will like him.
Or make him more palatable as a dude if you want to make him appealing to smaller part of the audience.


Active Member
Jan 18, 2022
Turn him into a women and make him more palatable to the audience and then majority of people will like him.
Or make him more palatable as a dude if you want to make him appealing to smaller part of the audience.
thats the thing the PC has allready vouched / promised /Sweared/ to Kinu that if they EVER find that Bastard he is dead meat : more accurately :: a walking piece of meat thats about to regret drawing breath in this world BEFORE you even start the Murdering of his being


Well-Known Member
Jul 11, 2019
No, I am just talking about Tobses comment about how "to make an male smartass/asshole/villain more likeable to the audience you just make them a girl".
Well, that can work (especially since most of the player like girls more/only) but at same time, I do not think that is all there is to it.
Most of the genderbend also deals with concept/fetishes as domestication/slavery/player devotion. That is also expected. If, lets say, femKeros was more like her male counterpart, she would have not been as well received as she is now. Sure, she would still be more favoured just by the fact that she is a girl now, but much less so.


Well-Known Member
Feb 14, 2021
Murder Nuke with Equality Vengeance !!

These hands are rated E for everyone.

Just turn him into a woman and that behaviour instantly becomes attractive, so I'm reliably informed.

I have no idea who told you something so outlandish. Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go finish writing my book: "How I learned to stop bitching and love Femros."
There's definitely no correlation there. Nope. Not at all.

Also anybody else curious where Raphael is hiding when Kinu doesn't exist?


Active Member
Jan 18, 2022
No mater where he is Hiding . His fate has allready been sealed the moment he got fixated on Molesting / Murdering / Violate / Mame . One of the Living ancestor's of keros - one at that the trickster god has voiced affection for . and ontop of it all promised to be there for when her wedding happends . Wich said thing can never come to pass if Raphael has his way with Kinu . Wile also for ( some Champions ) being the first born of Kero's Champion ontop of that and the "Lil Sis " of his shrine Maiden's .
Combine all that ? well Raphael is Litteraly allready dead - he just have not realised it yet . but at the same time as Kero's Likes to say " where is the fun in that " lets " Liven things up" and watch him squirm and burn through his own "wishes" and "desires " before he recieves a well deserved fury infused Nucklear Punch to the face before introducing his smug likeness along side his Ego to the Underworld THROUGH the solid ground
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Well-Known Member
May 20, 2020
The first character with femdom aspects and didnt have a cock attached.
No she isn't. The hell are you even talking about Mai's right there.
Just turn him into a woman and that behaviour instantly becomes attractive, so I'm reliably informed.
Can't say I agree. I've always personally held all genders to the same standards and while I can't speak for everyone but judging by the majority of people's reception of Alissa, being a beautiful woman does not give one license to be an unreasonably cruel, heartless, POS for most people.


Well-Known Member
Dec 23, 2021
Well I will find the quest fitting for kinu to ultimately beat him after she gains enough power to do so. I would like to find him and ruff him up as a protective father. Or maybe hunt down his allies and murder them for hurting my family. Because no one gets to hurt my harem/family ever without me breaking their faces.

I think there is a interesting way to involve us as well as kinu. or for that matter our entire kitsune family.


Active Member
Jan 18, 2022
Well I will find the quest fitting for kinu to ultimately beat him after she gains enough power to do so. I would like to find him and ruff him up as a protective father. Or maybe hunt down his allies and murder them for hurting my family. Because no one gets to hurt my harem/family ever without me breaking their faces.

I think there is a interesting way to involve us as well as kinu. or for that matter our entire kitsune family.
How about a bit of both - Kinu going after Raphael beating the daylights out of him and his ego - wile at the same time in paralel Her father ( champion ) goes on a one Man/Woman Rampage on his followers and contacts ( also the one that put him up to it ) only for the climax to be Raphael atempting to escape Kinu only to run face first in to you - and then after a loving reunion - proceed with the "festival" on the terrifyed Raphael
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Well-Known Member
Dec 23, 2021
How about a bit of both - Kinu going after Raphael beating the daylights out of him and his ego - wile at the same time in paralel Her father ( champion ) goes on a one Man/Woman Rampage on his followers and contacts ( also the one that put him up to it ) only for the climax to be Raphael atempting to escape Kinu only to run face first in to you - and then after a loving reunion - proceed with the "festival" on the terrifyed Raphael
hell yes I would be game for that. Why not enslave his but. Maybe mind wipe him and genderbend him if you want to be a pet if you wanna be real sadistic. Pull a redo of healer as retribution for him hurting your family.


Well-Known Member
Aug 12, 2021
It was probably for the best that you deleted your post just now, describing the various torture methods that you would use on Raphael. It was highly cringe.


Active Member
Jan 18, 2022
It was probably for the best that you deleted your post just now, describing the various torture methods that you would use on Raphael. It was highly cringe.
i didnt - it was qued for review from Moderator's it seems as soon as i started editing it to make it less about the torture methods . but oh well deleted it anyway - was a good vent tho thinking about rogue squirming in a corner


Active Member
Jan 18, 2022
Same thing happend on the thread i had about Zo and her impact on CoC 2 story - as soon as i edited the Original post to make it more about constructing possitive alternatives its the second day that its still up for review - idk what thats about


Well-Known Member
Aug 12, 2021


Active Member
Jan 18, 2022
oh well back to the playthrough :D - want to see how many things might change if i change my character to a Kitsune Champion as soon as possible in the story during encounters . dialogue


Active Member
Jan 18, 2022
Agreed - now only thing left is to "release" all that Pentup well built tension! Hell it feels almost the same as when learning all the fked up shit Handsome Jack was doing when first time playing Borderlands 2 - good Job indeed - now ... wheres ma shotgun!!


Well-Known Member
Dec 23, 2021
I've heard terrible things about that one... I like the way you think mister!
Redo of healer is not for the feign of heart and its dam near hentia. but its very satisfying seeing the mc get his revenge. And to be fair the people he wrecks deserve it. Well i like the manga more the anime adaption was decent. Just like goblin slayer. The manga was better but the anime is a good watch.

There's honestly all sorts of ways we could really make him suffer for hurting our loved ones. or kinu could choose or we could turn him over to the kitsune den to be a pinata to be beaten to near death daily. Tons of options. We could involve kinu, the champion, kiyoko, the other kitsunes. We could not only make him suffer but his allies and bosses. It could be simple as an execution or super dark and sadistic. So many story choices honestly.
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