Tessa Wedding Ending 8 Guide?


Jan 6, 2023
Can someone tell me what choices are the best ones to make to get the orgy ending for the tessa wedding quest? I tried reading the wiki but it's confusing


Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2016
Basically just gotta follow all the choices on the wiki page listed in the collapsible tab marked as major spoilers under ending 8. I'll spoiler them in this post just for convenience.
Phase 1(Ship): Pick the Suit, Sit and wait, Put it back ("it" being the diary you find), Tell her she looks Good, Pass on a hit from her flask. The Yes or No at the end of this phase has no impact on scores

Phase 2(Ceremony): Lover, Bride, when Tessa pulls out the flask Ask for Some, say you Prefer Monty, Take Tessa's hand (telling her for the added scene is tempting but we want more than just her approval rising here),

Phase 3 (Dinner) Ask about Monty when Tessa asks if you have any questions, Take a Quick Hit when Tessa has you watch her bag, When the teacher walks up ask about the Other Students then select Jan and Adra, Pick Beer as your drink of choice, Ask for Seconds when Tessa asks if you liked the meal and finally say No Problem when asked. Phase 3 is arguably the longest phase so barring an exception coming up, this is where the most mistakes can be made.

Phase 4(Reception) After a small discussion reply to Tessa with A Fun Lady, Suggest Let's Go Back to Tessa, Dance with Tessa (Another optional scene here unlocked since we talked about Jan and Arda but this one's bad for Tessa's approval of you) If male/using male pronouns during the bouquet throw Encourage the contest and if female/using female pronouns Jump! for the bouquet, Agree and say Uh, Sure.

Phase 5(Final Stretch): When Clark walks up simply Stay and Wait (This is the exception mentioned earlier, going with Clark instantly locks you into ending 3, only overridden by you or Tessa getting blackout drunk for ending 1/2), Explain to Tessa when she misreads the situation between you and Adra, say Um Sorry when things get heated, Laugh and then finally if you've done everything right, say Sure when Tessa says the newlywed couple have invited you both for some fun.

TL;DR: Suit, Sit and wait, Put it back, Good, Pass, YES/NO don't matter. Lover, Bride, Ask for Some, Prefer Monty, Take hand. Monty, Quick hit, Other Students, Jan and Adra, Beer, Seconds, No problem. A fun lady, Let's go back, Dance, Encourage(M)/Jump!(F). Uh, sure, Stay and Wait, Explain, Um sorry, Laugh, Sure.
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