The stats you've listed for the Dragon Shield make it much more powerful than other ship upgrades. To put it in line with the others, I'd recommend +750 Shields, +15 Shield Defense, -10 Systems (two bonuses, each equal to 75% of an already existing upgrade, with a penalty equal to 50% of another upgrade = 2x75%-50% = 100%).
Similarly for the Personal Dragon Shield, it's way too powerful compared to other shields:
- Most have a 50-55% weakness to electric damage (the others are -30% electric and -65% burning; one also has -20% burning in addition to its electric weakness).
- All have kinetic resistance of at least 10%, with most having 25-45% (but none above that).
- Most have a total resistance of -15% to 0%.
- Shield Defense is +3 or below for all that have it, except one that has +7 but also has a total resistance of -30%.
- The only shield belts that have freezing resistance are heat belts, which also have low shield bonuses and kinetic resistance of 10%. Similarly, only one has corrosive resistance. Enemies generally use kinetic, electric and/or burning damage for their physical attacks, so shields not having resistance to them is fine.
Stat-wise, I'm pretty sure you don't need to specify exact values; just specify what level the equipment piece is, which stats should be increased/decreased and by how much relative to each other (e.g. moderate +Shields, high +Shield Defense, equal kinetic and burning resist with twice that much electric weakness). Someone on the team will figure out the exact values based on the system they use for balancing equipment. (I'd balance it myself, but I don't know the details of that system.)
Also, did you know that the Moondast Gruss has no shields, making the -15% from the Wave Drive a non-issue? Though I don't know if anyone actually uses the Moondast Gruss, mainly because "why would someone use a ship that has no shields? Armour is expensive/time-consuming to repair!".
You'll also need to think of where each of these is going to be purchasable from.
Also, on grammar: it's 'personal', not 'personnel'. Personal = adjective, relating to a single person; personnel = noun, a more formal (or at least military-sounding) term for people/persons.
I'm sorry if I'm sounding antagonistic or something; I want to help, and it's better to catch this sort of stuff now rather than have it persist until it's submitted.