Taur players, how short is short?


Jan 8, 2016
I'm writing some size-difference (and size-similarity for short characters) content. The NPC involved is a Leithan measuring roughly 5 feet tall. You can either be rough or gentle with him, but the scenes differ depending on whether you're bigger than him (also if you have a dick or not and all the usual variants). Obviously, this will be the case for the majority of PCs.
Thing is, I'd rather not have the content for cute similar-sized shenanigans be locked behind an impossibility; I don't know if it's even possible to be a 5'5 taur, and especially a 5'5 Leithan. The obvious fix is to obfuscate it a bit and make "similar-sized" extend up to 6 feet for PCs, as this probably encompasses a lot more people. It does make it less special, though.
How tall are your shorter taurs?


Staff member
Aug 26, 2015
The obvious fix is to obfuscate it a bit and make "similar-sized" extend up to 6 feet for PCs

Whenever height checks come up, unless it's something overbearingly specific, I p. much expand them to be a 6" window either side. 4'11" - 5'11" for 'about the same' as an NPC that was 5'5".

We are almost never that clear about a character's height in content; the only time it ever comes up that specifically is in appearance screens, (potentially) a whole foot of variability sounds like a lot until you consider that. I approach it similar to tab-a-slot-b-size limitations in a way; I'll err on the side of hand waving things sooner than I would on shutting the gate etc.


Jan 8, 2016
Whenever height checks come up, unless it's something overbearingly specific, I p. much expand them to be a 6" window either side. 4'11" - 5'11" for 'about the same' as an NPC that was 5'5".

We are almost never that clear about a character's height in content; the only time it ever comes up that specifically is in appearance screens, (potentially) a whole foot of variability sounds like a lot until you consider that. I approach it similar to tab-a-slot-b-size limitations in a way; I'll err on the side of hand waving things sooner than I would on shutting the gate etc.
Yeah, I was planning to make it about 5 inches either way and not be specific about it. The problem is that I have to be somewhat specific because at some point, he's no longer a cute little taur with a size complex; he's just a shorter-than-usual Leithan. Being 6'5 and having him described as being of similar height takes away from the feeling that he's actually quite short, imo. So there'll likely be a degree of handwaving, but having it be too extreme takes away from both the scene and the character's identity itself, which is why I'm sorta looking to poll the forums.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
I don't know if it's even possible to be a 5'5 taur, and especially a 5'5 Leithan. The obvious fix is to obfuscate it a bit and make "similar-sized" extend up to 6 feet for PCs, as this probably encompasses a lot more people. It does make it less special, though.
How tall are your shorter taurs?
My usual cat-taur character is usually between 5' and 6'.


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Moscow, RF
8’6” to 10' is described as leithan norm, Leithan Charm tries to shift the PC towards 9', Horse Costume sets talness to 72 if under. Seems like going through Catnip or Foxfire is the only way to get a shorter taur.

All taurs are supposed to be huge, so a 6' tall one is still, comparatively speaking, quite tiny.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
8’6” to 10' is described as leithan norm, Leithan Charm tries to shift the PC towards 9', Horse Costume sets talness to 72 if under. Seems like going through Catnip or Foxfire is the only way to get a shorter taur.

All taurs are supposed to be huge, so a 6' tall one is still, comparatively speaking, quite tiny.
Foxfire won't make you a taur, it would just keep you one. So it's Catnip only, I guess. Well, or savescumming TFs with shrinking effects.

Not all taurs. Chakats are quite modest sized by design:


Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2015
A 5' tall Leithan sounds really really tiny. Though this is coming from someone who regularly plays 10' tall characters.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
A 5' tall Leithan sounds really really tiny. Though this is coming from someone who regularly plays 10' tall characters.
For leithan - yes. For taur generally - no, 5' is normal for chakat, and it is quite common for non-equine taurs as well to be somewhere around.

BTW, you can simply create 4' tall half-leithan PC from the start.


Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2015
For leithan - yes. For taur generally - no, 5' is normal for chakat, and it is quite common for non-equine taurs as well to be somewhere around.

BTW, you can simply create 4' tall half-leithan PC from the start.
I almost want to make a toy sized tuar...


Also I should note that my 10' characters are all bipeds. Because taurs are the redheaded stepchild of the writers.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
It's true, but I want him to be short relative to even bipedal races.
Then he should be below even 5', but there still is a possibility to make similarly sized taur PC as well.
There is no such thing as generic taur size standard. Leithans, being a natural race, has their own 8-10' range, but others are modded. There are stereotypes, OFC. Equine taur is expected to have standard horse body (5') with standard man torso (2' 6"), which gives 7-8' average. Already mentioned chakats are slightly below human average, maybe few inches above 5'. Other taurs usually are somewhere between.
Also I should note that my 10' characters are all bipeds. Because taurs are the redheaded stepchild of the writers.
Taurs... Have some strange appeal. And 10' biped is producing even more weirdshit than taur, I'd say.


Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2015
Taurs... Have some strange appeal. And 10' biped is producing even more weirdshit than taur, I'd say.
Eh it's only in the far upper range of standard amazonian/herculean proportions and the lower end of giants.

Granted that It would probably be awkward if Lethians weren't around causing everyone in civilized space to have to build to accommodate their tallness. Assuming that's how space future building code works out.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Eh it's only in the far upper range of standard amazonian/herculean proportions and the lower end of giants.

Granted that It would probably be awkward if Lethians weren't around causing everyone in civilized space to have to build to accommodate their tallness. Assuming that's how space future building code works out.
They are not only huge race. Fanfirs are even larger.


Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2015
They are not only huge race. Fanfirs are even larger.

Though now the WORLDBUILDING lover in me is curious about what the gist of intergalactic building code is, and not just for accounting for an abundance of height compared to terran standards. However that's definitely a topic for another thread.


Active Member
Mar 5, 2016
I did made a small raskvel-taur a while back, i managed to keep at 5 feet 1 inch tall through a lot of save scaming. Spammed Ruskvel to lower height then leithian charm to get 4 legged body and savescam to get the nessecary parts without loosing 4-legged leith body.