Tamarind Shop


Well-Known Member
Apr 10, 2021
I dunno if it's just me or this is an unintended coding thing, but has anyone else noticed you can back out of Tamarind's shop repeatedly, in the same instance of meeting the caravan, and refresh her random three-item stock?

I does is have to know.


Well-Known Member
Jun 8, 2016
Yeah it's been like that for a while and Kohaku works similarly (Only as long as you save before you visit her the first time, this allows you to soft-reset and shift her shop around, doesn't work if you save after you visit the first time).

Safe to say this is intended, and frankly, given the Caravan is not in a set place that you can visit every single day and appears at random, it's a useful exploit. Getting gold eggs reliably is a pain in the ass for me otherwise.