Syri Quest Line


Well-Known Member
Feb 24, 2022
For some reason both variants with Kaede and without Kaede played for me.

"Just before things kick off, somebody takes the open seat next to you, and a particularly thick, red wolf’s tail flicks into your lap. “Wha— Kaede?” “Heeeeey!” the ginger half-ausar smiles, nuzzling up and offering a paper popcorn bag. “I’m glad I could swing a contract out here in time. I know this means a lot to Syri, and-” She’s cut off as a snowy she-wolf flops down in her lap, smooshing Kaede into the seat. “Hey boss! We could only score one ticket, sooo we’re just gonna have to make do, huh? Don’t tell the staff!” Kaede squirms, buried under white hair and callipygian ass. “H-hey, I’m smaller, I ought to be on top. I can’t see!” “Babe, you’re never on top,” Anno teases, grinding her hips down into her lover. “Wouldn’t know what to do if you got there! B’yeah, boss, wouldn’t miss this for the world. Gonna cheer my lil’ sis on while she kicks ass all the way to the big leagues! Aren’t we, babe?” It’s only then that you recognize that you aren’t the only one dressed for the occasion. Anno has through some miracle of science squeezed herself into her college cheer uniform, proudly rocking the brilliant purple colors of Ausaril’s most prestigious university. While you can’t see much of Kaede, it looks like she’s been dolled up in a similar outfit, complete with a pair of pompoms hanging off her extremely short skirt. “I heard Syri giving you your present, and I just so happened to still have this from the good old days... and something I bought Kaede for fun. We decided we ought to join in, give my sister her own personal cheer squad. Whadda ya say?” Kaede gasps, “I say I can’t breathe down here!” Sounds like a plan! “It is going to be so magical when she sees us!” Anno giggles, tail muffling Kaede’s complaints under the sheer ferocity of its wagging."

"|Just before things kick off, somebody takes the open seat next to you, and a particularly thick, snowy wolf’s tail flicks into your lap. “Heyya, Boss!” Anno grins, sidling up real close and offering you her bag of popcorn. “Figured I’d take the next elevator down. Give you two lovebirds some breathing room. Sad Kaede couldn’t make it, she got wrapped up in some business on Canadia I guess. But I wouldn’t miss this for the world. Gonna cheer my lil’ sis on while she kicks ass all the way to the big leagues!” “Guess we’re gonna be Syri’s personal cheer squad!” Anno giggles, giving you a wink. “What a coincidence, huh? Oh this is gonna be so magical when she notices us both all dolled up. Heheh...” ]"