Hey, hope yall are enjoying the game. I just wanted to share my thought about the current ui, and how little it dedicates to the bust display. I check the wiki page of characters and find that what the game is showing off only amounts to half or less of the artworks these talented folks are producing. In case like Tam-Tam, her pose makes her bust fit beyond the UI border, however slight or un-noticeable to some that may be. Personally, I don't think I need my character's current status to be taking up almost half of the right panel of the current UI, so reducing the size of the Heath to Energy bar might allow the left-bottom menu portion to move over. Now I understand that this is mostly a text-based rpg, and what visual aid amounts to is minimal. But I don't think having something to look at to remind me what exactly the texts are describing about a character would hurt the rpg element, at the least. Thank you for hearing me out, and keep 'em characters sexy folks!