[Submitted] Range Weapon


New Member
Oct 15, 2019
The new weapon is a modify Aegis Light Machinegun created by Gedan. It's also an inspired of the M247H Machine Gun from the Halo Univers.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 26, 2019
I’m sorry… WHAT?! You didn’t even post a doc for us to check out before submitting it to Fen!



Well-Known Member
Nov 24, 2018
canuck land.
It's a common mistake to do small things on the forums themselves. (I posted my first thing on a note pad file.) Some key notes for next time or fixing this one. One use google docs it's what all the submissions are done on. Two make sure the weapon has some stats with it. Three make sure you use the right Parser's if any are required. Best of luck with your submission.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 26, 2019

Didn’t you read what runningman told you? You need it in a google docs format, not notepad. You are repeating what he did the first time. Any other format will be pretty much rejected.

Okay, read your txt doc and you really need to work on your english. It has a lot of grammar errors and run on sentences that don’t end with periods. I’ll copy and paste what I’m talking about:

"The Aegis Shipyard LLD as developed a new weapon prototype. The weapon is call the Aegis M247 Heavy Tactical Machine Gun or M247HTMG for short and this one was heavily modifided be the Black Void Pirates. It's a heavy military-grade tactical automatic weapon, the Aegis M247HTMG is a newly made high-tech solution in combat for the front line at the offense and the defense position. It's equipped with a huge double drum ammunition box of 600 rounds each, eight small stabilization jets on the muzzle, a grenade launcher mounted on the underside of the barrel, some heavy armor plated on the main body, have a bipod attachment, a detachable stock mounted on the back, a high performance scope mounted on the visor placement, a longer barrel with a muzzle braker, the user can send a withering hail of bullets down range or up range and generate a hardlight shield around the weapon’s muzzle, creating a moving point of cover in whatever direction he or she is firing."
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