Story progress completeable? ( probable spoilers, duh! )


Nov 12, 2016
Hey everyone, I'm relitively new here so firstly hi! I've been playing the game for quite some time now and i plan on supporting soon but i have a few questions if anyone could help me figure it out ( hints are fine! )

firstly is the main quest-line completeable / finished? i see there are build updates etc and as i can't seem to progress it past the myr-ant planet and i'm wondering if i somehow chose poorly when i told the ants to drag the pod to town, as it has never appeared and i can't find messages about it anywhere, by which i mean i have literally walked around each space in the known galaxy in confusion over this one... is there some esoteric ant dickwaving ritual i must preform to make it appear?

Secondly i've seen people discussing steph irson in the forum and i'm wondering where she is, i can only find her sister and i cant see a way to poke her into admitting she is steph if that is the case

last, and this one is kind of odd my character once said how fun it was being under the effects of the treatment, despite my avoiding it like the plague, this scene is when discussing new texas with the barkeep, kally... any ideas why? just a hard coded response or did i miss something?



Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Main story is somewhere at the 40% complete. Myrellion is the last main story planet for now.



Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2015
1. No it´s not completed. Probably gonna be years until that happens. But I never played through Skyrim´s main quest and still loved it, so I hardly see the problem there :p
The pod got taken back to Steele tech, you´re supposed to get reward money for that.
As for current progression, the next planet in line hasn´t been written yet. Uveto and New Canada, which are not part of the main questline, seems to be the planets of focus atm.

2. She can´t be found right now. Might never be. She used to be an encounter in Myrellion where she was considering changing her profession after getting treated, something which was removed, but it didn´t fit with the treatments lore. No forcing it upon people and all that.

3. I´m uncertain about the last one. But I believe it´s because Fenoxo has only written the treated variants for Kally. You´ll probably have to wait until he finishes writing the standard ones. Unless I´m wrong and it´s a bug...

Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015


Nov 12, 2016
Well, ok that seems to settle it i just need to learn some patience thanks for the quick answers i guess i'll go explore dialogue trees next and see about playing other characters, thanks!