Steele's available Hairstyles and Bess

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Well-Known Member
Feb 16, 2017
This bugged me for a long time: why are there so few Hairstyles available for Steele? Bess/Ben has a better selection. Is there a reason why those lists have not merged?
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Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2015
Because the hairstyles Steele has access to were created first, then later on Bess got their hairstyles, and no one has updated Steele's hairstyles in ages. At least that's the reason I can remember, I forgot why no one has updated them since though, maybe the devs just forgot.


Well-Known Member
Sep 1, 2015
Because they have a task list the size of toilet roll yet all they want to do is write / implement smut and / or waifu material, meanwhile the rest of the game gets jack shit... or maybe they work on it for a day and then proceed to ignore it for months on a row - the latter they admit it themselves. Who wants to see more planets, story progression, character customization (not TFs), or leveling? *shrug* Took them a couple of years just to add another level to the game.

Maybe I'm just in a bad mood and being needlessly snarky and mean but sometimes I feel like they give too much attention to whatever waifu is the current flavor of the month and forget to bring up the rest of the game up to speed. I mean, its obvious they're not in a rush either. Why would they? The game is making a good amount of money this way, a released product would mean the end of their income. So better to just take it extra slow and delay everything but the smut... gotta keep people distracted of the fact they're being a little milked here. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Just my 2cents. I still like this game but sometimes I question their priorities. Wouldn't be so bad if they distributed their tasks accordingly and not just months and months of smut and nothing else.
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balitz Method

Well-Known Member
Aug 13, 2016
It would be a better idea to push through the skeleton of a decent amount of area progression and fleshing out/putting in at least alpha versions of the systems that're supposed to be there (like ship combat) and then expand on them - not just because it's easy to get sidetracked forever by distractions but also to allow contributor content to be more evenly spread out. Having only what's available means that a lot of that content is going to be clustered around the beginning. Letting that just continue to build up around those areas will make the game feel lopsided.


Well-Known Member
Sep 20, 2017
You're just asking to get banned so hard by posting this. :/
Whoa man what are you tryin' to say? That the maker of the game can't take honest criticism? I would be insane for him to ban this guy over an opinion.
I agree with him that more anthro chicks wit dicks is good for EVERYONE; I also agree that story progression would be good for the game.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Tbf, Ship combat has actually been worked on for a while by Gedan. We're just still waiting on it to actually be posted. Then there was the whole complete rebalance of ranged/melee weapons and shields too that recently got completely. Coding is also harder than it seems, and making whole planets requires some extra dedication. The only real planet we know is eventually coming is Phanedra (Mad Max Planet). NPCs are not really that hard to code. The only real complicated one that's been implemented recently is Paige. Everything else is just long as fuck because NPCs with a few talk scenes and a couple of sex scenes are not the way to go anymore. That is mostly in part to wanting to avoid the CoC scenerio of a bunch of random fucks existing in the game with limited content and no plot resolutions to whatever story they had.

The real issue is that you just have a bunch of new writers who want to submit things into the game and there's little you can do to deter them in all honesty unless their shit is just bad. Finally, you probably don't hear about anything else because the majority of the player base only cares about waifus and not much else. We'll get there, eventually.

(Also how the fuck did this turn from complaining about lack of hairstyles for Steele to meta shit?)
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Well-Known Member
Sep 1, 2015
Tbf, Ship combat has actually been worked on for a while by Gedan. We're just still waiting on it to actually be posted. Then there was the whole complete rebalance of ranged/melee weapons and shields too that sort of recently got completely. Coding is also harder than it seems, and making whole planets requires some extra dedication. The only real planet we know is eventually coming is Phanedra (Mad Max Planet). NPCs are not really that hard to code. The only real complicated one that's been implemented recently is Paige. Everything else is just long as fuck because NPCs with a few talk scenes and a couple of sex scenes are not the way to go anymore. That is mostly in part to wanting to avoid the CoC scenerio of a bunch of random fucks existing in the game with limited content and no plot resolutions to whatever story they had.

The real issue is that you just have a bunch of new writers who want to submit things into the game and there's little you can do to deter them in all honesty unless their shit is just bad. Finally, you probably don't here about anything else because the majority of the player base only cares about waifus and not much else. We'll get there, eventually.

Yeah but that's the thing, even if people aren't as interested in the rest of the development as they are in the smut its still good to mention because it shows progress is being done in different areas and not just exclusively one. Its all about keeping people updated. I'm glad that this past week has had some weapon tweaking, its something at least! On a side note, I was kind of expecting getting bombarded with hate after posting what I did but everyone here was surprisingly supportive! Glad to see there are still some places on the internet where one can speak their mind without getting instantly shut down, thank you for that guys.

Also, as enthusiast as the writers may be, Balitz made a good point - if you use up your best scenes now, while there's still much to be done, what exactly is going to be left for the mid-end game without making it look like it suffered from a creative dry spell, barren or just downright repetitive? I say this because I highly doubt a writer can keep dishing out content over the span of a few years and still keep it fresh and varied... unless they start resorting to scenes that keep getting more ridiculous and extraordinaire than the last just to make up for it.

((It came up because more character customization is one of things on the bucket list that keep getting delayed. :p))
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Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Eh, new blood will keep coming in regardless. You forget that must of people written for TiTs have been mostly the same for the past several years as well. There's only so much you can do with various sex scenes. TFs are still getting written forever too. I do have plans for both a Suula TF and a non-parasitic cocktail/cunttail TF in the future. It simply remains to be seen. Also at least in terms of what's been going on now, Azra is actually a $2k backer agreement from the beginning of the TiTs funding spree that's finally getting worked on now, so there is a bit of a reason why she's gotten so much focus as of late.

It will come in time.


New Member
Sep 20, 2017
Eh, new blood will keep coming in regardless. You forget that must of people written for TiTs have been mostly the same for the past several years as well. There's only so much you can do with various sex scenes. TFs are still getting written forever too. I do have plans for both a Suula TF and a non-parasitic cocktail/cunttail TF in the future. It simply remains to be seen. Also at least in terms of what's been going on now, Azra is actually a $2k backer agreement from the beginning of the TiTs funding spree that's finally getting worked on now, so there is a bit of a reason why she's gotten so much focus as of late.

It will come in time.

How much time? The last story development was Myrellion back in 2015, two years into the game's development, and now 2017 is coming to a close. I understand that it's prudent to flesh things out as they go but with 30k/mo coming in from patreon on top of the original 200k funding that's the kind of work that should be delegated while the main game progresses. The devs aren't writing most of the content coming through as is, so what gives?
you can ban me for my heresy but that won't make me wrong
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Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
The Red Myr Victory Quest for Myrellion is also being written under wraps. Like, right now. There is shit being done, it's just no one really talks about nor shares google docs anymore because of the infamous google doc bandits, among other things. At least in regards to official game stuff and not submissions anyway.


Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2015
The problem for TiTs (and CoC to an extent too), has always been too many submissions and not enough coders. Upcast Drake has been helping pick up the slack of late, but let's face it, more content keeps getting written faster than it can be added to the game. This then keeps a massive back-log that keeps the coders distracted, which is bad since the main coders also like to spend half their time writing their own stuff and coding it. So instead of the game having full-time coders, it has several part-time coders, to make matters worse the person in charge of writing the plot is also the one who does a lot of the coding. So while Fen splits his time keeping up with the backlog of submissions and his own additions, he has very little time to spare for writing stuff that advances the plot.

If you want plot advancement, you're gonna need for Fen's plate to be emptied first, which is hard to do since again not enough coders to empty out the pile. Plus the fact Fen and Savin have health issues that slow them down doesn't help, no offense to their immune systems of course, but that's just a fact of life by now.


Well-Known Member
Nov 9, 2015
The problem for TiTs (and CoC to an extent too), has always been too many submissions and not enough coders.
Well, hiding the source for the up-to-date game codebase behind a password isn't exactly inviting coders.
Working from a month-out-of-date codebase is just a pain in the ass, especially if some function you call has been changed since the last public build and/or your code won't actually merge with head.

Though it is interesting to note there were a full seven days without a single git commit between August 26 and September 2. That doesn't necessarily mean no work was being done in that time - I'm sure a little was being done, but it just got committed all at once.

When the public code was up to date, I reported bugs and contributed fixes semi-regularly. I feel like the closing of the code could have contributed to the slowdown, either perceived or factual, because fewer people are involved in working with the code and because there are fewer ways to contact them (I refuse to use Discord. It's a massive RAM hog and relatively pointless when IRC exists - the channel is also very noisy with unrelated BS). It is also harder to gauge progress and time spent in between builds, since we can't glance at commit history until a new public build has been released, which doesn't happen too often (I think it's monthly).

I understand the notion that the code was hidden because of people (confession: me included) who were sharing builds around the 'net. However, it is also easy to see that this hasn't exactly been deterred by hiding the code - backer builds are still all over the net. All that has been achieved is more isolation of the developers and leaving a poor taste in my mouth regarding this project's priorities.

I don't know if others feel the same, or indeed if there were many other contributors of any sort, but that's my take on it.
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Jan 8, 2016
That's why you request access to the private repo, so that you can work on it. The way it was before meant it had become too popular and people kept making builds of the content as soon as it was updated.

He literally admits in the same post he was uploading the backer build for other people to use for free. Come on now.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2015
When it comes to erotic games I tend to think with my boner so I imagine it's not too much different on the development side.


Well-Known Member
Jul 18, 2017
At the end of the day, is the hairstyle in a text-based game really that important?

TiTS is a massive game with a small workbase, from what I understand there's maybe a half dozen people with some experience with coding, but dozens more writers contributing more and more content. So a backlog forms. If people are going to complain about something trivial like hair, then maybe they should ask themselves why it takes so long for new content to be developed.

The coders need help - what they don't need is people essentially bitching that their special snowflakes aren't quite special yet. Likewise with the build-sharing. Lets be fair, TiTs is one of the better adult games out there in terms of delivering content. Yeah, backers get the material first, but its not like we get backer content in May and the Public build comes out in November/December. At the most, public players have to wait a couple of weeks to get the free game they enjoy.


Well-Known Member
Nov 1, 2016
At the end of the day, is the hairstyle in a text-based game really that important?
I'm just going to avoid the off-topic discussion here.

The hairstyle isn't that important at face value, but a large part of TiTS's appeal is allowing players to have characters look *nearly* however they want. In that respect, hairstyle is as important as any of the other TFs.


He literally admits in the same post he was uploading the backer build for other people to use for free. Come on now.
Ooh right, I must have skipped over the part where he wrote that (got to stop doing that) -_-.


Well-Known Member
Nov 9, 2015
He literally admits in the same post he was uploading the backer build for other people to use for free. Come on now.
I never received any warning and there was no license on the code telling me what I could or couldn't do. The first time I knew fen disapproved was when the code was removed.
There was nothing to make me think it was any different from the "ardour" project, (an open-source digital audio workstation) where source is open but runnable binaries are behind a donation wall. With Ardour, the user is free to compile the program him/herself, but if you want to make your life easier and support the devs you can donate and get pre-built binaries. In the absence of any evidence to the contrary, I assumed I was OK.

Also, it was not the backer build. It was compiled from the source code by me, as opposed to by Gedan or whoever ran the build system at the time. When I made a build it was sometimes more frequent than the release of backer builds, since I could do it after each and every git commit if I really wanted to.

Also, you're ignoring the context of the time. There was an open bug report titled, "No license m8" on the github issue tracker. I even suggested a license (which I wrote up) for them to use as a comment under the bug report, but no one ever responded to the report (which I did not file) or the license I wrote in any way. They just left the report open for two years and the terms of usage totally ambiguous, so I was a bit surprised when the source was hidden away as nothing in the source gave me the impression that I was acting wrongly. Adding a license to the game before removing the public-facing code would have gone a long way towards clarifying what the intended purpose of having the code up was.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 16, 2017
This thread got derailed hard.

At the end of the day, is the hairstyle in a text-based game really that important?

The coders need help - what they don't need is people essentially bitching that their special snowflakes aren't quite special yet

Keep in mind that importance is subjective. How important is another cumflation scene?

I assume with 'coders don't need people bitching' you mean my post. I asked this, because it is literally just a few lines, easy enough that anyone can do it in 5 minutes (and I will do it myself when I get bored enough). I asked this because in SW Development, there is often a reason nobody touches certain lines.

Tldr yes, I think investing 5 mins in Hairstyles is more important than the 5 mins in the next cumflation scene.

Magic Ted

Forum God
Aug 26, 2015
You aren't getting banned. On the flipside, it's fine to go make a thread to criticize things and do your usual back and forth of probably uninformed complaints countered by blind white knighting with a few outliers in between. So it goes. But don't just randomly side track one, geez.

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Corrupter of Tainted Space
Staff member
Aug 26, 2015
This bugged me for a long time: why are there so few Hairstyles available for Steele? Bess/Ben has a better selection. Is there a reason why those lists have not merged?
Jacques00 actually jumped on this earlier in the week and got it done.

As for the people brigading into this thread to bash and me and the rest of the team, kindly sod off, or at least have the balls to post from your actual forum account. It takes all of ten seconds to see you whipped up a throwaway account to fish for a meaningless ban with. I'll take a few moments to address some points in this thread before closing it forever, now that it is wildly off-topic.

>Plot isn't being updating fast enough.
Tough luck. The initial fundraiser promised four planets, a couple followers, and custom followers for one person who got a $2k pledge. Oh, and ship combat. I've been working on the custom follower (who I've gone a bit crazy with, but that's beside the point). Gedan is completely lost to the ship combat mines. She hasn't been free to help with the content pile at all. Savin recently finished writing for a quest on Myrellion that'll allow us to write a potential peace path. Hands are on deck. If it's too slow for you, you are welcome to wait until the next plot planet is in game.

>Gamemakers should be able to handle any criticisms the internet throws at them.
The ability to seek out and use criticism is useful for any developer. With that said, nobody should have to wade through a sea of spite and discontentment on a regular basis, especially not on their own forums. If you are incapable of expressing opinions on the game in a non-destructive manner, you will be removed from the community. "Free Speech" does not mean everyone has to listen to your hateful diatribes - nor does it mean that I have to give you a platform to spew them from.

Here is a relevant XKCD. Have a lovely day!
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