Steam 0.4.10 - Game remembering events/triggers even after loading an old save.


Aug 23, 2021
The game seems to be remembering choices I make or events I trigger even after loading an old save.

The two clear examples I have so far are: the orc bar after making Arona chief. I saved outside the door and went in, the scene triggers where an orc hits on you and you can choose "No" "Run" or "Embrace". I wanted to test all three choices but after choosing "Embrace" first I reloaded the game and the scene didn't trigger at all as if the event had already been cleared.

The other is the Behemoth in the centaur village. I did a run through until I got past him and I chose the "Heal" option which then removed itself, but then reloaded the game and started again. When I beat the Behemoth this time though, the "Heal" option was already removed as if I had read it.

Weirdly, this seems to be solved if I save again, then reload the save. The scenes trigger properly again.


Aug 23, 2021
I assume you're asking me to upload a save file?

It's happened across multiple characters, so here's one where I have saved right before the centaur quest. I actually can't get the fix to work at all on this save so the "Heal" option for the behemoth isn't showing up at all.


  • CoC2 Tom 25.coc2
    39.6 KB · Views: 1