Holy shit this is wild, where did you get the reaping blade? I've been waiting for a blight spellblade spell for a long time
It's from RynQuest. So unless you're a backer you'll need to wait two weeks to get it.
Actual proposed build for a presence spellblade:
Class: Thief, level seven perk should be "Eye for Weakness".
Weapons: Dawnsword/focus (bull totem currently, Rimescore once it's in the game, for two-hand options there is a really nice hammer in Ryn's quest.)
Hat: Titanic hat
Armor: Regal Kimono/Panoply of the Holy City (first boosts fire/blight skills, second has immunity to sunder)
Cloak: Cloak of the deeps/seaweave shaman's cape (first is great stat boosts all around, the latter also grants immunity to sundered if you prefer the kimono like I do)
Boots: Winged sabatons
Waist: Senninbari/Champion's Belt (former if you have Kiyoko)
Neck: Whatever, none of the neck options are really good (Amulet of Union is good but you lose it if you free Kiyoko, Choker of the Pain Slut reduces crit damage in return for libido increase)
Rings: Ring of fortune *2, ring of fortune+lucky strike, ring of fortune+mare's ring (pick any combination you like or desire stat wise. Guldring would be great on this build but we want the Dawnsword so...)
At-Will: Deflection (got a great boost, now nullifies attacks each round and lets you counter, makes you deceptively tanky)
Recharge 1: Acid Flask (recharge time 2 rounds) (stolen from Siorcanna Shaman, does a bit of damage and inflicts sundered for
6 rounds with the perk! This halves enemy armor and procs Twist the Knife, giving you 50 attack power for free.)
Recharge 2: Reaping Blade (recharge time 3 rounds) (stolen in Rynquest, blight damage and self heal that scales with damage and often fully heals. Benefits from Royal Kimono. Alternative is Shielding Smite which does fire damage and gives a one turn defensive buff to the entire team)
Encounter: Flames Within (Attack Power, Spellpower, and Sexiness by +50, +10 Initiative. We need all of that except Sexiness and it boosts our offense massively. Since we increase our HP with Presence and leech life with Reaping Blade the damage each round is negligible.)
Ultimate: Take your pick. (I prefer Assassinate to delete a boss instantly.)
Team: Etheryn (Queenly Raiment) and the tank of your choice. (Hopknight Quin, Knight Atugia and Arena Brint are very good.)
Stats: Pick Agility, Willpower and Presence.
FAQ: Why dump strength in a spellblade build?
Answer: Because our equipment, Ryn's two-turn blessing, Flames Within and Twist the Knife already give us (10+100+50+50)
210 Attack power. Max stats are level*3 plus 2. At level 7 max strength is 23, min strength is 9 (since every level up increases a stat by 1). Every point of strength gives 3 attack power.
So our max strength champ has (210+23*3+2) while the min strength champ has (210+9*3+2) attack power.
That's only an about 17% increase in attack power. Picking presence over strength boosts your entire team and gives you more health, meaning you're not made of glass and you do more damage as a team, which is a more than good trade-off. We also don't need strength for the armor penetration since sundered will be up permanently and already halves enemy armor for us.