Some things I learned Playing TiTS for a few months... [Spoilers!]


Oct 24, 2023

Thanks to the creators for making a cool game. I have read a fair bit of the sticky posts in the forum, I get that everyone has more ideas than time and spoons. I've had a lot of fun.

I'd like to invite other folks who have thoroughly explored the game to post their thoughts and critique mine.

Like the title says, I've been pretty engaged in the game for a few months. In that time, which just happened to be during Halloween, I've gone through a fair bit of the content of the game in different ways. After all this non-stop exploration, I have some comments.

First of all, my build: I am a Kineticist, and I love the type. It makes for a fun game where I found being a smuggler or tech specialist was harder. I play a male but that kinda goes by the wayside depending on my mood. Play style is mostly sexy, but occasionally I'll shoot if that doesn't work. Always carry a big gun, and have enough shields. Levitate every fight.

I play in a browser on a computer, and I save to file. When I've forked the wrong way that makes it a lot easier to get back to the story I'm hoping to read. I have hundreds of save files.

1) The game progresses based on leveling up, and there is /way more/ content and encounters on each planet than you need to do to level up. This led me to try to avoid sleeping in order to not trigger some things happening until I wanted to deal with them. A way to prevent level up as a CODEX switch would be welcome, maybe, for people who really want to dig into the content and take their time. TiTS is expansive.

Some examples: Grab Ramis earlier in the game. take care of Kase before he disappears. had to go way back to an earlier save state to find Syri and recruit her.

2) I have read several comments in the game about grinding for credits. Maybe it's just the amount of exploring I do but... I haven't been wanting for money much. by the time I figured out Paige needed some cash I had it in the bank. Pro-Tip: if you need cash and own a penis, eat some spunk-shrooms and go visit breedwell. you can get a new ship in a short amount of time... and if you don't want blue balls afterwards and can't be bothered to empty them, go get some uthra+ from Lessau.

Other options for fast cash: Go Mine gems in Zheng Shi. Or beat the gangs up in Dhaal. Or win fights on Phaedra.

3) Explore TF. No, really. It's scary at first, oh my identity is this and I don't want to be that. I get it. But as you stumble through life sometimes stuff happens, and if you make the best of it, you might just enjoy it. Furpies ain't that bad. Yes yes I can hear half of Ausaril sneering at me.

But really, trying out being a girl so I could have Edan's kids? Totally worth it. Or, y'know, dat tailcock. I would love more tentacle content. But I think the best is being able to try different things, no matter how ridiculous they are. I might be trying to give Dane a run for his money...

4) Save first before you go get into a fight. and use a different save slot. sometimes there's a bad end [and those are a lot of fun to read].

5) The bimbo hat is great. Try it. I'm personally turned off by bimbo stuff, it's not my thing, and I don't dig on it in general but... Draining the LDC or seducing Kally? Worth it.

6) I spend stat points on reflexes and aim, and I frequently use an electric gun. The electric gun or hirudo devourer against mechanical enemies and shields is helpfully effective. I'm not too smart, but that's a solvable problem later in the game with augments and drinks. Pretty happy I could use that to fix Narc's eye. Learned the hard way that a physique of 25 is necessary so I am a bit more balanced now in my build.

7) Having crew is fun. I fly the Clydesdale because I like seeing the different items and having the crew around, and if you put an EM Turret and a Machine Gun Turret in there you can fend off most things. some shield upgrades sure don't hurt. I think an appropriately priced [read: expensive] ship expansion called "Pocket Dimension" with unlimited storage and crew space would make the game more fun for people like me who enjoy the interactions.

8) I really like the diversity of content in the game. Nonesuch and SoAndSo are very fun for me to read. I think it's pretty great that the creators allow the community to propose, refine, and submit content. There's a lot of great stuff there.

9) Taint. If you really don't want corruption, there's an easy mechanic to deal with it. Get Pregnant. Taint will decrease by one point every three days. SAVE FIRST. Visit the Materinity and choose "Maybe" to set the amount of time you want the game to pass. If you missed an important event, go back to your save and spend less time, handle the event, and then go relax. It's pretty straightforward to get very productive balls, then wrassle with a raskvel, and to work off the taint in the maternity. I might have also taken a lot of Fertite+. Can never have enough eggs and swimmers right?

10) random throwaway comments...

I really would love to have one of Emmy's herm harnesses to wear on my PC. with remote. Because why stop at the hardlight antigrav thong. Exhibtionist for life.

Also speaking of Emmy, I've been looking forward to having her pitch anal. I figure that'll get added sometime. I'm a fan.

Suula are great and boy would I like one to be my baby daddy. Maybe there's an expansion for Azra somewhere...

I can't be the only guy who finds the forgehound really hot. Yes there's lots of scenes where you dominate.... but idk. There's something about an unwieldy ausar-leithan that's wonderful. I could see keeping him as a pet for a while. Put a harness on him and ride him around. equip his collar in the accessory slot. Hmmmm maybe that's something I should ask about writing.

Will we ever get purebred forstwrym kips from our two Qim's?

Gee I'd really like keeping a potted Liferoot plant on the ship. Yes I know that's messy, but I have Celise on my crew. Maybe some crazy bad ideas like using the liferoot while wearing the mindwasher visor AND the bimbo hat.

That line from B's scene with Paige where she says "our children would be beautiful and strong." Wow. What a desire to breed. Makes me think a paige sired pregnancy would be awesome.

Anyhow if you've read this far... Tell me what you think! The game has been genuinely fun to play, and I'm looking forward to the filling in of Phaedra and any epilog the creators write.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 8, 2018
2) Getting enough money to recruit Paige is a lot more tedious if you want to do it before Zheng Shi (she can give you the password).

6) It's best to train stats (Ramis, Ten Ton Gym, etc) before investing points, because Training has diminishing returns, but level up points do not. It's possible to max out all stats.

7) The Cheat Menu has (separate) cheats for unlimited Crew and Storage space, though I wouldn't say no to 'Cargo Bay' or 'Ultra Advanced Quarters' modules. Maybe a 'Cryo Pod'. It's not like you can interact with most of your Crew while travelling. You'd still need to have enough active for your Turrets, I guess.

9) There's now a Time Skip option in the Cheat Menu.
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Oct 24, 2023
2) So Breedwell works just fine for me before Zheng Shi. Just recruit Azra, get the spunk shrooms, and donate on New Texas until you get the invite. with ~1K liters donation I get around 40k credits. Paige is 500k, so that's just 12-15 donations at the max. Really easy. Also I have never managed to get to Zheng Shi without rescuing Kiro first, so I didn't find the need for an early Paige for password reasons.

Otherwise I agree, getting cash before finding the probe on Tarkus is a mite taxing.

6) I truly did not know you can max all stats. Hrm. Food for thought.

Regarding the Cheat Menu, I read the wiki and the forums and was aware of it, but I in general prefer not using it. It's there to unblock you, sure, but I like the idea of a big enough home for the homies.
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