By abusing gobilinola and amber seed, I made a character with h-cups whose breasts outweighed the rest of their entire body weight. Nothing else to report, I just thought it was hilarious.
You're correct, under normal conditions you are not suppose to be able to be that short. However, there is an exploit in the game that allows this. Let me explain. Gobilinola, as you a probably aware, will decrease your height when you are 3 foot 7 in and above by 1-2 inches + 1 inch if you do not have female genitals. Knowing this you might assume that the limit is 3 foot 4 inches. 3ft 7in - 3in(high roll) = 3ft 4in. This actually is not the case. When you sleep with the gobilinola tf effect active, the game only checks to see if you are too short to be shrunk until after the tf screen appears when you wake up. So when you are asleep you may roll several height shrink effects at the same time. In this game I was 3 ft 7in, ate a goblinola, and went to sleep. I rolled the shrink tf 3 times and all of them were high rolls (9in). Theoretically, it might be possible to get shorter, but this is the lowest I got.I thought you couldn't get that tiny though. Unless something has changed.