Silly Water Tribe Girl [CoC/Avatar]


Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2019
This is a crossover between Corruption of Champions and Avatar: the Last Airbender, featuring a young water tribe woman by the name of Lutoyu who goes to Mareth.

Here is the initial prologue, which I hope to follow up later. Let me know what sort of content you'd like to be featured in this-I'm open to suggestion.



As the sun set over the South Pole, a young woman in a blue fur-lined coat trudged through heavy snow, followed by a man who looked to be in his sixties. Cold winds blew across the icy landscape, but they were unfettered by the foul weather, and pushed onward toward their destination-a breach into the spirit world, which the woman had discovered while hunting seals. According to her, it had an ominous presence, one that glowered with a terrible heat.

As the two approached the cave's entrance, she stopped-she could feel it, even from here. It was unlike anything she had experience, being as warm as a campfire, but lingering with dread. She bit her lip as she felt sweat dribbling down her brown skin, Trying to keep herself under control. The effect it had on her did not go unnoticed, as the old man asked, his voice as rough as a fish's scales, "Lutoyu, is this the breach you were talking about?"

Nodding quickly, she looked to the old man with pleading eyes. While droplets of sweat were starting to congeal around her hands, she couldn't bend in this state, especially since she was trying to keep herself from moving any closer. Deciding to not delay this any longer, the elder made a well-practiced motion as water rose from the ground in a spiraling helix, before he guided it into the cave, closing his eyes as he concentrated on where the breach was.

"Mmmph," Lutoyu moaned, as she began pressing her hand down her pants. The sensation of the portal was starting to catch up with her, and she could barely control herself. Pressing her thumb against her soft dark clit, she rubbed it as her mind raced with perverse imagery, thinking of herself stripped naked before the village, pregnant and dripping with warm seed as faceless men splattered their seed all over her. She then imagined the elder's cock, still virile and proud, at full mast, with her lips wrapped around it.

The elder, finding the odd portal, began to perform the waterbending ritual that had been passed down the family line in order to send spirits back to their realm. With intense focus, he allowed the helix to gently spiral around the portal, controlling it with utmost care. Despite his age, this was the first time he had needed to use this ritual, and so he put all his effort into it.

Then, he heard an orgasmic howl.

His eyes now wide open, concentration broken, he could only watch as Lutoyu, unable to resist the pull, disappeared into the cave entrance. Fear coursing through his veins, he ran, leaving her to the mercy of the breach. He was certain that whatever was lurking in that cave was beyond his abilities to deal with, and that whatever it was, it wasn't connected to the spirit world.

Meanwhile, the young water tribe woman, mesmerized by the swirling vortex, entered into the portal...
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