Silly mode one time planet event, maybe permanent planet if the devs and public like it enough.


Active Member
Jul 4, 2016
Etis has convinced me to post this here as he thought it was good (if he wasn't reading it from a corporate prompter - anonymous tarkus gabilani).

Basically it is a planet that has yet to be found by the planet rush and will likely never be found on account of it being so off track of the rush routes that you only found it on account of a glitch in your navigation systems, it is a desert planet whose north and south is seperated by an equator that is basically one giant river spanning the circumference of the entire planet and is flowing on account of the planet's spin. You go on the planet and one thing leads to another as you are considered to be the god they all worship, waiting on your every command and worshipping all that you are. (In a manner that I'm sure we're all familiar with)

It is populated by an Egyptesque civilization of whose people consist of the nazevarii, a grey skinned, 8 feet tall on average race who are digitigrade with a reptilian body structure, soft spines on their back, 4 elongated digits on each limb (less so on their hands), no scales, reptilian eyes, elongated back swept moth like antennae that grow like their hair and chameleon like tongues. Whats more is that they are all hermaphrodites and the norm is their female genitals are situated in their front and their male genitals are in their tail, though some have been born with both genitals in the same place or both in the same place as well as extra male endowments on their tails but the third type usually only happens in the royal families for some reason.

The nazevarii believe that ownership of the krimarii is their god(you) given right and use thousands of them in them construction of their buildings and fulfilment of the needs of their masters. They are 4 feet in length on average and are small black/brown/green gecko like creatures who look like miniature versions of the nazevarii with the exeption of flatter heads and have 2 clearly defined genders, they are naturally scared and submissive whilst the former species are confident and dominant.

While both species are egg bearers the former lays about 1 or 2 while the latter lays between 10 and 30, they have breasts and can manually induce lactation if stimulated enough though they also hide all their genitals in genital slits when not aroused. Strangely though their cocks are like tentacles with knots and blooming flower type cervix penetrating heads with an inch in thickness for every 2 feet,  probably to penetrate as deep as possible whilst making sure nothing escapes.
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