Sidewinder Crew Capacity Bug


Well-Known Member
Jan 3, 2017
I think there's a bug in there. When I got it a few months ago, I remember I had 10 crew space capacity, added some advanced quarters, got more capacity, and basically took a break from the game. I came back today, and the crew capacity was back to 10 for some reason. with the adv. quarters installed. I went to the ship's description in and it also says 10 base crew ship space, so I figured that wasn't nerfed. Anybody else got this issue, and know how to fix?


Well-Known Member
Nov 8, 2018
Are you on 0.8.017?
Did you install additional modules?

Advanced Quarters were changed to effectively be +3, then got reverted back to +2 Bonus Crew Capacity (+1 over what you had before).


Well-Known Member
Jan 3, 2017
When I look at the upgrade modules, I have 3 adv. Quarters, 1 thrust vectoring system, 1 coil cannon and 1 laser turret.

I'm sure I had 13 crew space. One for each crew member, plus Sera when she got back to the ship after delivering.

And now when I got there it was back to base 10 crew space.

Edit: yes I came back to playing on the new 0.8.017 patch

Edit 2: So I removed all modules and I got the 10 crew space back. I'm just really confused now. Maybe it isn't a bug, but a change I hadn't seen? Idk. But, I'm reading the Adv. Quarter description back from patch 0.7.289 and it said it would allow fore 2 more crew members to be housed. But when I install it as of patch 0.8.017 I only get one more crew space. Was there a change that I'm not aware of? I'm not seeing anything regarding that back on
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Well-Known Member
Nov 8, 2018
Advanced Quarters gives +2 Bonus Crew Capacity, but takes up a module space.

Crew Capacity = Unused Module slots + Bonus Crew Capacity
Advanced Quarters = -1 Modules, +2 Bonus Crew Capacity
The net is +1 Crew Capacity.

The comments for 0.7.289 have a note from Fenoxo:
Advanced crew quarters were an intended upgrade to allow you to burn upgrade slots for two crew members (effectively +1 crew members). The tooltip might get edited to make the math a bit more clear.

By the way, my preferred loadout is 2x Missile Turrets, 1x Hardened Systems (to resist Dr. Teyaal's Shield Disruptor and Shield Vampire), 1x Shield Vampire (which you can skip, if you like). This should give you +14, if you skip the Shield Vampire. The Sidewinder has such a ridiculous base Evasion you don't really need the Thrust Vectoring System.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 3, 2017
Oh nice, thanks, I got no idea what is better than what now!! qowçrlghvnfewljkgvbhsdflkb

Kinda sad that by utilizing one adv quarters you only get one, but oh well, at least I get how it works again. So thank you for that :D


Well-Known Member
Nov 8, 2018
If you're looking for Ship equipment advice:
Shields have resistance to Kinetic and a weakness to Electric and Burning.
Armor has a resistance to Electric and Burning and no resistance to Kinetic.
Missile Turrets are good because they have a low Energy cost and do Kinetic and Burning, making them effective vs both types, and have an Accuracy bonus which stacks (2x Missile Turrets give +20 Accuracy).
You could also have dedicated weapons for Shields and Armor.

I'm not sure what the purpose of the Shield Upgrade is. Shield Booster seems strictly superior. I'm pretty sure restoring ~4000 Shields 1x/fight is better than +1000 maximum Shields.
50 Shield Defense (1x Tuned Emitters) is enough to drop Machine Gun damage (Casstech Z7/Corona Lord) down to 1 digit/hit.
Notably, the Corona Lord has two weapons with Accuracy penalties, and the Sidewinder's passive Evasion makes it hard for her to hit.

I'm of the opinion if you're taking Armor damage, you're doing something wrong, so I don't have much advice. However, the Sidewinder does have a fixed Heavy Armor module, so Armor Repair might not be a bad idea.

The Shield Disruptor, Shield Vampire, and Capacitor Vampire are Systems checks. Attacker's vs Target's. Evasion does nothing. I'm not sure what the formula is, and maybe it's changed since previously,1 Hardened Systems was enough to almost guarantee Dr. Teyaal's Shield Disruptor would fail, but now it seems more likely to hit.

Unless you intend to look for weaknesses, I don't recommend installing Sensor Suites. Hardened Systems have a higher Systems bonus.
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