Shyshy Sketches


Oct 26, 2016
Howdy folks, I'm shyshy and even though I've been playing CoC and TiTs for quite a bit I just now got around to joining up on the forums. Mostly it's cause I've been struck by sudden artistic inspiration and am drawing silly doodles and junk of my TiTs pc Louie. I don't have a working scanner so all the pictures were just snapped from my little iphone, sorry. I'll post more stuff here as I make it.


Here she is Lucille Elara Steel aka Louie~ 5'4 half ausar with dark skin, white hair, green eyes, and c-cup boobs. I'll probably get around to coloring at least some of these pictures but it'll most likely be color pencil till I get a computer that doesn't  freeze the moment I try to use my tablet. Generally she's cheerful, her personality type is kind, and she really likes ear scritches :3


More of Louie. Fun-fact/random head-cannon: she's almost always wearing socks because her feet are always cold (also because I can't draw feet). She wears the shibari top and bottoms because I have a love/obsession with rope and love that this is an option. I kinda tried to model it after one of the kaibari designs I really like but honestly I didn't do it justice. I hope to try again one day when I'm better at art. Also tried my hand at drawing Anno and will try again and again as she's Louie's favorite slut-puppy girlfriend <3 I bunked up on the tails and will probably erase them.

Oh and if you haven't noticed hands are not my thing. I'm trying to get better but it's slow going. Same with profile but I've improved vastly over where I used to be so that's nice~ Not digging it so much in the picture of her laying down but I am happy with how her breast came out. I spent a fair time googling references and then flopping over on my back to try and figure out how boobs work when you lay down. They are confusing...

Any how I've probably talked way too much about these pictures so I'm gonna shut up now and go back to drawing. Nice to meet everyone! 
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Oct 26, 2016

Me practicing couples when I should be sleeping. Tried my hand at drawing Celise, Embry, and Reaha with Louie. 

Louie and Celise: After shower sneak attack! Louie's tail fluffs up when she blow-drys it but I don't know if I conveyed that well cx Also, how do you do poses? I'm winging it!

Louie and Embry: Louie loves her adorable pink girlfriend, so many smooches! (honestly though I think she's my favorite. Edan's a close second~)  Pretty sure I made her tail too long, whoops! Not as bad as the monkey feet though, almost forgot she had those. Could make for an interesting footjob scene now that I think about it.

Louie and Reaha: "You are so pretty~" cause honestly Reaha is, in my opinion :3 Louie got them matching cow socks, and a loose shirt for Reaha cause as much as she loves those milk jugs she thinks everyone deserves a comfy, baggy shirt. How do you hands? How do you legs? How do you art? 

I swear I'm gonna draw something sexy at some point, I just love cute doodles <3


Looking good. For some reason though the forum rotates the images sideways.


Oct 26, 2016
Thank you both! More sketches are forthcoming~ I'll see if I can do something about that sideways thing, thanks for letting me know :3