Shitty Fake History

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Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2019
[Note: This is fake history and has no connection to real history. If it does, it is tenuous at best.]

In 1921, the Chancellor of the Hungarian Republic was shot dead in the streets by a young man, about the age of 19. He was almost arrested but attempted to commit suicide by jumping into a nearby river, washing down to a small town where he died of hypothermia several days later. It was found, a month later, he had been working for a Polish nationalist terrorist cell whose goal was to start a war between Hungary and Russia. They succeeded, causing war to spread across Europe.

During the war, Winston Churchill died at the battle of Frankefurt, when he was struck with a German shell; fifty thousand English men died that day. Their situation was worsened when the British garrison's in India were overthrown, supplied by the new Communist Union of Slavic Republics, or CUSR, in exchange for forming a new Communist government. This was, however, short-lived due to religious tensions, and split apart into many different Indian states.

Regardless, England was slowly worn down and, without assistance from the US (who was busy dealing with a series of Prohibition Wars, as many states had refused to carry out the 18th Amendment), losing steam; London river was apparently so laden with corpses, the rotting bodies formed a bog. It was forced to surrender, and lose many of its territories abroad. Things were worsened when Ireland and Scottland formed a rebellion, marching into England and burning down Buckminster Palace. The Royal Family was publicly executed, and had their corpses displayed on pikes for all to see.

During the war, a German art school was destroyed, killing a student named Adolf Hitler.

Europe was fundamentally shifted as power now rested in the newly arisen CUSR, whose dominion reached as far west as Germany and as far south as Italy. This would eventually lead to instability and cause it to split in half, but for a decade, it seemed invincible. The US, fearing it, quickly repealed the 18th amendment to reunited the States, which was easier said then done, but it managed to get get things together.

Japan invaded Korea, leading to a war between it, the various Chinese warlords, CUSR, and some parts of India. While it was able to easily defeat its Asian rivals, Russia did not forgive or forget easily, and led a brutal attack against Japan. This, however, only drove CUSR closer to it's divide.


Well-Known Member
Jun 8, 2016


Well-Known Member
Jul 18, 2017
My guess, its a proposal for an alternate history. Although OP, its very hard to understand what you're doing without context. We're not mindreaders. We can't just look at a piece and instantly understand what you want from us.

But lets just look at a couple of things. And because you've given us no context, I'm going to have to assume that your timeline continues after the First World War.
  • By 1920, the Hungarian Monarchy had already been restored after Béla Kun was deposed, following the collapse of his regime (after 4 months), invasion by Romanian troops and the severe dissatisfaction of Hungarian citizens.
  • 1921, Churchill was no longer in military service, instead he was Secretary of State for the Colonies and throughout 1921 was one of several British politicians who were negotiating with the Irish political party Sinn Fein in Downing Street to end the ongoing Irish War of Independence.
  • Britain getting "worn down"...Ah no. While there was a degree of assertiveness growing within the Commonwealth. With at least a third of Africa, about a quarter of the Middle East, as well as India, Canada and Oceania, not to mention the Grand Fleet of the First World War pretty much ensured that the Royal Navy would remain the predominant naval power until the late 1930s. Britain controlled the seas. It wasn't worn down. It wore others down. And it could call on infantry from the Commonwealth, ensuring it could have one of the largest armies in the world.
  • Ireland wouldn't have "rebelled". It had already done that in 1916 with the Easter Rising. While it was to a degree a failure, support grew in light of the punishing atrocities the British Empire committed in the aftermath, including the rather callous executions of several key figures in the Rising. By 1921, Britain was enduring the Irish War for Independence, with the founding of the Irish Free State taking place in 1922.
  • Korea had already been a part of the Japanese Empire from 1910 until 1945, with the Japan-Korea Treaty of 1910.

You want to do a fake/alternate history? Go for a more innocuous starting point. A war breaking out because of another assassination, 7 years after the beginning of the First World War, well, to be frank, it just sounds lazy.