Ship shower crash


Nov 18, 2019
Game consistently crashes every time I attempt to take a shower on my ship with the rinse feature turned on. I can take a normal shower without rinsing, but this crash makes it so I can't walk around without constant text popups if I'm filled with cum without having the Grey Goo armor remove it.

Ship is an Ova'LEK

A critical error has occurred. Please create a bug report on the forums here. Please include what you did before the error and a screen-shot or copy-paste of the error message below: ``` Version: 0.9.013-BACKER-ELECTRON#2331 Message: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'd') Stack:
TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'd')
at o.value (file:///C:/Users/mdbor/Games/TiTS-backer-0.9.013-win/resources/app/main.4b5216db.js:1:10939467)
at o.value (file:///C:/Users/mdbor/Games/TiTS-backer-0.9.013-win/resources/app/main.4b5216db.js:1:11882903)
at Wa (file:///C:/Users/mdbor/Games/TiTS-backer-0.9.013-win/resources/app/vendors.0d355fc7.js:1:452203)
at Ha (file:///C:/Users/mdbor/Games/TiTS-backer-0.9.013-win/resources/app/vendors.0d355fc7.js:1:452002)
at qu (file:///C:/Users/mdbor/Games/TiTS-backer-0.9.013-win/resources/app/vendors.0d355fc7.js:1:492947)
at Cs (file:///C:/Users/mdbor/Games/TiTS-backer-0.9.013-win/resources/app/vendors.0d355fc7.js:1:479097)
at ks (file:///C:/Users/mdbor/Games/TiTS-backer-0.9.013-win/resources/app/vendors.0d355fc7.js:1:479025)
at Ss (file:///C:/Users/mdbor/Games/TiTS-backer-0.9.013-win/resources/app/vendors.0d355fc7.js:1:478888)
at gs (file:///C:/Users/mdbor/Games/TiTS-backer-0.9.013-win/resources/app/vendors.0d355fc7.js:1:475875)
at file:///C:/Users/mdbor/Games/TiTS-backer-0.9.013-win/resources/app/vendors.0d355fc7.js:1:425547


Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2018
Minnesota, USA
This was actually unrelated to the shower but a side effect of another issue that was fixed in a previous version. However the problem was still present in your save. The next patch will have code to clean up saves like yours.
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