[Shelved] Disregard


Well-Known Member
Nov 24, 2018
canuck land.
Starting off with a dungeon is ambitious. The idea is decent for a dungeon, before you start several things should be done. Talk to some of the writers on discord or the forums get extra feed back from people who got in the game. The story and plot should be finished before you continue to make the actual dungeon. After the story i would go and fact check with the lore of the game already established. Overall a ton of things must be done, i wish you luck with your project. Quick edit, make sure you're doing this cause you like the idea. NOT cause you're bored, projects made from bordem turn out bland at best and just awful at worst. Make sure your legitimately interested in your current project. Trust me doing something you like will make it all the better.
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The Observer

FoE Mod
Aug 27, 2015
I'm going to be blunt and say it outright:

Don't do this.

>A first-time project that attempts to ambitiously anticipate for a rank of powers that hasn't even been determined at this point, and a passive where such powers need to be active
>in a locale type that frankly is getting overcrowded (too many forgotten temples on the slate already),
>with multiple perks that reach into the guts of at least one core system,
>an entire sub-zone with multiple NPCs,
>with combat that frankly, we usually discuss and revamp according to our own needs anyways.

Might you be the one to emerge on the other side without burning out, flaking, moving onto something else, or wandering off into limbo? Maybe, but the graveyard of JimT continuations and numerous fresh faces buried within alongside their ambitious projects suggest that the chances aren't good.

Do something smaller, work with us for some months, understand how things work, then maybe rethink this and give it another shot with some different wrapping.