Share your favorite character stories


Well-Known Member
Nov 10, 2016
Not sure if a thread like this is okay, if not I have no trouble with having it deleted.

So, I just had something oddly amusing happen to my latest character who I designed to look as angelic as possible: Curvy, a bit pudgy, golden hair and of course wings. Guess what? Going to Poe A without any credits on you is a terrible idea if you don't want to look like a succubus. So my "angel" is now a demon. Oh the irony.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
So, you've fallen from grace. Happens with angels.

Not sure I have something to share myself. I'm too much of a control freak to allow something unexpected to happen.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
I find it pretty funny all my characters can rewind time, seemingly at will, to undo their gravest mistakes (such as getting the wrong TF from an item.)


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2015
Yeah, I was thinking to just reload, but I hadn't saved for about for rather productive ingame days. I just saved into a new slot.
Multiple saves and saving is important. It helps you avoid having to grind through the New Texan gym 3 times in a row, because you continuously save over the file out of habit of using that save slot...

I liked the moment when after using rainbowtox for a good while my PC was finally satisfied. But then my character´s nipples changed to black after using foxfire... however it took only one try of rainbowtox to get her desired color again XD

I also enjoyed that weird moment when it was Celise who confronted my character and had a very serious talk about his addiction to Lane.
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Well-Known Member
May 7, 2016
Meh. Next time i go through TiTS frenzy, i'll make a no transform state that blitzkrigs through myrellion, KaraQuest and Dr. Lash. Then in the future i'll load that file as the basis of all my future playthroughs.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Moscow, RF
So I wanted to play around with the Treatment and created a character with a page-long backstory that went into a laundry list of reasons for her to consider taking it.

Buy I loaded a wrong save and took the hit with my bad-ass Kui-tan ninja main. And since it was my only save of her at that time, I had to either bother with .minerva or roll with it. Obviously, I chose the most fun variant and tried to reconcile the two potential sides of her personality, spent close to another hour doing it.

Then I let the changes roll and was reminded that Amazon Treatment was a thing.:ghost:
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