Sex Dungeons and Dragon Queens. ( For Aphroditus)


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
In the peaceful kingdom of Lunaria, an unforgivable crime has been committed. The daughter of king Barbose, Princess Nina, has been kidnapped by the dark dragon rider, Vahn the terrible, and his monstrous band of henchmen. Princess Nina is known far and wide for her radiant beauty, and kind demeanor, and her loss has sent the entire kingdom into a state of melancholy. So it is that the king has sent out calls to all the land, summoning the most skilled warriors, and adventurers, the kingdom has to offer to compete in a set of gladiatorial games to try and find one worthy of embarking on the perilous quest to rescue the lost princess, and bring Vahn to justice.

While many would consider taking on a small army of monsters tantamount to suicide, the king has promised two very enticing pieces of motivation. First, that the champion shall carry with them the Fist of Shaping; a magical gauntlet capable of reshaping, and strengthening, the wearer's body to be able to endure almost any hardship. And secondly, whomsoever manages to rescue Princess Nina, shall be joined with her in holy matrimony, and welcomed into the royal family.

And so, with such a staggering reward in place, the capitol city of Crystalveil sees heros of every stripe and color crowding its streets, hoping for a chance to enter the games, and be chosen as the kingdom's champion. Who will be chosen? And, will they have what it takes to complete the monumental task before them?

Breka made her way through the crowded streets of the city of Crystalveil. Like so many others, she had heard the call for heros, and promised rewards, and decided to answer. The city market had been cleared of stalls and booths, to make room for the competition that was to take place to decide who would be sent to rescue the abducted Princess Nina. She eventually found herself standing in line with many other armed individuals before a large tent, as a small, bespectacled, man in the finery of a noble sat at a table, taking their names and ushering them into the tent.

When Breka got to the front, the little man simple said, "Name and title, please."

Aphroditus Dionysus

Well-Known Member
Jun 1, 2016

Name: Breka
Level 1 Paladin
Age: 23
Gender: Female (for now)
Orientation: Bisexual

Hit Points: 25/25
Damage: 1d10

Strength: 13 (+1)
Constitution: 15 (+1)
Charisma 16 (+2)
Dexterity 12 (+0)
Wisdom 9 (+0)
Intelligence 8 (-1)

Fiery Eyes,
Black, Styled Hair.
Skin: Tan, Caucasian.
Body Type: Athletic mesomorph, subtle hourglass shape.
Cup Size: B
Waist: Trim.
Butt: Juicy, well toned
Pubic Hair: Neatly Trimmed.


Domineering, Aggressive, Arrogant, Protective, Tender, Motherly. Not above being ridden like a rented mule in bed, but never lets her partners pull her hair (not without payback later). First person to start challenging people to arm wrestle, but the last one to admit defeat. Her faith in her deity Nimenya goes beyond zealous and borders on the fanatical.

Her Story:
The chosen champion of the cult of Nimenya (A love god/goddess who's followers & tenants have been describes as 'a little rapey') Breka is a knight exemplar chosen by the high priestess for her 'overzealous harlotry & enthusiastic combativeness' She was last seen on her way to the capitol city of Crystalveil to compete in the king's gladiatorial games in order to win the title of chosen champion charged with rescuing the Princess Nina from the dark dragon rider Vahn the terrible.


When you pray for guidance, even for a moment, and ask, “What here is evil?”the GM will tell you, honestly.

Lay on Hands (Cha)
When you touch someone, skin to skin, and pray for their well-being , roll+CHA. On a 10+ you heal 1d8 damage or remove one disease. On a 7–9, they are healed, but the damage or disease is transferred to you.

You ignore the clumsy tag on armor you wear.

I Am the Law
When you give an NPC an order based on your divine authority, roll+Cha.n a 7+, they choose one:
  • Do what you say
  • Back away cautiously, then flee
  • Attack youOn a 10+, you also take +1 forward against them.
On a miss, they do as they please and you take -1 forward against them.

When you dedicate yourself to a mission through prayer and ritual cleansing, state what you set out to do:
  • Slay ___________, a great blight on the land
  • Defend ___________ from the iniquities that beset them
  • Discover the truth of _________________
Then choose up to two boons:
  • An unwavering sense of direction to .
  • Invulnerability to _________ (e.g., edged weapons, fire, enchantment, etc.)
  • A mark of divine authority
  • Senses that pierce lies
  • A voice that transcends language
  • A freedom from hunger, thirst, and sleep
The GM will then tell you what vow or vows is required of you to maintain your blessing:
  • Honor (forbidden: cowardly tactics and tricks)
  • Temperance (forbidden: gluttony in food, drink, and pleasure of the flesh)
  • Piety (required: observance of daily holy services)
  • Valor (forbidden: suffering an evil creature to live)
  • Truth (forbidden: lies)
  • Hospitality (required: comfort to those in need, no matter who they are)
Alignment: Lawful
Deny mercy to a criminal or unbeliever.

Load = 7/13.
  • Halberd (reach, +1 damage, two-handed, 2 weight)
  • Scale armor (2 armor, 3 weight)
  • Mark of faith: A gold ring set with a ruby in the shape of a heart.
  • Dungeon rations (10 uses 2 weight) and healing potion

"Breka, Knight Exemplar of Nimenya"
Said the tall dark woman with the confidence of a braggart warrior.

As the attendant scribbled down her title she swept her eyes across the room to size up her compitetion

[Discern Realities, 2d6+0, 9!
What here should I be on the lookout for?]
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Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
As she entered the large tent, Breka was greeted with the sight and sound of at least two dozen other people milling about. The inside of the tent was almost completely bare, save for the thick layer of sand and sawdust that covered the floor. Of the people inside, all of them were armed and armored in some way, though Breka could plainly see that most of them were not comfortable in such attire. Novices and militia men, with little in the way of actual experience, seemed to make up the bulk of those who had answered the King's call to arms. Still, there were a few exceptions that stood out. The first, and most obvious, was a mountain of a man dressed in leather armor, and wearing a bearskin cloak; a thick broadsword hung at his hip.
The second was a beautiful woman wearing a long dress that showed off her ample bosom nicely. She carried a stout wooden staff, and wore a large pointy had stitched with a large rune on the front of it.
Finally, standing at the other side of the tent was a man in a plain green shirt, and red cap. He almost looked out of place, but Breka could see the pair of daggers hanging from his hips, and the way his hands rested they were never far from them. It was the kind of stance that one developed from being in a lot of fights.

Finally, after the last of the people in line were ushered in, the small spectacled man came in after them, and waved his hands to get the crowd's attention. "Ladies, and gentlemen! You have all volunteered your services in this time of need, but the kingdom is not looking for an army; it is looking for a champion. To that end, the first challenge of this competition begins here. Each of you is to attempt to subdue the rest of the people in this pavilion. Whomsoever succeeds, will move on to the next challenge. With that, good luck, and... Begin!"

For a moment, all was quiet. Then the first punch was thrown, and the entire crowd erupted into violence, as men and women tried desperately to knock out as many people as they could.

Aphroditus Dionysus

Well-Known Member
Jun 1, 2016
Breka immediately took up a low defensive posture & began swirling her hailberd above her head in an attempt to become a spinning eye level guillotine of death! Anything to put distance between her an her potential attackers.
She made an effort to pay special attention to the knife weilding man in green, if anyone was going to dodge roll under her gaurd, it was him.

[Not sure if you want a hack and slash or defy danger but either way I'm using STR so thats 2d6+1, 12! Bam. Not bad to start.
If you want damage ill elect to take the extra & incur risk, so thats 1d10+1d6, Jesus christ, 13 damage. Gotta love taking risks.]


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
All around, people fell, unconscious or bleeding, to the floor. Swords clashed, spells flew through the air, and good old fashioned fists were thrown. While the number of standing contestants shank, the number of unmoving bodies on the floor only grew. Before long, finding stable footing became difficult as men stumbled and tripped over one another.
[Now, you need to Defy Danger before attacking.]

Aphroditus Dionysus

Well-Known Member
Jun 1, 2016
[Ok, damn thats alot of carnage. Who's left? If they are outside my gaurd I let them come to me, only if they have a means of attacking me from a distance will I break position and try and rush them]


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
[There's still plenty of people around, you're fighting a mob right now, you need to clear out more of the extras. Also, most of the people in this melee aren't striking to kill.]

Breka had lost sight of the man in green, whom had caught her eye, as well as many of the others she had picked out. The jumble of bodies was still thick, and as she ducked a stray club swing it became obvious that she needed to make some headway in the chaff, before she could pick out the good stuff.

Aphroditus Dionysus

Well-Known Member
Jun 1, 2016
[Well if some one is close enough to swing a club they're probably close enough to kick in the taint. Not sure how they got past my REACH weapon though.

Defy Danger to balance, ... I got a 9, so decent
Hack and Slash, ... *phew* 7 so we trade blows and I deal ... 5 damage.]


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
Breka was hard pressed to find stable footing amongst the fallen bodies, but she managed. Twirling her halberd this way, and that, she dropped one opponent after another, but they just kept coming; pain shot through her arm as the head of a Morningstar connected with her shoulder, before she dropped the man holding it. [5 Damage.] Finally, after what felt like hours, the mob had all but collapsed. And there, on the other side of the pavilion, stood the man in green. He stood over a pile of bodies, almost as big as the one surrounding Breka, but he didn't have a scratch on him. "Well, well, just one more to go," he said, as he began stalking towards her.

Aphroditus Dionysus

Well-Known Member
Jun 1, 2016
Breka rooted herself firm and took a defensive stance & stood poised to strike as soon as he entered her weapon's reach.

[Defend roll, ... shit thats a 4. Welp had to happen eventually. Take it away GM.]


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
The man was unarmored, and so moved with speed and grace such that he was easily able to duck the wide swing of Breka's polearm. He came at her with both daggers in a downward strike, and it was all she could do to bring her weapon in to block the strike. But, that did nothing to stop his foot from snapping out, and catching her square in the gut. [Take 5 damage. By the way, I'm not taking your armor into account when I give damage.]

Aphroditus Dionysus

Well-Known Member
Jun 1, 2016
[Yeah I figured, I'm only down a few HP]

Breka tensed up and took the blow. Her error in tactical judgement past her, she now moved with feirce purpose to end this man quickly.

[Hack and Slash, ... bam! 13 baby! I will take that extra damage baby, becuase I deal, ... 7+3=10 damage!]

Breka lashed out with her mailed gauntlet and began holding this man off the ground by his neck!


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
The man was taken back by Breka's sheer strength, and his hands went to her wrist as he was lifted into the air. His flailing was not random, however, and his knee came up under her chin. Breka's vision blurred as stars danced before her eyes for a split second, then her foot hit one of the unconscious warriors on the ground, and they fell. The two of them landed hard in a heap, fists and feet flying as they tried to get an advantage on one another.

Aphroditus Dionysus

Well-Known Member
Jun 1, 2016
[Hack and Slash more! ... 11! Now I'm on it. I'll take the extra damage again to deal ... 13 damage! Jesus.]

Breka kept her strangling fist tight in an iron grip as she went down, and when she came up, she came up swinging! Left hook after right cross pummeling her foe's already purple face as he struggled to cach his breath, 1, 2, 4 7, 8, 12, and counting. One passion filled iron fist after another until he was subdued, and she could claim her rightful reward.


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
Though the man tried to get his arms up to protect himself, it was a fools errand. After a few more blows, he finally went down in a heap, and Breka was the last one standing in the pavilion. "Stop!" cried the little man who had lead them in. He walked up to her, as men and women in the white robes of healers entered the tent and began tending to the wounded. "Congratulations Ms... Breka, was it? You have passed the first preliminaries, and earned the right to compete in the contest proper."


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
The rest of the day was a grueling combination of physical challenges, as she and the other ten contestants who had passed their crucibles where pushed to their limits. Breka had to fight a man with nothing but a staff while standing on a balancing beam. Later she and the others were bound together, in a six way tug of war. There was also an archery competition, and many other sports that waited throughout the day. Finally, tired and bruised, Breka was the last one standing. To her surprise, she had yet to be declared the winner. The bespectacled man came to her with a serious expression on his face. "Congratulations," he said. "You're at the head of the running, but there is still one last test to see if you truly have what it takes to face this challenge. If you will follow me, this last test will take place in the castle dungeons." With that, he turned to walk away, but paused for a moment, and turned to Breka. "Unless, you're afraid."

Aphroditus Dionysus

Well-Known Member
Jun 1, 2016
"Dont be foolish, an annointed knight is always at the ready"
Brekka said arogantly.
She took in a deep breath to steal herself, the day had indeed been wearing her down, but there was no way she'd let it show if she could help it.


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
Breka was lead deep into the castle dungeons, down into the darkness, until they came to a hallway lined with stout wooden doors reinforced with iron. The little man took her to the very end of the hall, the last door, and stopped. "Please remove your weapons and armor, as well as any other equipment you may be carrying," he instructed.

Aphroditus Dionysus

Well-Known Member
Jun 1, 2016
Brekka cocked her head to the side and raised an eyebrow at the order. It seemed a tad unorthidox but nothing she hadn't been told to do during her clerical training.

She removed her diaphanous black cape and her sectioned bronze armor plates. First the garters on the half plate leggings, then the mailed gauntlets, followed by her breast plate and finally the plate mail bikini bottom.

Exposed in the naked form Nimenya gave her, she flexed her well toned muscles and tensed up her glutes, and she could feel the cool air of the chamber on her well groomed mound and exposed nipples.

She relaxed her form and leaving her weapons aside she stepped forth ready for the next challenge.


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
Once she had stripped down, the little man opened the heavy door, and ushered her in. The door closed behind Breka, and a small view port slid open near the top, through which her escort looked. "This is the final test you must endure." As he spoke, Breka heard the door lock. "Though you have proven yourself in battle, the trials that lay before you on this journey will likely be perilous, even to one such as you. So you must prove that you are as resourceful as you are powerful. To that end, you must escape this holding cell by any means you can. Including, subduing your jailer."
A sudden loud snort, and the sound of heavy footfalls alerted Breka that she was not alone in the room. Turning around, she saw a large shape step out of the shadows on the other side of the room. In basic shape, it looked like a powerfully built man, almost eight feet in height. But, where a man's head would be, there was instead the head of a great bull, complete with long curving horns. A minotaur stood before her, its eyes roaming over her naked body, as it licked its lips.

Aphroditus Dionysus

Well-Known Member
Jun 1, 2016
As a warrior priestess of a love goddess brekka had fought and fucked all kinds, but this was all together something new.
Her eyes roamed across the cut musculature of the man beast and she too knew a hunger.
Her nipples became erect and her skin went flush reflexively.
She traced her feet swiftly yet carfuly across a the floor doing a sort of belly dance routine as she advanced toward the creature.
As she came in close she traced a hand around the beast's back before reaching another hand past the thick fur carpet of its groin to fondle its girthy package.


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
The creature stopped in it's tracks at the strange display. Apparently, it had been expecting dinner, not a show, but at the soft touch of Breka's hands arousal quickly beat out hunger. So, when her hand went searching through the shaggy fur that covered the minotaur's loins, it came as no surprise that her hand closed around a large, hardening shaft. What was surprising was the fact that it seemed to be emerging from an animalistic sheath. It made sense, she supposed, he was half bull.
Once her hand made contact with it, the cock began to emerge even faster, growing until her hand no longer fit around it, and eventually towering at a full fourteen inches in length.

Aphroditus Dionysus

Well-Known Member
Jun 1, 2016
"Godess grant me strength"
Brekka murmered under her breath.
She began to pump the beast man's turgid shaft in long slow strokes.
She gently laid a kiss upon the monster's hairy chest, and then again but lower, and again, and again. Traceing herself all the way down until she was on her knees, staring down the barrel of its the huge flare of its already large shaft. 'How am I even going to fit this?' She thought almost out loud. She resolved to start with licking and work her way up from there.
She gave the beastman's shaft a long slow ride up with her toung catching a bead of precum on the way as she arrived at the head. She gave her best effort to streach her jaw as wide as she could and give the flare a brief suckling before releaseing it with an audible pop. She continued licking and pumping the shaft but she knew full well she wouldn't be able to fit the whole thing in her mouth desipite her great oral talent. No this alone wouldn't slay this beast she knew. There was only one hole she could rely on for that, she sharply inhailed and thanked the goddes for her rigourus physical training. She took a wide stance on her knees spreading her moist thighs letting her scent escape.
The flare of the beasts nostrils told her the message was recived.
She drew out the sensation, cradling the monster's balls with one hand and working the shaft with the other as she acosted its length with her toung, teasing out more precum, it wouldn't be long now.


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
The beast growled and moaned under Breka's ministrations, his cock growing more and more rigid as she went, until finally a powerful hand seized her by the hair and pulled her back, just as the flared tip swelled even wider. A blast of thick white cum fired from the tip of the minotaur's dick, catching Breka in the chin. Some of the pungent fluid got into her mouth, but most of it dribbled down her neck and chest. Another blast of cum quickly followed the first, then another, and another. Rope after rope of hot, sticky, jizz hit Breka in the face and chest, forcing her to squeeze her eyes shut to avoid being blinded, and painting her breasts white.
Once the monster's orgasm finally subsided, and he released her hair, Breka wiped the cum from her eyes, only to find that the minotaur was still stiff as a flagpole, and his expression was twisted into a wicked smile. With a firm push, he forced her onto her back, then grasped her ankles and pulled her legs wide apart. He paused for a moment, letting his cock rest on her mons and belly, as if wanting her to see just how far into her he was about to go.


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
The minotaur pulled his hips back, pausing just long enough to line the tip of his dick up with Breka's entrance, before thrusting with all his strength. All that escaped Breka's throat was a strained gasp, as she was impaled by the equine member; her pussy stretched wide around the monsters girth. Once her eyes uncrossed, she looked down to find, to her horror, that the bull-man was only half way in. Still holding her ankles, the minotaur smiled down at her as he pulled back his hips once again, letting his cock drag along her inner walls until the head was just about to pop free, before thrusting forward again. Once more, the air shot from Breka's lungs as she was filled beyond capacity, and once more he withdrew slowly, only to drive back inside, just before he slipped out. On and on, the minotaur rutted her like this, each thrust pushing his cock a little deeper inside her, until finally, her lower lips pressed against the thick fur of his lower body. At last, he let go of her legs, and let them fall to the floor, as he looked down at her with a satisfied smile and nodded; clearly impressed with her ability to take handle his member.
"Take a moment to catch your breath. Then I will rut you in earnest," the creature suddenly said, in a thick accent. As she lay there, pondering her situation, Breka suddenly noticed something. Hanging around the minotaur's neck from a thin leather cord, was an old looking key. A key that looked exactly like the one the little man in the glasses had used to open the door to this cell.

Aphroditus Dionysus

Well-Known Member
Jun 1, 2016
Brekka gripped the beast's hips tightly with her thighs and pulled herself up with a perfect abdominal crunch to look the beast man eye to eye. She gave him her best 'fuck me' eyes as she leaned in for a kiss and wrapped her arms around his shoulders, hoping to slip loose the key during the fervor of their love making.

[Defy Danger 2d6+2, 10+2 12!, go Paladin charisma!]


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
As she fiddled with the leather cord around the minotaur's neck, the mighty beast took hold of her buttocks and lifted her about halfway off his cock, before releasing his hold and letting her own weight impale her in it once again. He followed this pattern for a while, lifting her up and letting her fall back down on his rod. "Mmm, you take cock well. Learn in brothel or stable?" he asked, with a cruel smile as he began to pick up the pace.

[Hey, I was beginning to think I'd never hear from you again.]

Aphroditus Dionysus

Well-Known Member
Jun 1, 2016
[Sorry, did I not mention I was basically off the grid all of january?]

Brekka gracefully swiped the key as the momentum began to build and non-chalantly hid it in one of her locks of jet black hair.
"You'll find I'm full of surprises"
She said feining confidence while straining to take the beast's massive member. It was not the largest thing she had ever been forced to endure within her, but neither has she ever actually had to fuck someone so well hung. With some more practice she might grow to delight in parters this large sge thought lewdly to her self.
The pace picked up an she braced her self against the beast-man's shoulders starting to mewl an coo with excitement. Once she had the beast properly 'slain' then she would make for her escape.