Sera: Stubborn or Bugged?


Well-Known Member
Sep 4, 2015

Asking your help here since, for the life of me, I can't seem to figure out how to complete the final step for breaking Sera-slave. I've gotten her to 80 obedience and, at that point, I've tried driving her lust up to 80 and giving her release via CuntTease - multiple times!

Which, as you can tell by the fact I'm asking here, isn't working. So what am I doing wrong?


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
@kingedgar not let her make PC cum during "treaining" sessions. Plus picking deny during those training when her arousal is low or medium and release when high would help get you higher with her obedience.

@Consciousone SInce I asuse you been keeping lust of PC below lvl that will make him cum form Sera training I would suggest for final training scene to actualy have this lust high enough as instead of screw up scene with teasing sera it will triger final scene that would set her ob at 80 forever and open her nex part of sub path (shop).