Sera - Selling Items disabled


Sep 23, 2020
When putting Sera into debt, going back into her shop menu to sell items brings up a message and disables the ability to sell more items. This disable seems to be universal though - I checked the merchant in Mhen'ga as well as Anno and both were unable to accept items. Not going back into Sera's shop menu after the sale seems to work around this bug for now, but it seems like something behind the scenes isn't being toggled properly.

For clarity's sake, the sell menu is still available - but selecting to sell any item is not possible.

EDIT: Reloading my save seems to have fixed this. Whatever toggle stops sales is cleared on a reload.


  • Terrasi (H) - 2Hrs 42Mins, 267 Days - Mhen’ga, Ara Ara.json
    704.5 KB · Views: 3


Well-Known Member
Mar 13, 2022
I can confirm this bug also is affecting me:
Anno - Shop Menu.png

Attached Saves:
  • Before selling 20 spunkrooms to Sera.
  • After selling 20 spunkrooms to Sera.


  • Sera - Selling - Before.json
    770.5 KB · Views: 2
  • Sera - Selling - After.json
    771.2 KB · Views: 2