Scene variations based on cum type?


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Was wondering if there were any. I read a gdoc a long long time ago im not sure who's it was, I think it was rhea's, but there was something in there about stuffing her full of honey flavored cum and making her drain it into a cup and making he drink it. I wonder if eventually some (if any at all) would have little minor ending variations based on what type of cum/vagjuice you have. Like if you have honey cum and flahne she gets all excited saying you're her favorite snack or give anno a bukkake and have her say something like "...well now i definitely have to take a shower. My hair's all sticky". Im not sure what other cum types there are but it doesn't just have to be honey. Maybe some red myr style aphrodisiac laced cum.

Also not every all cum variations have to have scene variation. I'm sure going back and adding different little sections to certain scenes based on every type would be quite a chore. 

Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
There are some of those in game, just not a whole lot. Less than Ditz Speech, anyway.