Savin's CYOA: 010

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Master Analmander
Staff member
Aug 26, 2015

Chapter III

You begin the trip towards the ruins of the Blackscale Castle, following in the wake of Tyroa and the mantis huntress from last night. The brushwood eventually gives way to open plains for a good two hundred feet around the walls in any direction, the land cleared and salted in ancient days to prevent any would-be attackers from finding shelter in the trees. You take a knee at the edge of the brush and take a moment to drink in the sights of your ancestor's home.

The castle was built around three tall towers, connected by curtain walls of dark stone. One of them, the nearest of the three, has long since fallen into rubble and ruin -- little more than piles of rock around a gaping hole leading into the courtyard. The other two are still standing, more or less: the furthest north seems mostly intact, while the easternmost has lost much of its top half, leaving it open-aired and leaning precariously to one side. Between the two crumbling halves you can see a gate that's been battered down. There's nothing left of the wood, but the metal portcullis is still visible, hanging in a bent and broken mess off the side of the entrance.

You can't see much of the courtyard inside, save for glimpses of a squat, boxy looking keep peeking up above the collapsed tower's ruins. In the fading darkness of the morning, you're fairly sure you can catch glimpses of flickering light inside the keep's windows. Someone's home. You don't suppose you'd be lucky enough to find Tyroa in there, guarding the entrance into the ruin's depths... better her than a pack of bloodthirsty ogres, right?

Other than that, you can see no signs of life within the castle. But it's early morning yet, and your vantage gives you only a narrow view of the inside...

Name: Remielle Syrililth
Race: Salamander
Sex: Hermaphrodite
Figure: Amazonian
Class: Mage
Stats: STR (10) CON (16) DEX (14) INT (15) WIS (8) CHA (12)

(( And now we return to a more normal passage length maybe >_> ))

Before everyone jumps on Scouting, remember that Remi is unwise as shit and failure usually results in Bad Things(tm). 
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Ochi verde

Jul 16, 2016
So, collapsed tower, obvious gate entrance and Scouting the perimeter (Via a wisdom check...Remi has 8, so what could go wrong?) 

Seeming as it's early morning apparently, the chance of being ambushed by entering through the gate is lower, seeing as Tyroa mentioned that the place had minos in it...and occasional Ogres.

The collapsed tower on the other hand, doesn't seem as risky of an entrance, considering it's been reduced to dust already.

And scouting the perimeter, it's a good idea to find  a secret entrance or something like that, you never know what awaits on the other hand of an obvious entrance. Unless our mantis friend from before will go in for the god damn butt while we're at it.

...I might be overthinking this though.

EDIT: >tfw you refresh and see "  Other than that, you can see no signs of life within the castle. But it's early morning yet, and your vantage gives you only a narrow view of the inside... '
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Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Rather than scouting ourselves, I think we should try and get to the harpy tower and see if we can't get more details about the castle there.  Flying folks who've been around for a while will probably have a better idea of what's about on the surface at least and might be able to tell us about any back entrances or if there are any deep tunnels or where most of the creatures are coming from.  Maybe we can even help them take over the upper levels or offer us a safe place to rest.

Ochi verde

Jul 16, 2016
Rather than scouting ourselves, I think we should try and get to the harpy tower and see if we can't get more details about the castle there.  Flying folks who've been around for a while will probably have a better idea of what's about on the surface at least and might be able to tell us about any back entrances or if there are any deep tunnels or where most of the creatures are coming from.  Maybe we can even help them take over the upper levels or offer us a safe place to rest.

That would be a good idea, if not for what we learned in the 5th part:

 "You said you and your... sisters... live in the castle there?"

"Uh-huh! We got driven out of our old nest by a bunch of nasty cat-folk, but Queen Miria found us a new place to live in the ruins. Nobody bothers us there... except the minotaurs. And sometimes ogres. But none of them can climb up the towers, cuz there's no stairs anymore, so we're safe there!"

So yeah, unless we shout or something like that, don't think our Avian friends would be of much help...unless you do smoke signals or something...and what might attract unwanted attention. Otherwise, they might be of help.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
That would be a good idea, if not for what we learned in the 5th part:

 "You said you and your... sisters... live in the castle there?"

"Uh-huh! We got driven out of our old nest by a bunch of nasty cat-folk, but Queen Miria found us a new place to live in the ruins. Nobody bothers us there... except the minotaurs. And sometimes ogres. But none of them can climb up the towers, cuz there's no stairs anymore, so we're safe there!"

So yeah, unless we shout or something like that, don't think our Avian friends would be of much help...unless you do smoke signals or something...and what might attract unwanted attention. Otherwise, they might be of help.

I was thinking that Remi would be easy for the harpies to see, and they'd probably take an interest in anyone who's moving around underneath their tower.  If you can get one's attention, you can probably ask them to send Tyroa to talk to you.  By now, she's probably told all of them about you.


Master Analmander
Staff member
Aug 26, 2015
That would be a good idea, if not for what we learned in the 5th part:

 "You said you and your... sisters... live in the castle there?"

"Uh-huh! We got driven out of our old nest by a bunch of nasty cat-folk, but Queen Miria found us a new place to live in the ruins. Nobody bothers us there... except the minotaurs. And sometimes ogres. But none of them can climb up the towers, cuz there's no stairs anymore, so we're safe there!"

Yep. Remi could always try and scale the walls (STR check), but otherwise has no means of getting into the harpy nest. 

There's also two towers still standing. Which one belongs to the harpies?

Ochi verde

Jul 16, 2016
I was thinking that Remi would be easy for the harpies to see, and they'd probably take an interest in anyone who's moving around underneath their tower.  If you can get one's attention, you can probably ask them to send Tyroa to talk to you.  By now, she's probably told all of them about you.

Considering that she is a flaming tail, and yeah, they probably would take interest in anyone who's moving around the tower that doesn't look like a mino or ogre....considering, harpies... And yeah, she probably told all of em about you, maybe even boasted an egg around or something like that

Yep. Remi could always try and scale the walls (STR check), but otherwise has no means of getting into the harpy nest. 

There's also two towers still standing. Which one belongs to the harpies?

STR check...which is 10, What could happen if we fell off while climbing a tower? Besides breaking a lot of bones/ dying. Yeah...

So, Tails or Head/ Oral or Anal for the tower it is...


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Yep. Remi could always try and scale the walls (STR check), but otherwise has no means of getting into the harpy nest. 

There's also two towers still standing. Which one belongs to the harpies?

Does it look like harpies could fly in and out of the intact tower easily (large windows, open rafters)?  If yes, I'd check there first.  Otherwise the damaged one is more likely.  Regardless, we have to start exploring somewhere and a str check is better than a wis check for Remi.

EDIT: Couldn't Remi make an intelligence check to make an educated guess as to which tower the harpies are in?
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Jul 17, 2016
Fuuuuck, I already care too much about Remi and want to search for the harpies. Screw the treasure, I want birb waifu back!


Master Analmander
Staff member
Aug 26, 2015
Does it look like harpies could fly in and out of the intact tower easily (large windows, open rafters)?  If yes, I'd check there first.  Otherwise the damaged one is more likely.  Regardless, we have to start exploring somewhere and a str check is better than a wis check for Remi.

EDIT: Couldn't Remi make an intelligence check to make an educated guess as to which tower the harpies are in?

<<Intelligence Check: Success (15 vs. 15)!>>

The intact tower would be a nicer place to live for sure, but you also don't see any way for the harpies to get in and out via flight. If harpies all have booty like Tyroa did, there's no way they're fitting through the narrow windows. The partially-collapsed tower, on the other hand, has open-air access -- more likely to attract a roost of harpies. 

Unfortunately for you, that's also the furthest tower from where you're standing. 


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015

<<Intelligence Check: Success (15 vs. 15)!>>

The intact tower would be a nicer place to live for sure, but you also don't see any way for the harpies to get in and out via flight. If harpies all have booty like Tyroa did, there's no way they're fitting through the narrow windows. The partially-collapsed tower, on the other hand, has open-air access -- more likely to attract a roost of harpies. 

Unfortunately for you, that's also the furthest tower from where you're standing. 

Damn, that was close!  The result is what I figured though.

Information is the first key to victory in all aspects of war, we should sneak across the courtyard and try to reach the partially-collapsed tower without attracting unwanted attention.  Keep an eye on the skies in case we see a harpy on our way.
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Jun 24, 2016

<<Intelligence Check: Success (15 vs. 15)!>>

The intact tower would be a nicer place to live for sure, but you also don't see any way for the harpies to get in and out via flight. If harpies all have booty like Tyroa did, there's no way they're fitting through the narrow windows. The partially-collapsed tower, on the other hand, has open-air access -- more likely to attract a roost of harpies. 

Unfortunately for you, that's also the furthest tower from where you're standing. 

All I saw was harpy booty not fitting. 10/10, would have big harpy booty again.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Yep. Remi could always try and scale the walls (STR check), but otherwise has no means of getting into the harpy nest.


Not DEX? Maybe just make some noise to attract their attention? Though something tells me that it would require a WIS check to NOT do this.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Not DEX? Maybe just make some noise to attract their attention? Though something tells me that it would require a WIS check to NOT do this.

In D&D, climb checks are strength based.  Sneaking is dex though.

I was actually thinking that we haven't really found out what spells Remi knows and how often she can use her magic.  D&D has all kinds of spells for helping out with these sorts of things (ex: spider climb, levitate).  What she is capable in this regard is pretty important for deciding what to do.  I'm not expecting a detailed list here, just something like 2-3 spells she has available to her, one of which is probably her combat spell she used in part 3 (burning hands?).


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
In D&D, climb checks are strength based.  Sneaking is dex though.

I was actually thinking that we haven't really found out what spells Remi knows and how often she can use her magic.  D&D has all kinds of spells for helping out with these sorts of things (ex: spider climb, levitate).  What she is capable in this regard is pretty important for deciding what to do.  I'm not expecting a detailed list here, just something like 2-3 spells she has available to her, one of which is probably her combat spell she used in part 3 (burning hands?).


And we don't actually know if this world has charge-based D&D magic or mana-based magic.


Well-Known Member
May 7, 2016
Given Remi's high stats, Dex,Con, Int, the skills she should be looking to use are

Int: Repair, Search

Con: Concentration

Dex: Balance, Hide, Move silently

Spot is governed by wisdom, but if Remi actually spends a period of time searching, it should be governed by intelligence instaid. 
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