Save files suddenly gone...


New Member
Dec 15, 2015
I haven't played for about two weeks, but something has occurred since then which has caused my save files to disappear. I'm using Chrome and haven't changed anything on my end - I just opened the page like I always have in the past to find that I couldn't load my saves anymore. I've tried doing the recovery listed here but on both pages there's nothing listed under in localstorage. Does anyone have any ideas for how I might recover my saves, or if that's even possible? I've put quite a bit of time into them, so I'd be pretty sad and discouraged if my game is just gone for no apparent reason. 

Is there a specific place where these files should be located on my harddrive? I haven't been able to find an answer to that. 
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
It sounds like your saves are gone. Clearing your browser cache deletes your saves. Many people set this up to happen automatically, but also go a long time before ending a session, and so are surprised when this finally happens. Even if this is not the case, browsers are finicky, and known to clear it anyway. It will always happen, sooner or later. It's best to think of your normal saves as temporary, because that's what they are- think of them like internet cookies or your browser history. Always make backup saves with Save to File. Always have them located elsewhere. I understand this does little to remedy your situation, but it will prevent this from happening again.

Btw, this goes for CoC and TiTS saves too.