Save file deleted on accident


New Member
Jan 21, 2023
Can someone share their save file for the current game? I was redownloading the game after the update and accidentally deleted my saves, now I can't get them back... I play on Windows, I would appreciate it cause I had done pretty much every single quest again (this is the second time) and I really don't want to go over everything from the start for the 3rd time

Cannibal Cravings

Well-Known Member
Jan 17, 2023
Is there any big reason you couldn't use a save editor? If your not actually reading all the scenes its pretty easy to speed run through them and at that point you can just use the save editor to fill in the gaps like missing powers, currency and EXP. I'd volunteer one of my saves but I doubt its at the level of completion you're asking for. Plus it feels kinda weird, like I'm handing over a used sex toy or something.

Personally I'd just take it as an opportunity to start a new game and use options I haven't before so I can go down new paths and see how scenes change but I understand that not everyone thinks like I do.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 5, 2017
Few days late, but did you double check your auto saves? You may still have those.