Save and Load to file not working


Well-Known Member
Oct 18, 2016
So I decided to come back to CoC after a few years, and I tried booting up one of my backed up files. And then... nothing. It straight up just didn't work! I also tried saving to file, but that didn't work, either. Has something happened, or whatever? Cause it worked fine a few years ago.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
The only thing I can think of is that if you are using a browser to play, that'd be the problem. Browsers started dropping flash support a couple years back (late 2016 if I recall). That started the save/load issues for folks. Now, they flat out don't work with CoC at all. You need a dedicated flash player to run CoC now. Hit the link below and pick out the "Flash Player projector" file for your system... (again, get the projector file)

Once you have it, simply run CoC with Adobe Flash Player instead of your local browser and it should fire up and run without save/load issues.