Runs tits projects, vol.1


Well-Known Member
Nov 24, 2018
canuck land.
Taking another whack at making a new smut scene for the amphibious ladies.
I plan for only one new scene. If it goes well i might make a second one.
Doc is here.

New edit: I have a few new scenes planned, four in total. They are, two new scenes for the Frog girl hostile NPC's and one new scene for Quinn.
My first attempt at the frog girls was rejected, but not without some decent praise from Fen. I hope these will get in this time around.
Quinn is going to be more challenging of the two. While the Frog girls are a simple hostile npc, Quinn is a character all her own. I plan to do my best to make both scene sets enjoyable.
I would also like to note if the authors at any point feel like I'm mishandling the npc's, I will promptly cease and do my best to fix my errors. I look forward to making more scenes for these killer gals.

Late update: Savin gave me the go ahead to attempt to make Olympia cuddles. This will be very fun.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 25, 2019
Good luck to you, those frogs have been in need of some love for a really long time.


Well-Known Member
Nov 24, 2018
canuck land.
The first draft of Olympia cuddles is complete. I am having a few friends look over the grammar, sadly it is lacking. I hope you all enjoy.


Well-Known Member
Nov 24, 2018
canuck land.
The cuddle scene is primarily done, I have a few kinks to work out before submitting it. For TiTs, things my main focus is now on the frog girls.


Well-Known Member
Jan 25, 2019
One quick thing, I noticed in the doc that you describe the Kerokoras as androgynous, yet I've seen no descriptors of them that way in their encounter, the codex entry, or the wiki entry. The codex entry describes them as "tomboyish" and the wiki entry for their tf item can boost femininity to 80. You may want to consult with someone on that point...
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Well-Known Member
Nov 24, 2018
canuck land.
Thank you for the feedback. I have a shit ton of work to do to fix my writing... For the time being all my projects are suspended, also its a small fix so I will fix it at some point.


New Member
Oct 6, 2019
As I was searching for something short and sweet to test coding I came upon you submission for the Kerokoras scene. If you want I can give you the code for the scene or a copy of the game with the scene implemented.
Also if you want to keep working on the scene I can give you some deeply unqualified pointers.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 24, 2018
canuck land.
As I was searching for something short and sweet to test coding I came upon you submission for the Kerokoras scene. If you want I can give you the code for the scene or a copy of the game with the scene implemented.
Also if you want to keep working on the scene I can give you some deeply unqualified pointers.
Hey, thank you for the interest, but there's a process and I don't want to end up skipping the queue. I highly recommend hopping on the public discord and asking fen if he has any scenes or anything he'd be good with you coding.