[RPG Maker] Thread of Destiny v0.1.35


Feb 12, 2017

Greetings to all of you! Our team is engaged in developing RPG games for adults in a fantasy and sci-fi genre.

Our game Threads of Destiny is planned, in the form of a trilogy, the events of which occur in their unique universe.

Threads of Destiny: Neitras vol.1 is being developed on the RPG Maker MV engine.
The first part of the game trilogy, which we are currently working on, tells you the story of the formation of the first protagonists. The world of the game is filled with magic, secrets of the past, politics, betrayals, and, of course, love and sex. You will get acquainted with the stories of all the characters surrounding the main characters and the choices that you make walking through the game will affect the fate of this or that in-game character.

- One fundamental plot. According to the preliminary counts, we have 1500-2000 pages of the scenario. Its end partially depends on choices you make during the game.
- A big variety of drawn locations;



- You can move between the remote locations with help of the world’s map;

- It is possible to move around the city using a city map;

- Various interfaces containing useful information about the characters, as well as achievements that can be opened while passing the game (will be replenished as the development progresses);

- Sex-system that can offer the choice of poses and actions for the main story heroines;
The game will have a wide range of types of sex, from the most ordinary, to the most diverse: Bondage, Public Sex, Futanari, Tentacles and other. And you will have the opportunity to choose what you want to participate in and what you want to pass by.
- Animated interactive sex scenes;
- An alchemy laboratory that will let you make different potions with interesting effects;
In progress
- Combat system;
In progress
- A large number of emotions for each of the characters;

- The slave market where it’s possible to purchase slaves and train them;
In progress
- BDSM room for training female slaves as well as for playing games with the main heroines;
In progress
- All game resources (locations,tiles, chibis, characters, design, art scenes, interface, most of the software) are created from scratch without borrowing from other sources, that is why the development of the game takes much time.​

The game is in an active development stage and we want to thank you all for your support and we will keep you posted on our progress.

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Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Could you please explain what you mean by M/M? It has several meanings in our language.
In porn terminology that refers to the pairings. In this case, male and male. m/f would be male and female. m/m/f would be two males and one female. h is usually used for hermaphrodites.


Well-Known Member
Sep 1, 2015
Could you please explain what you mean by M/M? It has several meanings in our language.
They're asking if there's gay content in the game.
If we're talking about porn then the letters themselves are F for female, M for male and H/F for hermaphrodites/futas. F/F refers to lesbian/yuri action, M/M stands for gay/yaoi content, M/F is hetero and so on.
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Feb 12, 2017
There will be only female/female, male/female, futanari(hermaphrodites)/female. We haven’t thought of other variants yet.


Active Member
Feb 17, 2017
Is there actual NSFW content in this game? Like sex scene's? And what gender do you start with? (Male/Female/Herm?). Also, is the game text based RPG? like TITS, COC etc? if you can start as a female, do you retain your virginity or not and if so is there content for virgins?


Well-Known Member
Sep 1, 2015
Is there actual NSFW content in this game? Like sex scene's? And what gender do you start with? (Male/Female/Herm?). Also, is the game text based RPG? like TITS, COC etc? if you can start as a female, do you retain your virginity or not and if so is there content for virgins?
1) The demo contained nudity, sex scenes will be implemented as it progresses.
2) The main character is male and I doubt there will be transformations that change that. But it looks like the game occasional switches POV with one of the female characters so there's that.
3) Its an RPG with an isometric view, similar to Baldur's Gate and Pillars of Eternity. Text will be a part of it but not like TiTs or CoC.


New Member
Mar 18, 2017
I just finished the demo and I must say I was thoroughly impressed.

The art is fantastic. I didn't think an isometric game was possible with RPG Maker; nice work on that. The lore appears to be well though out. And the story through the demo was quite interesting.

The English could definitely use some work, and the isometric view provided some minor control issues (particularly when trying to interact with things), but those issues provided only a minor distraction to the quality put into this game.

Fantastic work so far. I'll have to sleep on it, but this may end up being the first project I ever support on Patreon.


Feb 12, 2017
I just finished the demo and I must say I was thoroughly impressed.

The art is fantastic. I didn't think an isometric game was possible with RPG Maker; nice work on that. The lore appears to be well though out. And the story through the demo was quite interesting.

The English could definitely use some work, and the isometric view provided some minor control issues (particularly when trying to interact with things), but those issues provided only a minor distraction to the quality put into this game.

Fantastic work so far. I'll have to sleep on it, but this may end up being the first project I ever support on Patreon.

We are glad that you liked the game!
The translation is being improved. We'll try to get rid of all mistakes in the next version. Most part of the text has already been corrected, so you will be able to evaluate the result in the next version which will be released on the 9th of May for Patreon subscribers and a month later for other users.
As for control issue, we are looking for more convenient places to put triggers to make it easier for characters to interact with objects. Hopefully, gradually we will be able to get rid of this issue and to add a mouse control.


Feb 12, 2017
We are glad to inform you that today you will be able to get an access to 0.2 version!
In this update, we did the following things:
- The title screen is improved and animated;
- The prologue was expanded and completes, as well as we've added some new art;
- Now you can skip the prologue if you wish;
- The main menu was completed;
- You can adjust the control keys to your preferences;
- We've added a mouse control, but you can use it at your own risk, because sometimes there are glitches with it, which can lead to a freezing of the character. In the future, we will try to find a solution to this problem.
- There are two new locations with some animations;
- You can get to the Alley of Fame, through inventory with the help of a pendant from Sardo or jewelry from Elli.
- In this update you will meet four new characters. Each of them has its own unique character and history, which will be revealed during the game.
- Version 0.2 and the other ones will also be available for MacOS. We don't have a chance to test it. We hope that the game will work, but if there are any problems, please inform us.
- The quality of the first day's translation has been improved;
- Also at the end of the second version the ability of free movement in the locations was added. Some attentive players will be able to find a couple of surprises, access to which will be opened in the next version.

Best wishes, ElisarStudio. :)


Well-Known Member
Mar 31, 2016
I can let you know the Mac version works. However, the graphics do dictate that a more up to date Macbook than mine is required to continue playing (I don't have the juice to run this without a lot of lag)...but it DOES work...


Feb 12, 2017
Thank you for responding us concerning Mac version! It's nice to hear that it really works :). As for the lags, unfortunately, the game core can't support huge locations. We are planning to use Unity in the future. It will help to get rid of many issues.


Feb 12, 2017
Version 0.3 Released!

Greetings! We are pleased to announce the release of Version 0.3 of Threads of Destiny on Patreon!
Much of the work during this release cycle has been focused on the technical structure of the game, and the background systems that drive the game. The team has been working tirelessly on both sides of the game, and we are extremely excited to show you the fruits of our labor. Devian has been writing both code and story elements, and Agnessa has been making full use of her new tablet to bring you fabulous art! Juliana and Siawn have been talking themselves hoarse while reading the scripts of the first three days, refining and re-refining the script.

You can look forward to seeing this new version come to this site in one month, or you can feel free to look us up on Patreon if you don't want to wait!

- The plot of the third day has been added and drawn in full. New adventures, scenes, and locations can be found.
- We made the city more alive and filled it with some surprises.
- The movements of chibi characters around the locations have been optimized to look better.
- The script of the first two days has been refined to a more natural English.
- Animations!

- All the bugs from version 0.2 have been fixed.
- We have changed the font of the text to a more readable variant.
-An additional thank you to one of our subscribers who helped to simplify the system for adjusting the translated text to the game. Thanks to this man, we will save much time. Previously, we had to program and maintain two versions of the game, one in Russian and the other in English. Future development times are drastically reduced with this new consolidated system!
- We have decided to turn off mouse control until we find a better way to implement it. In comparison with what we had in the beginning, we managed to improve it, but, unfortunately, some players still get problems from this function, like getting stuck in some places, not to mention some other inconveniences.
- The save system has been also changed. Now you can save at any time: in the middle of a dialogue or an event. The Esc button will bring you to the save menu, which has also undergone some modifications and changes. At the beginning, it was impossible to save the game at the answer selection box, but we found a way to avoid this problem, so now you can play more comfortably 
- Devian identified and fixed a bug that led to accidental scrolling of the choices in the events. Now, when you are offered a choice in the dialogues, the game won’t be able to ignore your choice and make a different one. This bug couldn’t significantly affect the development of the plot in the prologue, but in the future the outcome of many quests will depend directly on your choices, and such a bug would make you return to your previous save.
- In some locations the ability to use the teleportation items to enter the Unknown Place is blocked.
- The pathfinding of followers has been significantly improved.

- To quickly scroll through the dialogues, you can use the PageDown key. The Enter key no longer significantly speeds up the output of the text. This will help avoid accidentally skipping dialogue lines. PageDown skips some dialogue screens, but in some places there may be times where this creates odd behavior of the chibis during events, so use much as you like.

*** Please note that if you are experiencing lag it helps to close any other programs you may have running, especially internet browsers.

Best wishes, and happy gaming!
-The Team at ElisarStudio


Feb 12, 2017
Greetings everyone who is interested in our game! We are pleased to release Version 0.3 of our game to the public!

Cat boy

Active Member
Sep 8, 2017
I tried the game but get lost at the start so I gave up it needs a nav point or beacon in the game to help with that if you ask me


Feb 12, 2017
Greetings! We are pleased to announce the release Version 0.0.5 of our game to you!

- New locations – We’ve added 17 new estate locations. In the next update, we will complete the remaining missing locations of the estate. Besides, we are planning to add several locations of Artaun and its surrounding area.


- You will get to know to three new characters;
- System of money (gold / silver / copper) - The system of money has been improved;
- Journal of tasks and relationships - The task journal is completely done. You can find it in the game. As for the relationship journal, it is still in the test mode: all the icons will be changed in the future and the descriptions of all the important characters, that you already met in the prologue, will be added.
- The system of time is the initial stage right now, we’ve made a watch, but we still need to do the day and night shifting. Besides a very important part will play the schedule of the inhabitants of the estate. At different time of the day and night, they can be found in different locations. Right now it only works for plot events. But in 0.0.6 version all game characters will live according to their daily regime.
- Library - In the library, which is on the 3rd floor of the estate, you can find some of the books on the history of the world. Until now, only those subscribers who are on the Elves or above levels had access to the information from the library. At present, you can find books on the history of the continent and the kingdom of Aklorion there. But in the future, gradually we will add the rest of the books that will help to understand the structure of the game world a little bit better. As for rewards, in the near future we will reconsider the system of rewards: we will complete it and make it more pleasant and valuable for you.


- Also, you will find one storage of things that works in the test mode. The interface of this storage will be modified in the future, but now you can add your own things to it. Well, you know, there is almost nothing to add there for now :-D But we will correct it in future updates.
- The system of fast travel will be available after you go through 0.0.5.version. But for now it is impossible to be transferred to anywhere, you can just have a look at the map itself and at how this system will work in the future. In the next update, you will be able to leave the estate and travel to the surrounding areas.
- Gallery - the gallery has undergone certain changes and now it is more understandable and informative. Besides, you can zoom large arts, such as the world map, by using the Enter button to see more details.
- Music and sounds - For now, we have added the musical accompaniment only in the estate zone, but in the next update we will complete the prologue by adding all the necessary sounds and music effects where required.

Best wishes,


Well-Known Member
Sep 8, 2015
The art is outstanding. But it's so funny to read statements like "the game will have a wide range of types of sex, from the most ordinary, to the most diverse" where gay and bisexual sex is strictly avoided)))


Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2015
The art is outstanding. But it's so funny to read statements like "the game will have a wide range of types of sex, from the most ordinary, to the most diverse" where gay and bisexual sex is strictly avoided)))
Yeah, "the most ordinary to the most diverse, although nothing that isn't heterosexual, we have to have SOME limits". It's like perusing your choice of colours while trying to by a Model T from Henry Ford.
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