I'm not quite sure if you are looking for suggestions of existing characters in other media you can model your guy after, or something else. But if it is the former, I have a few in mind:
You can pay tribute to
the angriest boy in all of WoW who recently got yeeted out of existence for hopefully the final time.
As an alternative suggestion, you can go ham and draw inspiration from
the manliest and most pure of heart isekai protagonist. Dominate the hearts of Men and Beasts alike with your sheer shirtless awesomeness.
Finally, you can simply create a hunky Champion and gradually feel out your characterisation based on your interplay with other characters. Bro it up with Brint, Garth and Garret, tend to your many lovers (bonus points for making a hunky full bloded Lupine and
really sweeping Gwynn off her feet), kick some butt, impress the endgame deamon waifu. I always find that it is best to leave some wiggle room in your roleplaying so you can adjust it to better fit the setting and the story - and to avoid your character being too static.