Return of the Gynomorphs


Well-Known Member
Sep 20, 2015
While reading the Gynomorph docs I decided to finish what was started and hope it makes it to the game. However, my skills are not that great so constructive criticism and ideas are a must.


Jack Erwin

Gynomorph Recruitment Scary Ship


Gynomorph TF

Change Log:

7/10/2016 - Added an intro scene to recruitment add why I have on tf.

5/10/2016 - After an extended vacation from this I'm back to working on it and I've started on the TF doc but this I I'm almost certain that I'm going to need help making it.

4/20/2016 - Just letting you all know the project is not dead I've just had a lot of writing assignments from school to do for the past couple of weeks so when I finish one I have no real energy or will to write/type anything else homework or other wise but hopefully I will finish the Jack Erwin scene this weekend so stand by.

4/1/2016 - Sorry for the long ass wait finally was able to settle in at school and was able to give me time to work on this. Modified one of Courtella's scenes for those that have and don't have followers. And I worked some more on a scene I was working on in Jack's doc. Btw I'm not even finished with the Jack scene and I'm starting to hate how it sounds so first I'm going to finish it then I'm going to need all of your help to make it sound better because right not it just doesn't sound right in my head as I read it over.

3/2/2016 - Added scene to Jack Erwin. Still working on it will finish either tonight or tomorrow tell me what you think so far.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2015
Well the main reason would be the writers who were developing it left TiTs and are currently writing for FoE


Active Member
Aug 27, 2015
can't recall but wasn't there a good reason for why the project was dropped?

If memory serves; The original authors dropped it and did indeed go work on FoE. Then another forum goer by the handle of "Garrus" took over with permission. Garrus disappeared for (IIRC) around two years now. Might be safe to say its an open project unless someone objects.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 20, 2015
Well then I will take up the project and try my hardest to finish it and get it in the game.


Aug 27, 2015
I salute you in your effort to revive this project Atomictaco, as this was a project that i followed often on the old forums.


Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2015
OH yeah Garrus took it up as well totally forgot about that, but I digress good on you for reviving this hope only good things can come of it to many projects have died on these forums

Quiet Browser

Aug 27, 2015
Man, good times; I really loved this idea. Yeah, I dropped this when I withdrew from TiTS writing, but I'm glad to give my support to anyone willing to make it a reality. I had high hopes for Garrus, but, apparently he disappeared as well. Such a pity.

Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
The dress is 100 credits even though a pair of panties is 500 credits.

>Sex (todo)
Are there tentacles on this ride or?
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Active Member
Aug 27, 2015
It suddenly occurred to me that Courtella's original design is about as complex as Bess/Ben. Thankfully the design is modular though. I would suggest focusing on each part until it is "done" long before moving on to the next "life stage". This will help keep Gedan sane(ish) and Fen not take one look at it and go, "Nope. Not again!"


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Yeah break the doc up into stages and submit them individually as you finish them. If you try to shove another Bess down the pipeline in one piece you're gonna clog things up and drive our code plumbers mad. 


Sep 9, 2015
If I'm not brain-dead, I recall male and herms get 'serviced' on contact while females just carry the egg back. Still, male and herms have a scene at the ship again despite there's no mention of bringing the egg back.


Well-Known Member
Sep 20, 2015
If I'm not brain-dead, I recall male and herms get 'serviced' on contact while females just carry the egg back. Still, male and herms have a scene at the ship again despite there's no mention of bringing the egg back.

The scene would happen because if you were a female you would take the egg back but if later you become a male or herm then it would happen.


Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2015
Well this project looks really neat and i hope it does end up getting fully fleshed out. Being born a half-breed does sound interesting to say the least, and more starting races is always nice, though I do have to wonder if the initial interactions with Courtella will recognize if a Steele was born a half-breed.


Well-Known Member
Sep 20, 2015
Well this project looks really neat and i hope it does end up getting fully fleshed out. Being born a half-breed does sound interesting to say the least, and more starting races is always nice, though I do have to wonder if the initial interactions with Courtella will recognize if a Steele was born a half-breed.

Being a gynomorph as a starting race and a TF option is part of my plans however its going to take time to do. Yes I may have Courtella recognize if you are either natural born or TF into her race that my be in the next life stage when she is more aware of you due to her feelings of you(right around when she gets hit by the love/lust train and boy do I have some great ideas for those scenes for etc you catching her watching porn and "exploring her body.") Btw for those keeping an eye on this project I am still working on it however I had to slow down a little because I'm starting a new quarter of college and until it settles time is kind of devoted to that stand by for a update this week though.


Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2015
Being a gynomorph as a starting race and a TF option is part of my plans however its going to take time to do. Yes I may have Courtella recognize if you are either natural born or TF into her race that my be in the next life stage when she is more aware of you due to her feelings of you(right around when she gets hit by the love/lust train and boy do I have some great ideas for those scenes for etc you catching her watching porn and "exploring her body.") Btw for those keeping an eye on this project I am still working on it however I had to slow down a little because I'm starting a new quarter of college and until it settles time is kind of devoted to that stand by for a update this week though.

I see.

Also any plans for being able to bang Nymph? Cus if there's one thing I want to do in this game, it's to counter an angry parent's objections to my banging of their offspring with the fact that they knew who my father was and question why they're mad when they should have know that the ongoing events were probably inevitable.


Well-Known Member
Sep 20, 2015
I see.

Also any plans for being able to bang Nymph? Cus if there's one thing I want to do in this game, it's to counter an angry parent's objections to my banging of their offspring with the fact that they knew who my father was and question why they're mad when they should have know that the ongoing events were probably inevitable.

Not immediately that may come as a expansion to her but one of my ideas to to take her on friendly pseudo dates at the request of her parents as an idea to safely curb her wanderlust there will be random scenes depending on the location your at. Just don't expect you guys will be free from the prying eyes of her parents(Her mom at less populated areas and her dad at the more populated areas, but there will be an rare event that you will be glad they are there.


Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2015
Not immediately that may come as a expansion to her but one of my ideas to to take her on friendly pseudo dates at the request of her parents as an idea to safely curb her wanderlust there will be random scenes depending on the location your at. Just don't expect you guys will be free from the prying eyes of her parents(Her mom at less populated areas and her dad at the more populated areas, but there will be an rare event that you will be glad they are there.

I'm not sure about everyone else, but I figure Captain Steele may decide that parental supervision isn't much of a deterrent.


Well-Known Member
Sep 20, 2015
I'm not sure about everyone else, but I figure Captain Steele may decide that parental supervision isn't much of a deterrent.

Your digging into spoiler territory but one of my plans is to make her a crew member of your ship after enough "dates" and a resulting quest after that is to restore her sight which then will lead to sex with her. But a question will pop up how will Courtella react to this new arrival?


Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2015
Your digging into spoiler territory but one of my plans is to make her a crew member of your ship after enough "dates" and a resulting quest after that is to restore her sight which then will lead to sex with her. But a question will pop up how will Courtella react to this new arrival?

I suppose it depends on what you tell Courtella when you start getting intimate with her. In Embry's expansion notes, she would get pissed if you told her you'd be monogamous with her and then married Taivra. If you start Courtella's relationship by being clear that you're polygamous, that would probably soften the blow.

Which i suppose brings up the question, how does Courtella think about Steele's other fuckbuddies on the ship and what happens when Steele is currently sharing a bed with one of them. Just boot them from the bedroom until Courtella is grown enough?


Well-Known Member
Sep 20, 2015
I suppose it depends on what you tell Courtella when you start getting intimate with her. In Embry's expansion notes, she would get pissed if you told her you'd be monogamous with her and then married Taivra. If you start Courtella's relationship by being clear that you're polygamous, that would probably soften the blow.

Which i suppose brings up the question, how does Courtella think about Steele's other fuckbuddies on the ship and what happens when Steele is currently sharing a bed with one of them. Just boot them from the bedroom until Courtella is grown enough?

If you think about if Courtella was brought in after you have everyone else she would make the assumption it was normal, to her polygamy and monogamy are not in her vocabulary. If she was there before everyone else her time searching in extranet would make her think its not an issue. As for her growth during stage 1 yes its a temporary reassignment of rooms hopefully the choices to sleep with someone else will not be able to be clicked on, once stage one is finished then you can change back to sleep with whoever that doesn't mean she won't stay in her own bed once she is aware of her sexuality towards you (you may wake up with her "enjoying herself.)

By the way I want to thank you for your questions responding to these is allowing me to better focus my mind for future content. When my ideas bounce around it makes it difficult to type it out and now I can type is out with ease (on private docs before I will put it on the public docs.)


Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2015
If you think about if Courtella was brought in after you have everyone else she would make the assumption it was normal, to her polygamy and monogamy are not in her vocabulary. If she was there before everyone else her time searching in extranet would make her think its not an issue. As for her growth during stage 1 yes its a temporary reassignment of rooms hopefully the choices to sleep with someone else will not be able to be clicked on, once stage one is finished then you can change back to sleep with whoever that doesn't mean she won't stay in her own bed once she is aware of her sexuality towards you (you may wake up with her "enjoying herself.)

By the way I want to thank you for your questions responding to these is allowing me to better focus my mind for future content. When my ideas bounce around it makes it difficult to type it out and now I can type is out with ease (on private docs before I will put it on the public docs.)

No thanks are necessary, poking and prodding at other people's writing is something I enjoy doing. Which is like half the reason I keep a tab of these forums open and also read a lot of fanfiction.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
I just read Courtella, and I really like her. I hope to god that she and the Gynomorphs do not get dropped again, PLEASE!!


Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2015
Tossed a couple of suggestions in the codex doc after giving the docs another read through. This is one of my favorite submissions and if the half-breed start does happen, It'll probably get me away from playing half-ausar all the time.