[Request] Make soulbound powers scale off highest stat



All soulbound powers scale damage from spellpower. Great if your build is invested in that! Less so if it's not...
I get the logic though, these are spell-like abilities so scaling off spellpower makes sense but I'd argue that since these are powers granted by your character's physiology it would make equal sense for them to just scale with how strong you are - your highest damage stat. These are after all natural abilities, like how a dragon breathes fire, and not really spells like those a Black Mage would cast.

Current soulbound powers can be seen below:
Foxfire - A natural spell-like ability of kitsune. Deals [20 + (Spellpower as a %)] Fire damage and inflicts burns that do [10 + Willpower] for 3 rounds.

Blue Flame Blade - You coat your weapon in foxfire, adding [33 * (1 + (Spellpower / 100))] Fire damage to your weapon attacks and setting enemies alight when you critically strike them.

Kitsunetsuki - A powerful kitsune briefly possesses an enemy and scrambles their body and mind, inflicting a debilitating medley of status effects on a victim for [3 + 1 (w/ Fox Jewel)] turns.
Celestial Form (Willpower > Presence) - Beat your wings to produce a torrent of celestial power. This energy will shield you and your allies for [4 * Willpower] for 3 turns, providing a spark of [Willpower] Holy damage to attacks while it stands.
Celestial Form (Presence > Willpower) - Beat your wings to produce a torrent of celestial power. This energy will shield you and your allies for [4 * Presence] for 3 turns, providing a spark of [Presence] Holy damage to attacks while it stands.

Sunstrike (Spellpower > Attack Power) - Does normal [Primary Weapon Damage + (Attack Power as a %)] plus an additional [15 + (Spellpower as a %)] with a sunlight blade.
Sunstrike (Attack Power > Spellpower) - Does normal [Primary Weapon Damage + (Attack Power as a %)] plus an additional [15 + (Attack Power as a %)] with a sunlight blade.

Aurora Of Vigor - Shroud an ally in the inextinguishable light of the sun, protecting them from being defeated for 2 turns. When the effect ends, Holy energy explodes out dealing [60 + (Spellpower as a %)] Holy damage to enemies.
From design doc (subject to change)
Obsidian Aegis - The cumulation of Philandros' craft, ingrained into the being of Nareva's chosen. Awaken the mirror magic in yourself and gain 10 Armor, Focus, and Ward, as well as a dramatic increase in threat. <b>All</b> spells cast at you are reflected back at their caster, friend or foe.

Shadowflame - The most infamous ability of Nareva's chosen. Strike a target with your weapon and ignite them with flames that burn and silence for {x} rounds. Also grants you +X spellpower on hit for the same duration.

Dreamshatter - Through the use of inexplicable divine power, Nareva's chosen can forbid the use of arcane magic in a localized area by expunging all mana and replacing it with… something else. Deals {x} raw damage to all enemies and silences for {x} rounds.

As you can see spellpower is relevant for every power that does damage. Also noteworthy is that Valkyrie powers already flirt with the idea with two of their powers (Celestial Form and Sunstrike) scaling off different stats if they are higher than spellpower/willpower. So I'm requesting that we take this idea further and let ALL soulbound powers scale off Spellpower, Attack Power, or Sexiness - whichever is highest.

So for example, if your Sexiness is the highest then for Valkyrie's Sunstrike:
Sunstrike (Sexiness> Attack Power & Spellpower) - Does normal [Primary Weapon Damage + (Attack Power as a %)] plus an additional [15 + (Sexiness as a %)] with a sunlight blade.

Or if you're a high Attack Power Kitsune then for Foxfire:
Foxfire (Attack Power > Sexiness & Spellpower) - A natural spell-like ability of kitsune. Deals [20 + (Attack Power as a %)] Fire damage and inflicts burns that do [10 + Strength] for 3 rounds.

Spellpower focused builds would feel no change and Attack Power and Sexiness builds would get some more utility (the Seven know presence/sexiness builds need some...) so its just a net positive. Code already exists for it (Clestial Form and Sunstrike) so it should also be easy to apply.


Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2020
Those powers being inherent to their species doesn't make them any less magical. It makes zero sense that something like sexiness would apply to a non-lust based spell.


Powers being magical doesn't necessarily mean they are spells. And the precedent has already been set for these 'spells' to run off different stats, like how Celestial Form can already run solely off of Presence. If it helps maybe think of Sexiness as charisma, performance, or force of personality.
And a bit of tangent, but I do also believe that all of Charmer's powers should run off of either presence/sexiness instead of willpower/spellpower and be tagged performance instead of spells.


Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2020
If they aren't spells, what exactly would you classify them as? It's not a matter of code. It's a matter of logic.


Okay, then I'd just call them supernatural abilities for this game? Doesn't make much of a difference haha


Well-Known Member
May 20, 2016
As a person who exclusively plays on Dark difficulty, 100% agree that the unique Bound Powers should be flexible like the Valkyrie ones. Though inthink it should be constrained to two sliding scales, instead of just a single stat. My reasoning is that, if it's just to the highest stat, it makes it easier to just overspecialize in just survivability, then pick up a soul bind, and still be able to dumptruck a number of otherwise challenging and demanding fights.

So, just two see-saws

The scale of Spellpower vs. attackpower
The scale of Willpower vs. Presences


Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2020
It very much does make a difference. If you're gonna tape powers to a stat, it should make sense. Spell Power makes sense because it's magic. If you want a second option, then there needs to be something to logically explain why it is.

Attaching Sexiness to Sunstrike is just ridiculous. There's zero connection between them.
Likewise, using Attack Power for Foxfire is the exact opposite of what is happening.


When you first become soulbound, the powers you gain are granted by the newfound power residing within you. When you train with Nakano and Annika to learn how to use these new powers, they don't point you to a spell tome to read up on or a witch to study under, they give you physical and spiritual lessons on how to be in tune with your new body and control these energies. Like for Nakano it is literally a chi and ki lesson. You only learn the new powers once you've gained a better understanding of your new self. For me, this understanding of self is enough to justify the powers working off of Strength/Attack Power and Presence/Sexiness. You are applying these powers in a way that best works in tune with you as you are. And if you're a mage then Willpower/Spellpower makes equal sense.

We also already have Sunstrike using Attack Power to scale Holy damage. I imagine for that case, it's as strong as the spellpower version since you'd be more martially inclined and better at striking with it. And if it were to scale from Sexiness, then it could be that you're applying the holy magic more deftly and with finesse to deal similar damage.

Foxfire running off of strength can also make sense if you can imagine that you're using your chi to strengthen it. And as seen with Kiaijutsu, chi gathering is related to Attack Power.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2020
The reason spellpower makes sense for Kitsune powers is that Kitsune are inherently magical in nature, unlike say, humans, which have to learn through tomes because they have no inherent magic abilities.

Sunstrike is classified as a weapon ability, not a spell, which is why it scales off of attack power. Without a weapon, it can't work.


I get that, but the source of the natural abilities of kitsunes, valkyries, astridas, and even demons is different from that of traditional magic. This difference in source imo is enough to warrant these powers more flexibility than normal spells. Like I said, for Kitsunes it seems to be chi & ki flow driving their powers and for Valkyries and Astridas (going off flavor text) seems to be the 'divine' essence residing within them. And who knows how demons work :iiam: