Renvra pregnancy bellyrubs fix


Sep 30, 2015
Hello, i had an issue with Renvras pregnancy on my character that didn't go away after the bug fix and i finally found out how to fix it. I'm just going to leave this here in case anyone else has the same problem. (Requires a flash save editor. I was using minerva)

A while back my character was pregnant from Renvra (the 2 month pregnancy) and after it was over i still randomly received messages about how people were stopping to rub my belly even though i was not pregnant anymore (the bug fixes that happened did not fix this) and i finally found a way to remove it.

To fix this go to this directory in your save file when you have opened it with an editor - TiTs.sol -> Characters -> PC -> statusEffects. Now you should have a list of perks. Expand them one by one and check the storageName until you find "Renvra Full Pregnancy Bellyrubs". Delete that object and rename all the objects so that everything is in order from highest to lowest. (i'm not sure if it does anything but i did it just to be sure that nothing breaks).

I don't know how helpful this is but it made me very happy that i was able to find a solution to this problem.
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