Red Myr Venom Edit


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
So the latest backer patch seems to have changed Myr venom from a passive into a tease. Personally I haven't played yet since I don't have acess to backer builds but honestly that sounds like a much better/ mote balanced alternative. Is there any particularly reason Fen is planning on reverting the change? 

Of those who have tried the new build what are your opinions? Do you like it or are you eagerly waiting for Fen to undo it? 

you know if i had poison fangs ... and i lived in a hostile environment one of my first instincts would be to use my poison not just bite my enemy but maybe coat my melee weapon with my poison? 


Aug 26, 2015
Melee weapons available currently include a rocket-powered hammer and a sword made of lava.  Being able to coat your weapons in poison is frankly nonsensical.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
So the change was reverted right?  Or did someone manage to change Fen's mind?  I haven't done the Red Myr TF in a quite a while. But yeah things like venom and aphrodisiacs are much better balanced as use activated abilities in a game like this. Both from a gameplay and lore aspect. I still dream of the day we could get a use activated lust venom laced cum perk. Most of the arguments against it generally seem to revolve arround it being impossible to account for in other scenes.

But with a use activated set up other scenes not taking it into account simply becomes a matter of Steele having not actively  chosen to release thier drug fluids in that scene. Rather than always on passives things like that should require conscious effort to trigger, at least for the sake of scene consistency.