Reconnection: (TiTS based fanfic, Jill and Steele centric. Criticism welcome)


Feb 1, 2018
Hello again! I'm still fully invested in updating Cult of the Damned, (a D&D erotic horror story for those who don't know about it already), but after stumbling across some pretty amazing fan art between Steele and their cousin Jill as little kids uploaded by Ikkab, (non sexual content, but the 'comic' styled art is pretty well drawn and the story told is surprisingly well thought out and in-depth for what's there), as well as personally getting back into TiTS myself, I thought I'd give something like this a try between my personal Steele gal and her cousin/rival, using some of Ikkab's art and my own headcanon as a means to give these two life. Enjoy guys and gals and here's hoping I don't screw this up lol.

Quick disclaimer: Because I haven't gotten to the end, (thus far), of the main quest, and because it's been so long since I've covered anywhere close to the end past Myrellion, some of this will unfortunately be pretty original content just on that fact alone. If that turns you off, I do apologize, but I'm doing the best I can with what I DO know for certain, and just trying to make everything fit neatly in either event. Anyway, here's hoping you guys and gals enjoy in any event. See ya!

Content warning: Somewhat canon typical violence, mentions of blood, bruises, and violence, but otherwise the usual TiTS insanity to be expected as things develop, depending on how things go.

Expected pairings/content: F/F, M/F, F/F/M, cuffs, blindfolds, toys, vaginal, anal, oral, multiple penetration, exotic cocks/holes, possible body transformations, light to medium BDSM, sensory play, etc. (More to possibly be added as they become relevant.)

"She's gotten a few new toys." Alexandria grunted from behind the large, metallic column that had been toppled over during her latest confrontation with Jill Steele, her 'rival', a title that hadn't meant more than the fact her cousin had been a nuisance. Their earlier fights had ended relatively quickly, even with her giant ausur bodyguard backing her up, making for quite the impressive meatshield, but Alexandria, Alex to her friends and crew, had proven to be the far stronger multiple times. First on Mhen'ga that had ended with Dane on his back on her escape craft and Jill forced to flee with her metaphorical tail between her legs, then again on Tarkus, her hired guns and Dane again getting themselves beaten badly by Alex and her team of assorted....specialists, but this latest fight on a derelict super dreadnought from a long gone civilization had turned out differently. The reason why nearly drilled a hole right through Alex's right side as a giant beam of green light lanced through the column, melting a red hot hole only a few inches away.

"Come out cousin!" Jill roared from the controls of a rather intimidating mechanized war suit, its four massive, techno organic its 'flesh' shifting about so that a pair of high powered plasma emitters appeared in two of its four palms. "You won't get out of this one unfucked!"

"Are you trying to kill me or bore me to death?!" Alex called back as she glanced worriedly towards Nova, Anno, and even Celise, all of them in a disorganized heap around the outer reaches of the massive cargo area this fight had unfolded within. She needed to keep Jill's attention on her and her alone, a task thankfully made easier since Dane had, once again, proven to be a far weaker opponent than he appeared given his immense, intimidatingly large size. An unconscious, cured Reaha had taken care of that problem, but the powerful cow girl was currently flopped out on her stomach against the far right wall. Deciding she'd caught her breath long enough, Alex gave her high powered combat drone, as well as a nearby cybernetic wolf, Fenris, a determined nod, before she raised an Apollo Plasma Rifle, and shot over the column like a streak of blue and black, safely contained in her protective armor. The flash of her shields taking the brunt of Jill's assault was the only hint she'd gotten close to landing a hit, but Alex paid it no heed as she fired back, chewing through the mechanized suit's outer armor with every step. Rolling forward before springing to her feet in the same instant, she narrowly avoided another large, green beam, the edges of her long, pony tailed blonde hair curling away from the intense heat.

All the while as Jill rained down blows and shot towards Alex, she ranted and raved, having gone from the cold, snobby bitch to utterly pissed. "You've stood in my way since we were kids!" She screeched, an ancient support pillar crumbling beneath one of her mech's giant fists as she swung wildly, no grace or skill in her attack, which made it that much easier to avoid despite the falling debris. "You were always the favorite!" A large impact crater's left behind as she slams another fist into the hard metal deck, but Alex once again nimbly dodges away without a scratch to show for Jill's efforts. "And now here we are again, yet no matter what I try, no matter how many people I hire to stop you, you prove the better of us!" A much larger piece of pillar debris hits the side of Jill's technoorganic mech suit, and she's forced to take a knee as a near deafening CLANG rings out through the chamber. A large dent appears in the side of the mech's flesh like armored hide that immediately begins to mend itself, but more importantly, the impact insured she lost sight of her opponent.

"I didn't get spoiled and given everything I asked for." Alex replied, her voice hardly above a whisper, yet her voice still echoed and reverberated through the halls of the ancient warship. Having hacked the ship's intercom system made it possible for her to speak without having to give away her position as Jill spun the mech, thinking Alex was somewhere behind her. In truth, Alex had darted behind another support pillar, the light of her hacking program readied codex the only thing that could give her away as she speaks again. "I've fought for everything since the day I was born, Jill. You think you're the better Steele just because you've lied, cheated, and stolen everything to your name? You're smarter, but you're not wiser. You've not a clue as to what constitutes true strength."

"Don't presume to lecture me!" Jill shrieks, all semblance of control gone as she fires into the ceiling. "You don't know what it's been like to be a daughter to Maximilian Steele!"

"You're right." Alex admitted, knowing well that 'Uncle Max' had been a less than stellar parent to Jill if half of the stories she'd heard about the man were to be believed, but that didn't stop what happened next. About the same time she'd stopped speaking, Fenris jumped onto the woman's back, its powerful, razor sharp claws and jaws tearing into the dent that had only been partially repaired. "But you made your own choices, Jill. No one forced you to do all this!" Firing into the scrambling mech's back, Alex's combat drone soon joins the withering assault as rents and tears begin to form in the mechanical suit's hide. Despite twisting and firing about with every haphazard step, it becomes apparent that Jill doesn't know how to truly control her stolen suit, nor does she have any true combat skill, having relied too heavily on the merits of others rather than her own strengths, such as they were. Alex was, and would always be different, having used her experience in the Planet Rush to truly test her resolve, her convictions, while constantly improving herself every step of the way while accepting the help of those she had befriended and aided throughout her travels. It showed with how far she'd come since the start, and with how easily, even now, she tore Jill down as Fenris ripped into the vital systems beneath the mech's armor, shutting down two of its arms in the process before its remaining two grasp the robot dog around its throat.

Alex winces as Fenris is pulled apart, its metallic chassis shattering into useless scrap as the robotic dog's broken body is discarded contemptuously some distance away. Her hover drone doesn't fair much better as a stray, wild swing catches the modified drone dead center, pulverizing it like a cheap soda can under someone's boot. By then though, Alex had since clambered onto Jill's mech, using its deadened, unresponsive arms as hand and foot holds before perching herself just out of reach of its remaining arms. Aiming her gun's barrel towards the partially exposed cockpit, Alex says two little words, her tone a study in steely conviction as vibrant green eyes stare into pale blue, terrified but fury filled orbs. "Get....out."

"You-" Jill gets cut off when Alex fires, taking off most of the mech's bottom left hand, having started to raise a fist to smash Alex like a bug. Frozen like a deer in the headlights though, Jill lets her remaining 'hand' fall to her side before flipping a switch in the alien cockpit, wave after wave of unbound raven hair framing her face and shoulders following after her as she stumbles to the ground. "So you beat me again....Steele." She growls, making her last name sound like the most foul, explicit curse one could possibly imagine. "But we both know you won't hurt me."

"You've hurt my entire crew this time, Jill, and destroyed both my hover drone and Fenris. I'm very tempted to do a lot right now." Alex retorted, her voice never rising above a whisper, but even then it was clear she was having a hard time restraining herself, the muzzle of her powerful rifle just a few inches away from Jill's back. Throwing a pair of grav cuffs just ahead of her, she barks, "Put them on."

"Why? Planning to make use of them like you did with Dane back on Tarkus?" Jill spat back in her face, only to give a cry and fall to her hands and knees when Alex slams the butt of her rifle into the back of her head. Blinking, startled and bewildered by the pain radiating through her skull, Jill can only at first stare dumbly up towards the quietly furious, stone cold Alex.

"Now I'm going to tell you again, Jill. Put on....the cuffs." It was her last warning. Anno's soft groan pulls Alex's attention away as the cute ausur girl tries to push herself to her feet. It's only for a moment, but it's just long enough to give Jill an opening as she jumps to her feet, and promptly bull rushes Alex to the hard, unforgiving ground. Gun clattering away from her grasp, Alex can only just get an arm up over her face, but possessing strength neither knew she had, Jill yanks it out of her way before slamming a small, almost dainty fist into the side of Steele's head. Stars explode immediately as another punch splits her bottom lip.

Once more Jill is screaming in Alex's face with every punch, venting years of frustration, pain, and more besides. "I had everything! I was supposed to be the better Steele! So why?!" She screams, tears falling unchecked down the woman's pretty, pixie like face as she pummels Alex's face into orbit, "Why can't I win?! Why can't you notice me?! Why....?!" Unused to such physical exertions and having already exhausted herself during the fight, the pummeling doesn't last long before Jill stumbles back and away, her large DD chest heaving with every ragged, sobbing breath while Alex simply stares up at the ceiling for a few moments, her head spinning from more than the pummeling she'd just received. "I just...wanted someone to notice me...." She says again, almost as surprised as Alex at the admission as Alex pushes herself up just enough to look towards her tear stained face, her chest still rising and falling with every gulp of air, the color to her pale cheeks slow to fade.

Slowly pushing herself to her feet, Alex pays her heavily bruised and battered face only a passing thought as she picks up the cuffs before closing the distance between them. Without a word, she clamps them over Jill's wrists without further resistance, only to reach up and gingerly cup her cousin's pale cheek. "I did notice you....Jill." She replied, before pulling her cousin against her chest, letting her head fall between her own pair of ample breasts, much to her cousin's utter shock and surprise. Too emotionally exhausted and drained to care anymore, Jill breaks down, sobbing uncontrollably into Alex's chest as she beats her bound hands in an angry, pain filled staccato into Alex's powerful form. It doesn't hurt, and Alex doesn't complain or say a word as she simply holds Jill close as she vents whatever's left. Only once it's over does she feel Anno's hand on her shoulder, and Alex meets the girl's concerned gaze. "I'm...ow....I'm alright. And I think," she says, and nods to a now unconscious Jill, her cousin having passed out in her arms, "things might finally get better between us."


End Notes: Well, that was more fun than I thought it'd be. :D The next installment, whenever it comes along, will be more about Jill and Alex's shared past and what happens next once everyone's back at her ship. Don't expect them to get together for a little while at least though, especially with half of Alex's crew no doubt wanting to space Dane and Jill both for all the trouble she's caused them and half the newly discovered worlds they've both visited. Still, that'll be for later. See ya for now though and I'll try to get more for Cult of the Damned tomorrow, Saturday at the latest. I'll get a much better descript for Alex in the next chapter though, same for Jill, but for now, enjoy guys! Adios!