Race Idea: Vyrkolakas (female "vampires")


Mar 18, 2017
Not sure how to properly submit this otherwise, just a quick that came up. Little weird, but figured it easiest to just throw it out there. Feel free to correct or modify it as you see fit. Here goes:

(Vampire Surrogate)

Name: Vyrkola (singular), -kas (plural), Vampire/Vampiress (colloquial)

Sexes: Female only

Height: Varies by form

Weight: Varies by form

Average Lifespan: Centuries to Millennia

Skin: Smooth, human-like

Hair: Varies by form

Eyes: Varies by form, but always tinted pink in color

Wings: Varies by form

Homeworld: Unknown


The vyrkolakas are a race of shapeshifters, taking on a “weak, albino-like” form of whatever alien race they live amongst. As a result, their true shape in unknown, though they will most commonly appear as a human female with a slight frame and long rose- to blood-red hair when not attempting to camouflage themselves. Their only uniform trait is their telltale smooth moist skin, a pale white with a dull pearl sheen, and their pink-tinged eyes, regardless of their racial shape.

Environs Typically Inhabited

Vyrkola are exceedingly rare, only existing as a one in a billion ratio to all other races they live with, but may be found among some of the more populous civilizations, although they prefer quieter, more out of the way towns and villages.


As vyrkolakas are strictly female and take on the form of its racial disguise, the only genitals they possess is a typical vaginal slit, canal, and womb, although they will mimic the shape and structure of their form, including the abdomen and/or ovipositor of insectile races and psuedo-penile extensions for hermaphrodites in order to fit in and mask their own genitals.

Their bodies are incredibly elastic, and enjoy taking in the fluids of their lovers and being stuffed to the brim with their orgasmic meals, however this is also their curse: they can only reproduce by taking an existing being and carrying them in their womb, degenerating the individual(s) into a near embryonic form, and then reconstructing them with the genetic material they have gathered and transforming the victim into one of their own. This disturbing realization has earned them the moniker of “vampire surrogate”.

This however is misleading, as though accounts of kidnapping have been reportedly attributed to the vampires, they will often approach existing lovers or needy individuals with the proposal to be made one of the vampire’s “children”. As it happens, the vyrkolakas’s vaginal enzymes possess moderate restorative properties, restoring crippled limbs, curing arthritis, and otherwise severe but non-lethal wounds; they are incapable of regenerating amputations or otherwise nonexistent body parts, and the enzymes are nullified in their effect once they are removed from the progenitor’s womb.

A vampiress may derive simple pleasure from carry her lover in a faux pregnancy for any determinate length of time without incurring any mutations, prolonging the “baby’s” lifespan by proxy of exposure to the vampire’s own blood and enzymes acting as a catalyst to the lover’s anatomy. As a result of this, the vyrkola are a perfect surrogate for other races, and will voluteer themselves to the task in return for food and shelter, although most of their meals will consist of the parent’s cum.


The origins and discovery of the vyrkolakas is lost to time, the only limited information known being volunteered by their members to lovers and only a handful of other “trusted” sources. The working name of “vyrkolakas” was coined during the later years of the first Rush, in reference to the vampires of Greek mythos which had a similar form and function.

They are generally mysterious but tender, caring lovers but not oppressive or intrusive, satisfied to live quietly among the other races as best they can, and reproduce when possible. They are surrounded in folktales and ghost stories, and will at times perpetuate a myth for the sake of their own innocent amusement.

Character Bio Concept

Name: Jynx Morrigan

Several centuries old at least (she implies she’s much older), she first encountered the outerworlds when she was discovered by Victor Steele, during his first foray into the great unknown. He introduced her into the civilized world, acting as his consort for many years and providing what information she could in return for his kindness to her. She eventually moved on to study and explore the other races on her own, keep casual contact with Victor over the course of his career, sometimes providing private services to help prolong his health. Now that she’s met Victor’s chosen heir, she wonders of their capability to fill Victor’s shoes and make an even greater name for themselves, as well as if she will find a place at their side - to watch and enjoy.

With Steele’s initial meeting, she will invite Steele to her home for some relaxation, looping her arm through there’s as they walk down the street. Upon contact, Steele’s codex will beep a short warning that the vyrkolakas has been detected, and that they should avoid the vampire at all costs. She will respond calmly, stating that the codex was a bit rude, but only Victor’s child would have that kind of information to begin with. She will then invite them to her home again, to which Steele may choose to follow or not. Repeat invitation up to programmer discretion.

Upon her first sexual encounter, she will show off some of her race’s famed elasticity, dropping a hint as to her unbirthing Victor at times. She will not bring up the subject again until at 100% relationship, at which point Steele will inquire about her full capabilities, to which she will give a brief overview of her ability. She will offer Steele two choices: a temporary faux pregnancy (a day up to a week) and a partial transformative pregnancy (will change Steele’s features to vyrkolakas by a set percentage each time, removing a handful of any preexisting transformations in the process).

A warning will be placed at the bottom of the dialogue, stating that if Steele becomes a vyrkola too much (90-95%) the next time they transform, she will convert them completely, leading to a bad end. (Complete loss of character to vyrkolakas transformation and rebirth).

If and when the Tavros nursery is fully implemented with hireable staff, Morrigan can be approached to join as a caretaker, and with that, she will also offer to be Steele’s personal surrogate, should they need one for any of their offspring.

All standard sex options are available for her interactions per normal npc.


Well-Known Member
Oct 30, 2016
Certainly an interesting concept, but I'm pretty sure the whole "unbirthing" thing would count as a form of vore, which I'd believe is one of the big no-nos as far as fetishes go for Fenoxo games. I think I also saw vampire-like races as a whole not being highly looked upon either from what I recall seeing before on a topic that discussed this. I could be wrong though.


Well-Known Member
Jun 8, 2016
Certainly an interesting concept, but I'm pretty sure the whole "unbirthing" thing would count as a form of vore, which I'd believe is one of the big no-nos as far as fetishes go for Fenoxo games. I think I also saw vampire-like races as a whole not being highly looked upon either from what I recall seeing before on a topic that discussed this. I could be wrong though.
I'm pretty sure it DOES count in the vore category in a way unless I'm missing something. So I don't think OP should go through with that sort of thing.

Plus no to vampires. Anything that's 'magical', which is kinda what they are, are a no as well.


Well-Known Member
Oct 21, 2015
Plus no to vampires. Anything that's 'magical', which is kinda what they are, are a no as well.

I think that as they as described that they are far enough removed from mythical vampires for Fen's approval. Take out every mention of vampires and you just have albino shapeshifters. Although, removing the unbirthing and sending Fen a PM would be the best way for them to get an answer.


Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2015
So... that elasticity has my attention. Does the PC get such ability to stretch, as in, we could be like a Sparro character? Taking things twice our height and all that?


Well-Known Member
Nov 22, 2016
The most holiest of grounds
Nice idea but I agree with the others here. Remove mentions of vampires and unbirths and you'd be more or less set on having an acceptable thing in TiTS.
Maybe replace the unbirthing with some sort of constructed from the reproductive fluids flesh cocoon that the female tends to while it changes the person might be a good idea, kinda like the things that you see in the van helsing movie except it's basically a hanging vagina/womb bag.

Sorry if that painted a disturbing picture but it's more or less on the same level as the pod of CoC, or even the umbilical nymphs that are mentioned in a relatively old parasite ideas thread.