Question on content


New Member
Mar 30, 2016
What, if any, sort of forced feminization can be done to the player? I imagine there's a possibility of developing feminine features through combat loss transformations, but are there any dominant NPCs the player can come by that will feminize a male player? I'm a very big fan of the CoC prisoner mod, for instance. If there's nothing as specific as forced feminization of a male player, are there any NPCs that will fill the dominant role for a sub-focused player? Even if the initiation of the dom/sub relationship is on the part of the player themselves I'd count that. I'm not one that cares about 'spoilers' the least bit by the way, so have at it as far as I'm concerned (Unless it's against forum rules). I've only gotten as far as the 2nd probe-thingy personally.


Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2015
While there's a couple of dommes in the game, there's really only one instance of forced feminization, I think, and it's really forced feminization/bimbofication. It's a scene from Doctor Badger, if she thinks you're a hero, she turns you into a sexed up, hermaphroditic furry badger bimbo. That's about it for the PC being force femmed.

There's a little bit of content where you can contribute to the mindbreak/forceful development of appreciation for cock with Del, who's being force femmed.

Nebula Fox

Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
No combat encounter in the game will force tf the player aside from parasites (but those are there own category entirely) and the Vanae win/losses, which increase either cum production or ball size, for the rest they won't tf the player unless it's a bad-end, in which case it won't affect your PC at all because then you either have to load from a previous point or start a new game. 

There used to be a planned race, the Bothrioc (I'm pretty sure I butchered their name, but I'm on my phone right now so I can't do a quick browser search with ease) who were a drider race that would slowly feminine the player as they lost to them, bad end free, but they were never finished and therefore never implemented because their author jumped ship after some time. Aside from what me and |V| has said, there are no true forced tf's in the game, since Fen & Co. games are very much about consent (most of the time), and anything that does appear forced usually has a substantial warning screen beforehand.


Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2015
There used to be a planned race, the Bothrioc (I'm pretty sure I butchered their name, but I'm on my phone right now so I can't do a quick browser search with ease) who were a drider race that would slowly feminine the player as they lost to them, bad end free, but they were never finished and therefore never implemented because their author jumped ship after some time. 

Speaking of which, does anyone have a copy of the content for this race or is it just gone?


Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2015
possible Nonesuch has it, since he worked on a NPC for that race before he abandoned it.

Oh yeah he does, the Bothrioc Dominatrix thing. Though chances are he's not gonna be working on that for a while unless commissioned. 

Ethereal Dragon

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
true yes but it doesn't hurt to check if he has it, or if he knows anyone on the forums who might have it.


Jan 8, 2016
It's kind of funny. CoC had a lot, or at least it felt like a lot, of NPCs that dominated you or turned you into what they saw fit. Not only does TiTS not have many (outside of bad ends), but the forum reinforces it because everyone here ABSOLUTELY DESPISES it when it happens. Where's the disconnect? There's gotta be SOME people out there who liked losing to Izma or training with Kelt. The way the forum reads you'd think the only reason characters like that exist is because the authors abused their authority to get them in. Then you get the extremes like Dr. Badger, which I admittedly don't like myself because, I mean, idgaf about badgers, but then everyone universally hates her. I know the forum tends to be the vocal minority, but given that authors are all told to post their stuff here for critique and suggestions it's interesting to me to see such a hivemind in what I had assumed was a diverse community. I'm not really familiar with the furry fandom except from the outside, but it's odd to me that 95% of people on the forum hate a significant part of the content in the game(s) they play.

I guess a part of it is that you really only seek out what your specific fetish is and stick to that. Wtvr.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Forcing a tf in tits get the Fanbase all mad, "you wanna be a hero." I for one would be totally into it, after all all men must be femboys. I so want to pore Esterbloom into new Texas's  water supply. Can we make this a thing,..I want this to be a thing. I should have Steele Tech make those "Esterbombs" i been thinking up and just carpet bomb the planet.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2015
It's funny that you bring up Kelt as an example of diversity in CoC and in the same breath decry Doctor Badger's criticism, given that Kelt was one of the most contentious and hated characters in CoC when he was first released, and still isn't liked by a lot of folks. He became more acceptable to a lot of folks when you could turn the tables and turn him into Kelly. And most of the complaints about Doc Badger are that you can't turn the tables on her (though now you can - you'll notice she came up less frequently in that least favorite character thread than she would have at one time).
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Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2015
Forcing a tf in tits get the Fanbase all mad, "you wanna be a hero." I for one would be totally into it, after all all men must be femboys. I so want to pore Esterbloom into new Texas's  water supply. Can we make this a thing,..I want this to be a thing.

Soon my friend, soon... it probably won't be a thing unfortunately.


New Member
Mar 30, 2016
This sort of unwillingly transformed into an entirely new discussion, and I'm enjoying it. I guess that doesn't say much because how I'd react to something like this was sort of established in the OP, but I digress...

Yeah I'm a sub by heart which is why I'd enjoy an NPC to force me into a dom/sub relationship, but even beyond that I don't like having ultimate control over any videogame. Consequence makes things interesting, I never understood when people would play stealth games and reload every time they got caught. It genuinely baffles me, it's like reading the last page of the book before you read the first. Just odd as hell.

At any rate thanks for the quick and numerous replies! Looking forward to playing through with a sub character now!

Nebula Fox

Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
The reason people had a beef with Kelt was not because he was an asshole, or a mysogonist (although some people only hated him for those facts alone, because only the PC can be an asshole and it be alright (/s)), but because you had to interact with him many times to get the Bow and bow skill, which at the time of it's implementation was the single best ability in the game, and that interacting with him that many times usually got a lot of people bad-ends with Kelt.

Edit: I personally don't hate Kelt or Izma. Izma if you won a fight with her even once it resets her bad end counter to zero, and Kelt you never had to put out to get max bow skill if done right.

Edit upon Edit: The reason people complain about forced stuff on the TiTS subforum is because unlike CoC, TiTS is futuristic in the sense that it's no longer fuck or be fucked. Stuff like the Treatment which is basically a culture-wide female lobotomization at age 18 on New Texas disgusts so many of us because unlike CoC, this is a public place where many people visit, unlike Mareth where the demon factories were run by perverse atrocities that had others shuddering in fear.
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Mar 29, 2016
Izma's  bad end was probably my my favorite bad end. As a sub at heart I loved being her beta.


Aug 27, 2015
I think what sub players most notice is missing from TiTS is the early game in CoC, where there are loads of bad ends available and it's likely you'll get transformed/get eggs shoved up your butt if you don't know what you're doing. It's heady in a way that TiTS/late game CoC very rarely is. I wrote the brothel bad end with that in mind - something early game that if it really turned you on. and you kept going back...

In fact TiTS probably could do with someone whipping right through and adding a bunch of bad ends where feasible. Or even a "Steph" mode, where losing to stuff carries a strong chance of being TFed.


Jan 8, 2016
I think what sub players most notice is missing from TiTS is the early game in CoC, where there are loads of bad ends available and it's likely you'll get transformed/get eggs shoved up your butt if you don't know what you're doing. It's heady in a way that TiTS/late game CoC very rarely is. I wrote the brothel bad end with that in mind - something early game that if it really turned you on. and you kept going back...

In fact TiTS probably could do with someone whipping right through and adding a bunch of bad ends where feasible. Or even a "Steph" mode, where losing to stuff carries a strong chance of being TFed.

I've said this before, yeah. Early game CoC had a ton of ways for you to go wrong - minotaur caves come to mind pretty much immediately, Izma, the Factory, the level 6 tentacle monster thing in the forest, then you could buy items that would give you bad ends too. Personally I fully expected to get a bad end out of the Venus Pitchers and was surprised + disappointed to find there wasn't one. I know fen wants to write one for them, but I don't think he has the time.

If anyone wants to suggest where some bad ends might take place (like the venus pitchers, although I'll leave it up to fen as to whether he wants to write that) I'm all ears. I make abso-fucking-lutely NO guarantee that I'll actually write them because they may either not be my thing or not be suited to what I write, but I like Nonesuch's idea of doing a "bad end pass" through the game.


Aug 27, 2015
Venus pitchers is the one that immediately comes to mind. Flahne even warns you about it. Wouldn't surprise me if a bunch of newbie players are bouncing off those, vainly trying to find their bad end.

Do the vanae have one? They really should if they don't.

Nyrea huntress making you her permanent beta yes pls.


Jan 8, 2016
newbie players are bouncing off those, vainly trying to find their bad end.

That was me right there.

Took a look at the Nyrea huntress. The way the code is written it seems like it'd be easy to implement like one or two more scenes that culminate in a bad end. Just add a flag with a loss counter and when you reach X losses you get the new scene(s). Looks like @Savin wrote them though so it's up to him whether he wants other people rubbing their dirty mittens on it.
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Master Analmander
Staff member
Aug 26, 2015
Venus pitchers is the one that immediately comes to mind. Flahne even warns you about it. Wouldn't surprise me if a bunch of newbie players are bouncing off those, vainly trying to find their bad end.

Do the vanae have one? They really should if they don't.

Nyrea huntress making you her permanent beta yes pls.

Venus Pitchers really, really should have one. Shou has a ginormous VP boner, but I have failed at all attempts to get her to write it :<

Took a look at the Nyrea huntress. The way the code is written it seems like it'd be easy to implement like one or two more scenes that culminate in a bad end. Just add a flag with a loss counter and when you reach X losses you get the new scene(s). Looks like @Savin wrote them though so it's up to him whether he wants other people rubbing their dirty mittens on it.

My boner measured critical thinking supports this plan.

Though it might be a little harder to wrangle in-character when you fight a completely different random huntress each time (versus, say, the Wetraxxel who does have this sort of mechanic already). Having a unique huntress do this to you would be more boner-inducing IMO (maybe Princess Taivris before the dungeon...). Either way, though, if someone does up a nyrea-related bad end I'm all for it.

The difference between Dr. Badger and something like Kelt is that Kelt is actually a character, not a hamfisted insertion of someone's fursona


But yeah, Kelt is way better done for a variety of reasons. Chiefmost being that the player can see it coming and avoid it. Badger, you just walk in a random fucking door and suddenly "PLEASE DON'T LASER ME MISS BADGER PLS PLS NOOO."


Jan 8, 2016
My boner measured critical thinking supports this plan.

Though it might be a little harder to wrangle in-character when you fight a completely different random huntress each time (versus, say, the Wetraxxel who does have this sort of mechanic already). Having a unique huntress do this to you would be more boner-inducing IMO (maybe Princess Taivris before the dungeon...). Either way, though, if someone does up a nyrea-related bad end I'm all for it.

That Taivris thing gives me an idea. I'll see if I can write up a document for two additional loss scenes and a bad end, which can then be reworked a bit if necessary. The PC wouldn't have to actually know it was Taivris until the bad end, although that situation would have to be written so you haven't encountered Taivris yet I guess - not sure if you wanna attach the bad end solely to pre-Myrellion-conclusion, but it does make sense.


Well-Known Member
Sep 2, 2015

This was the part that annoyed me.  I wouldn't have cared one way or the other about her otherwise, and probably would have gotten bimboed once just to see what it did, but that really rubbed me the wrong way.


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Moscow, RF
Let me hop on-board the passing Badger Hate Train for a sec: that bitch doesn't have a common decency to make your character into a proper bimbo and give them perks that would allow for bimbo RP in other scenes.

As far as Bad End(?) suggestions go, all I really want is for Vanae ones to make it into the game, and for Naleen Huntress to have one.

 Or even a "Steph" mode, where losing to stuff carries a strong chance of being TFed.

Something like that would be nice, both as a separate feature and as an addition to any Hard Mode that I hope TiTS will have one day. Maybe throw in a 'Submit' combat option and appropriate blurbs into the former?


Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2015
Do the vanae have one? They really should if they don't.

Jim wrote two-three bad ends, that were good ends in a way, but weren't implemented. If I remember correctly, losing to a Vanae too many times would have you enslaved as a breeding slave, lots of incest with your daughters ahoy. While if you're vanae enough they make you join them as a member of the tribe if you lose enough times, and you eventually became a Queen and took over a good chunk of the planet uniting the many tribes of Vanae together.

There would have also been another bad end if you were a vanae male, which Jim was going to add a tf to turn you into the extinct male form of the species, which would have had its own bad end.

Lots of bad ends for the Vanae, but with Jim gone they probably won't get added sadly. Though the first two should be pretty much finished, or at least that's how I remember it, wonder if anyone save the gdocs.


Jan 8, 2016
So here's the preliminary writing for a follow-up on that Nyrean Alpha thing.

Just the first part of the first scene, ends right before the Alpha chooses your ass or womb (or throat, if you're an asshole and got rid of your genitals in between being fucked by her and this scene). I figure I'd submit it for critique early because I'm using someone else's characters and I'd rather find out something is wrong now than after writing 3,000 words.

I was considering writing a more ador(k)able route for the Beta too, wherein you submit to her to the point she gains confidence having made a breeder out of an offworlder and becomes an Alpha, keeping you as the first in her harem. That will probably come after. Thoughts though? I reckon it could be cute. I don't think there's any sub content where the sub is the one driving the encounters (until they aren't, in this case).

Couple of questions, too. The Nyrea identify boys as the members of their race that inseminate young with sperm sacs, right? Just holding eggs is not an exclusive trait to either sex. So how weird is it that she might call a male PC a girl? Is it feasible for her to have learned the difference (honestly, probably not because PCs are so diverse) since your initial meetings between the sexes for the sake of calling a player what they want to be called?

Also, I just reread the Princess bad end and now I'm less sure of the characterisation. She's entitled and demanding, so she probably wouldn't act nicely at all to someone she considers so far beneath her. Then again, if she considers you a member of her harem already maybe she does? Dunno, maybe I'll rewrite it to be harsher or to put more emphasis on learning your place.
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Aug 27, 2015
So here's the preliminary writing for a follow-up on that Nyrean Alpha thing.

Set it to comments rather than view only, my good man.

I was considering writing a more ador(k)able route for the Beta too, wherein you submit to her to the point she gains confidence having made a breeder out of an offworlder and becomes an Alpha, keeping you as the first in her harem. That will probably come after. Thoughts though? I reckon it could be cute. I don't think there's any sub content where the sub is the one driving the encounters (until they aren't, in this case).

I agree, that would be adorable, and I demand you write it.

(or throat, if you're an asshole and got rid of your genitals in between being fucked by her and this scene)

You really don't have to worry about catering to neuters. If they don't have genitals they can't get the bad end, it's that simple.

Couple of questions, too. The Nyrea identify boys as the members of their race that inseminate young with sperm sacs, right? Just holding eggs is not an exclusive trait to either sex. So how weird is it that she might call a male PC a girl? Is it feasible for her to have learned the difference (honestly, probably not because PCs are so diverse) since your initial meetings between the sexes for the sake of calling a player what they want to be called?

Call a spade a spade. Nyrean gender is a total rabbit hole and not worth trying to figure out or confuse the reader with for the sake of this.

Also, I just reread the Princess bad end and now I'm less sure of the characterisation. She's entitled and demanding, so she probably wouldn't act nicely at all to someone she considers so far beneath her. Then again, if she considers you a member of her harem already maybe she does? Dunno, maybe I'll rewrite it to be harsher or to put more emphasis on learning your place.

Taivra is a royal and supposed to be a bitch, though. It's fair to assume nyrea who go around hunting for betas are significantly less entitled. I think the tone you've so far set for the Huntress is fine.


Jan 8, 2016
Whoops, set it to commentable.

Set it to comments rather than view only, my good man.

I agree, that would be adorable, and I demand you write it.

You really don't have to worry about catering to neuters. If they don't have genitals they can't get the bad end, it's that simple.

Call a spade a spade. Nyrean gender is a total rabbit hole and not worth trying to figure out or confuse the reader with for the sake of this.

Taivra is a royal and supposed to be a bitch, though. It's fair to assume nyrea who go around hunting for betas are significantly less entitled. I think the tone you've so far set for the Huntress is fine.

I'm probably just gonna make the neuter scene pretty short and brutally rough. I feel like there's a subsection of subs that'd enjoy the scene, and I'm not sure how to cater to a neutered PC (what do they want??? WHY ARE THEY HERE) so that's how I'm going to deal with it.

As for the royal thing, I bring that up because I was intending to "reveal" that the huntress is Taivris in the vein of Savin's comment:

Having a unique huntress do this to you would be more boner-inducing IMO (maybe Princess Taivris before the dungeon...). Either way, though, if someone does up a nyrea-related bad end I'm all for it.

In this situation the PC would never actually figure out who she was (unless they have prior knowledge) until the bad end, at which point they're brought back to the palace. But at that point the PC wouldn't care that she's a queen, only that she's their queen. So it would be more for the player to infer than having it explained to Steele.
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