Question about the cybernetics available on Dhaal


Well-Known Member
Jul 16, 2017

Could someone tell me what each of the currently available cybernetics do and how much they cost?
Normally I would just check the wiki but their only listed entry is for their item names and nothing else about them.

Also, is there a limit to how many of these cybernetics can be installed to your Steele's body?



Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2017

Could someone tell me what each of the currently available cybernetics do and how much they cost?
Normally I would just check the wiki but their only listed entry is for their item names and nothing else about them.

Also, is there a limit to how many of these cybernetics can be installed to your Steele's body?

The limit is one utility and one combat.

I'll edit this when I get the part shop on Dhaal give me a few.

They're all 30k credits. That doesn't cover the cost of inspection and installation.


Dang it, didn't see that you wanted to know what they did to!

Combat Parts:
Reflex Turner: +10 Reflexes, - 5 Intelligence, Increases Reflex gain, Lowers thickness over time
Roid Aug: +10 Physique, -5 Willpower, increase tone over time
Stable Sys: +10 Aim, -5 Physique, reduces tone toward 50 over time
Sub CPU: +10 Intelligence, -5 Reflexes
Sens Damp: +5 Willpower, -5 Libido, -5 Aim
BreedNBrute: +10 Physique after having p in v sex
BBLS: +4 Defense
Combat Tail: Auto attack like drone, benefits from drone perks

Okay, now the utility parts:

ProstitutePro: Control if you want to have a vaginal preg
E Englargers: Control breast size for multiple rows of boobs, up to four rows
Lact Inducers: Control breast milk
Synth Womb: +8000% incubation speed, +400% fertility

DONE. That was an inconvenience:ghost:
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Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2017
You are welcome. Also, the chick that sells the stuff, you can totally bone. (^_-)


Well-Known Member
Jul 16, 2017
Since I now have an idea on what these cybernetics do, I have follow up questions:

1). Reflex Turner lowers thickness over time - how far does it lower it? (Noticed that a couple of the cybernetics raise or lower tone as well - any idea far it goes?)
2). Does the Combat Tail replace your attack drone if you have one? (I ask cause it would be a go to pick for Drone Tech Specialist as another addition attack)
3). How long does the buff from Breed'n Brute last?

Is there any must have or go to cybernetics for each of the available classes?


Active Member
Aug 10, 2020
Since I now have an idea on what these cybernetics do, I have follow up questions:

1). Reflex Turner lowers thickness over time - how far does it lower it? (Noticed that a couple of the cybernetics raise or lower tone as well - any idea far it goes?)
2). Does the Combat Tail replace your attack drone if you have one? (I ask cause it would be a go to pick for Drone Tech Specialist as another addition attack)
3). How long does the buff from Breed'n Brute last?

I've been messing with some of the Cybernetics, and I hope they add more in the future as the Utilitiy ones are... more designed with females in mind and you're only limited to one cybernetic for each category

1) Haven't used it yet. but I assume it will lower thickness to the minimum at least. I forgot where that limit is but yeah, my Steele tends to work out a lot so no real notice.

2) the Tail is it's own separate thing, so you actually get two drone attacks. The Tail is a melee attack though (obviously) so if your opponent does something like fly far enough to avoid melee, then it won't be able to strike.

3) Breed n' Brute lasts for 16 hours I think, not long enough for my tastes. I switched back to the tail immediately


Well-Known Member
Nov 8, 2018
Could someone tell me what each of the currently available cybernetics do and how much they cost?
Normally I would just check the wiki but their only listed entry is for their item names and nothing else about them.
The in-game tooltips tell you exactly what they do. Are you not on Dhaal, yet?

Combat Parts:
Reflex Turner: +10 Reflexes, - 5 Intelligence, Increases Reflex gain, Lowers thickness over time
Roid Aug: +10 Physique, -5 Willpower, increase tone over time
Stable Sys: +10 Aim, -5 Physique, reduces tone toward 50 over time
Sub CPU: +10 Intelligence, -5 Reflexes
Sens Damp: +5 Willpower, -5 Libido, -5 Aim
BreedNBrute: +10 Physique after having p in v sex
BBLS: +4 Defense
Combat Tail: Auto attack like drone, benefits from drone perks
It's a little more complicated than that.
The increases/decreases over time seem be 1 point at midnight.

BreedNBrute: Lasts for 2 hours. It's fairly specific, doesn't count sex with Siegwulfe. Time starts counting on orgasm. Some scenes have a long inactive period afterward, reducing the effective time.

Ballistic Breast Liners: Also increases top breast row 1 size, does not count for Milk capacity.

Combat Tail cannot attack flyers.

ProstitutePro: Control if you want to have a vaginal preg
E Englargers: Control breast size for multiple rows of boobs, up to four rows
Lact Inducers: Control breast milk

Synth Womb: +8000% incubation speed, +400% fertility

Prostitute Pro: Effectively disables natural vaginal pregnancies. Restores Energy after taking a load vaginally, depending on volume. May or may not prevent implanted pregnancies, I haven't tested.

Ecstasy Enlargers: Increases breast size by 1/orgasm. Lasts four hours. Also apparently increases Libido at certain size thresholds, but I wasn't in a position to test that easily.

Lactation Inducers: Increases "Milk, Production Training" stat. Has diminishing returns. If it's already high enough, you won't see any benefit. If you have a perk that stops you from losing Production Training, you could use these to jack it up to whatever the effective maximum is, then uninstall for something else, I suppose.

Synth Womb*: +800% incubation speed. Has an 'app' for the Codex that allows you to toggle at will either the 400% bonus or all Fertility entirely.
*Edit: Not Prostitute Pro, obviously.

1). Reflex Turner lowers thickness over time - how far does it lower it? (Noticed that a couple of the cybernetics raise or lower tone as well - any idea far it goes?)
2). Does the Combat Tail replace your attack drone if you have one? (I ask cause it would be a go to pick for Drone Tech Specialist as another addition attack)
3). How long does the buff from Breed'n Brute last?

Is there any must have or go to cybernetics for each of the available classes?
1. Thickness can decrease all the way to 0. Tone goes up to 100 and down to 50.
2. As FerrusAxel said, it's separate from your default Drone. It also doesn't count for the Shield penalty from Drone Accessories.
3. Already covered this, but 2 hours. Not nearly enough, in my opinion.

Default for classes?
Cybernetic Processor (or Combat Tail) for Tech Specialists. As Kinetic damage, it's not particularly useful vs Shields or heavy Armor. In two cases, it's actually worse for melee Tech Specialists (Storm Lancer & Milk Thief) because they start flying when hit with a melee attack. It really should allow hitting flying enemies if Steele can hit them with melee attacks, but it doesn't.
Otherwise, whatever buffs your attack stat.

Steroidal Muscle Augment decreases Will by 5, but for Mercenaries the +10 Physique gives +2 Will, partially offsetting the penalty.
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Well-Known Member
Prostitute Pro: +800% incubation speed. Has an 'app' for the Codex that allows you to toggle at will either the 400% bonus or all Fertility entirely.
You mean the Synth-Womb. The toggle's options are Deactivate (completely infertile), Normalize (whatever you normally have) and Fertility (the default, which gives the +400% Fertility advertised and ignores everything that prevents you from getting pregnant).

Also, the stat boosts/penalties affect the maximum of those stats by the same amount.


Well-Known Member
Nov 8, 2018
You mean the Synth-Womb.

Also, the stat boosts/penalties affect the maximum of those stats by the same amount.
You're right. I wish this forum had a strike-through feature.

There currently seems to be a bug with stat penalties: They seem to be applied twice when increasing the stat. You can use stored points to Max-5, but when you leave the screen, you have max -10. Training can't get past max -10, either.

Also, Prostitute Pro and Synthwomb (Deactivate) seem to also prevent Cunt-Tails from laying eggs.
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