Question about giving Saendra Credits


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Moscow, RF
She was born to Black Void, and raised by Miriam Bragga's parents, they were practically sisters. She was going to be her second-in-command. Then she got her hands on the treasure map and promptly ditched her foster parents, her foster sister, and (one is forced to presume) most of her friends, so she could keep the treasure for herself (because apparently the cut for the XO wasn't enough).

We don't have enough information to know for sure that Saen's unwillingness to share the booty had been her main reason for leaving. At least if we only consider what have beenn revealed to the PC in-game thus far.

Fully Automated

Well-Known Member
Oct 11, 2015
True enough, she doesn't give any explanation of why she nicked the map, just that she did. Consider, though, that even if she had other reasons for leaving, she did take the map, knowing the Black Void would come looking for it.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Makes one wonder what, exactly, that treasure of hers is. Maybe it's not just spess gold...

Vault full of brainwashed puppysluts, that will treat the first person to open said vault as master/mistress forever and beyond that? ;) Oh and they all ofc sitting on tons of spess gold too :p


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
So overall I'm not opposed, careful about it, okay, Savin?  Doing interesting things is fun and good, but going too far will likely make people who do like Saen more than I do, and thus the people most likely to see the content, unhappy.  Our goal shouldn't be to make people unhappy.  Myrellion served as a bit of a wake-up call for me on that.

>Not forcing feels onto people

I could go either way

Besides most players who think with their sex bits would look past it and just try to get back in her pants >_>


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
She won't take charity, so how about a guilt trip? "I helped you save your friend, now the least you could do to repay me is to TAKE MY MONEY!" Backwards as hell, but it might just work?

"Look, I'd really rather not have saving one life lead to the death of another.  The least you can do is set my mind at ease and not go out there in an old tub that could sink at any time.  Just take the money."


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
"Look, I'd really rather not have saving one life lead to the death of another.  The least you can do is set my mind at ease and not go out there in an old tub that could sink at any time.  Just take the money."

And then pay me back with interest later Ahahaha!


New Member
Oct 6, 2015
Nice, wouldn't have thought to get that much response for my question, thanks everyone ^_^

"Look, I'd really rather not have saving one life lead to the death of another.  The least you can do is set my mind at ease and not go out there in an old tub that could sink at any time.  Just take the money."

And then pay me back with interest later Ahahaha!

This story what I wish for christmas present :D
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May 17, 2016
How does one go about getting her to use Throbb? I have it in my inventory but its grayed out.


May 17, 2016
Felt like a waste to leave a good corpse at the end of google.
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balitz Method

Well-Known Member
Aug 13, 2016
I'm not opposed, careful about it, okay, Savin?  Doing interesting things is fun and good, but going too far will likely make people who do like Saen more than I do, and thus the people most likely to see the content, unhappy.  Our goal shouldn't be to make people unhappy.  Myrellion served as a bit of a wake-up call for me on that.

Eh, I like the idea of some choices in who to trust or who you're going to throw money at coming back to bite you. She -is- a pirate and honestly there -should- be some content where people who're thinking with their D throw money at a waifu only to find out that they not only have a lifu but also the sense to take advantage of someone naive enough to think that showering someone with gene mods or money or generosity could never possibly turn out badly.


Aug 26, 2015
Felt like a waste to leave a good corpse at the end of google.


Eh, I like the idea of some choices in who to trust or who you're going to throw money at coming back to bite you. She -is- a pirate and honestly there -should- be some content where people who're thinking with their D throw money at a waifu only to find out that they not only have a lifu but also the sense to take advantage of someone naive enough to think that showering someone with gene mods or money or generosity could never possibly turn out badly.

We really don't need to revive this discussion.

Ethereal Dragon

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Now lets step back and let this thread sink back into the abyss of obscurity or better yet have someone lock it.