Question about dreams


New Member
Sep 14, 2015
Question about dreams Hello! I have a question, it's certainly not a bug, but still - what determines the appearance of the erotic dreams of the main character, about how he / she got home, and then there is a sex scene with his father or mother. What influences this a dream? that the cause of his appearance? the first time it is short, the second time or more, the scene becomes more prolonged. No matter how I tried, I never saw that influences dreams - the amount of corruption, fatigue, strength, intelligence, lust, or something else?

Thanks in advance...

Pale Night


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
One of mine keeps having dreams about impregnating centaurs, so i think have horse cocks will influence that


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
The dream of home is a scripted event that always happens after a certain amount of time has past.  It changes based on what your current level of corruption is, but unless you've gotten a lot of corruption really fast, you'll almost always get the pure variation.

The regular erotic dreams come up based on random chance, with the higher your libido and corruption scores the more likely they are to happen.  The actual dream you get is based on your current corruption level, your sex, and your racial scores.  Ex: High corruption leads to dreams about being a demon factory sex slave.  A high horse score while having a dick can lead to dreams about impregnating female centaurs.