Question about Attributes


New Member
Aug 10, 2019
So I was looking at the character's attributes, and I noticed the main character seems to have lower average stats than all companions.
I checked them all at level 4 (the current cap), and indeed, the mc has a stat total of 51, while all companions have 55 except for Atugia who has 56.

Its not really a big deal, but I guess the rpg maniac in me couldn't let it go, so I wanted to know if this was on purpose or if its something that might get patched at some point. Like I said, I know its a small thing but us who obsess over stats in rpgs always get bothered by this kind of thing :p


Master Analmander
Staff member
Aug 26, 2015
It's intentional. NPCs can't use the same gear the PC can, and if you aren't running them manually their AI isn't particularly brilliant, so they have a handicap to make up for it.


New Member
Aug 10, 2019
Ah, I see. Thank you for the answer.
I guess that makes sense, though its still a bit hard to see any non-warrior PC always have less HP than even Berwyn or Etheryn, or how being a warrior and upgrading toughness every level is the only way for him/her to keep up with your white mage's HP :p