PSI/Psy/Space Magicks


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Moscow, RF
So I've lurked around the main TiTS forum and Ideas sub-forum, as well as the wiki, and didn't see any topic about it. Would any of the people in the know kindly point me towards any publicly available information about it? 

Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
They aren't implemented yet.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Parasites can do ANYTHING. Melt planes, make you invisible, end world hunger, do your laundry. Fuck. It's the bees knees. A parasite can probably give bees knees.

Can I have some of those parasites? I would like to give my bees some knees. I am tired of looking at there straggly legs trying to hold up there bodies and failing half the time. I would like them to also give the bees absurdly large breasts just for the joy of looking at the of course.


Aug 26, 2015
Nah, not parasites--bacteria... of the Midi-chlorian variety... blargh.

Probably better as a learned technique through long periods of training or a genetic trait, or a mix of both (take this injection with horny side effects, do these exercises while attempting to control your horniness, learn all these cool powers during the training process, YOU ARE NOW A PSIONIC MASTER JEDI). Parasitic or bacterial lifeforms might be an easy cop-out however.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Parasite or implants...hard choice which with more 'omph' factor one way.


Aug 26, 2015
There's all sorts of plausible methods.  I included one in the post-Uveto set of gear in the Fantasia Foundry: you get an experimental headband that nullifies enemy psionics by absorbing the energy of them, with the side effect that it gradually leaks the absorbed energy and turns you psychic as well, basically a nethicite awakening.  Manisha's species has microscopic savicite crystals embedded in their cells.

We just need what the rules will be before any of these concepts can be given much depth.

Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
But what about sexual parasites? Preferably nothing that mentions the word "brain tissue"; I don't know about you guys but anything "medical" or "sterile" kills it for me.

Also, psionic stuff hits my hypno (both giving and receiving) fetish so...

fen pls
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Not that I totaly indiscretly throwing another idea but simple TF for psionic-capable race won't be bad path to get what we talk about here ^^ (But then I for 101% sure Xenogen would fast put their 'upper appendixes' on this item not allowing it leak outside military access level places)


Aug 26, 2015
You could always develop it for your own company's biotech division instead of giving Xenogen yet more free multibillion-credit products.

Which reminds me that I need to finish Lessau.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Moscow, RF
So nothing concrete about the mechanics at the moment, and a bunch of ideas floating around. Nice to know, thanks guys.

There is one more thing though: PSI in the lore of TiTS' currently known major races. Anything at all regarding that? Do they have some potential and/or knowledge about it even being a thing?

Might as well throw another couple of ideas here - a sapient race all members of which naturally form a 'field' of PSI with it's strength being proportional to their numbers, with some individual members can harness and use(possibly by tripping their balls off on some mind enhancing drug); a planet that has all or most of its lifeforms PSI-capable and interconnected.

But what about sexual parasites? Preferably nothing that mentions the word "brain tissue"; I don't know about you guys but anything "medical" or "sterile" kills it for me.

Also, psionic stuff hits my hypno (both giving and receiving) fetish so...

fen pls

I take it neither V-Ko's nor glorious Professor McAllister's scene did't do it for you? Pity. I myself find medical science and/or SCIENCE! stuff a major turn on. Franken Fran ftw.

Regardless, what's wrong with the good old 'normal' hypnosis? It apparently can work wonders in TiTS, not to mention all the technical help one can get in this endeavor. 

Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
Those scenes are fine, not at all what I was referring to. On the previous forums the idea of a parasite that actually got into your brain was brought up and it was uhh, kind of creepy. H-Manga does it all the time.

Nothing wrong with regular hypnosis, I just figured we may as well use psionics to do it. So far only Elder Venus Pitchers and Dr. Lane have those kinds of scenes.

Ethereal Dragon

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Think this sort of thing was brought up before when a bunch of us over on the old forums brought up some of the magical races like Elves a while back, Space Elves (Eldar-ish like race)


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
There is one more thing though: PSI in the lore of TiTS' currently known major races. Anything at all regarding that? Do they have some potential and/or knowledge about it even being a thing?

For now none of them meantion of tose possibilities of some of their race members turning out to be psionics. Will their ever be like that...that Fen and Co call (thou I faster would suspect see some new race/subrace that can have natural occuring psionics).

Might as well throw another couple of ideas here - a sapient race all members of which naturally form a 'field' of PSI with it's strength being proportional to their numbers, with some individual members can harness and use(possibly by tripping their balls off on some mind enhancing drug); a planet that has all or most of its lifeforms PSI-capable and interconnected.

Hahah somehow I though almost instantly about Protoss when read this part ^^ (Not that I seen once some really interesting pic of female chara that was looking like cross of Protoss, Zerg and Terran)
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Aug 26, 2015
There are no plans that I'm aware of for the existing playable races to have natural psions, but it's likely that some are more receptive to methods of psionic awakening than others, much like Dane notes himself to be one of the rare few who can control four arms with the same ease as two.  Ceria also notes an unusual compatibility ratio with Sylvanol.

Several of Uveto's races will be naturally psionic, as are some existing races.  Steele may be able to gain an awakening through a simple transformation into those races, but it's also possible that something extra will also be required.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Moscow, RF
There are no plans that I'm aware of for the existing playable races to have natural psions, but it's likely that some are more receptive to methods of psionic awakening than others, much like Dane notes himself to be one of the rare few who can control four arms with the same ease as two.  Ceria also notes an unusual compatibility ratio with Sylvanol.

Several of Uveto's races will be naturally psionic, as are some existing races.  Steele may be able to gain an awakening through a simple transformation into those races, but it's also possible that something extra will also be required.

I'm not sure what to make out of the marked part. Could you you please elaborate? 

But in any case, since Uveto is an already established colony, U.G.C. is at least aware of Psi being a thing and probably looks into it, either by itself or via some corporate proxy.

Hahah somehow I though almost instantly about Protoss when read this part ^^ (Not that I seen once some really interesting pic of female chara that was looking like cross of Protoss, Zerg and Terran)

That's strange, since I'm pretty sure that Protoss represent neither things I've mentioned. I was sure that it'd easy to figure out waaarght was one of two major inspirations behind the first idea. The second idea had been popularized at some point by that damn avatar movie, but I stick to Harrison's version.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Yeah, psi-parasites you can get are almost certainly going to be a thing. 

When you said this, I was immediately thinking of the parasites that got into Fry on Futurama because he ate a gas station sandwich. Although, I don't know how parasites can really work in this game, since we have those medical bots in our system that are supposed to cleanse you.

Several of Uveto's races will be naturally psionic, as are some existing races.  Steele may be able to gain an awakening through a simple transformation into those races, but it's also possible that something extra will also be required.

I wouldn't like to have one particular transformation be the deciding factor for determining psychic abilities. I want my psychic puppy slut or psychic kitty or psychic kyuubi, darnit!


Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2015
I wouldn't like to have one particular transformation be the deciding factor for determining psychic abilities. I want my psychic puppy slut or psychic kitty or psychic kyuubi, darnit!

In the past, Fen and co have said that there's going to be multiple ways to get psychic powers once they're put in game. So psychic race/TF would be more along the lines of "and if you TF into this, you get psychic powers without having to hunt down the brain buff parasite/bother to do this quest line to get them/etc!"


Sep 14, 2015
Alright, so another question is: does your psychic powers level up with your character? like it has it's own EXP bar to progress and unlock more powerful abilities. Or is it just "Hey, your a psychic now, here's your 1 or 2 abilities!" and that's that?


Aug 26, 2015
Nobody knows.  If we keep the XCOM system the most sensible thing would be for psionics to be its own three or four-level track that gains experience from use in the same manner as teases, but Fen has written exactly nothing about the mechanics so until they're done we have no way of knowing what they'll be like.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Moscow, RF
When you said this, I was immediately thinking of the parasites that got into Fry on Futurama because he ate a gas station sandwich. Although, I don't know how parasites can really work in this game, since we have those medical bots in our system that are supposed to cleanse you.

We already have some macroscopic parasites, and due to their settings, the micro-surgeons inside Captain Steele don't react to them. So the parasites in question will probably either be considered beneficial and ignored by default, or we'll have to make a choice via Codex interfacing with the surgeon bots.  


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
I'd like to voice my abhorrence at the very thought of having a special XP bar or levelling system for psychic powers.

IMO, it should be a few abilities you can learn that rely on an existing primary stat like willpower, that directly inflicts lust damage using the lust damage (Psychic) type, acting as an alternate form of tease. 
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Aug 26, 2015
Ew, no.  Direct lust damage is exactly the one thing I don't want psionics to do outside of maybe one power.  And even then I don't want it to do that.  We already have a system in place for the player to inflict lust damage on enemies regardless of what equipment they're carrying, and doing so while helping to set the mood for the following victory sex at that.  "You assault your target with visions of lust!" is basically the same as CoC's Arousing Aura, also known as literally the least arousing perk in the game.  Psionic abilities should be augmenting existing class capabilities or providing new options, not doing exactly the same thing as an existing mechanic all characters already get.

Similarly I don't want a power that's just "you fire Mind Bullets at the opponent and they take X damage".  A power that lets you slow the target's movement speed so their Aim and Reflexes are reduced for a few turns, now that's something new and interesting.